Fun fun fun
i hope i can sort out this Network Controller Problem by then :S
I can't wait
GoodJob FA.
Soooo I would guess I would get DQ'ed if I just blasted the bunch of ya with an AoE death strike?Happy holidays " width="15" height="15" />
Soooo I would guess I would get DQ'ed if I just blasted the bunch of ya with an AoE death strike?
Happy holidays " width="15" height="15" />
9mm.. lets work something out.. u can be icognito.. and we can own them all..
Wait this is a public post.. i thought it was a PM
Just a reminder to you guys. Keep time stamped screen shots of all your FA kills, also put as many pictures in one post as you can. It's easier to tally up the kills, if they are all kept together, instead of 30 posts spread all over the boards. Thanks
OH! Damnit, Broin. You didn't give me a heads up. I would have hurried up and gotten to 50 so that I could pay you back for those 60 kills, you l33t, Hax/DOT's, Machine-hunting maniac....Oh well. I still have Rogan to shoot at ./load patcher*shrugs* Maybe next year :O-Bru Man
LOL... I would've of but I've been kept out of game because I had a system crash and basically rebuilt the whole thing.... AGAIN
I'll be up and running by tomorrow night though so I won't be missing any of the festivities
This mean Boombye will be making a non-level 50 appearance as well?
"Today is our time of vengeance!"
It wouldn't be a FA challenge without a riddle... If you solve it you can find us here.
So when we see the liquid metal fall, which chemists by the name of Hermes call
Er, like I said ingame...I was really looking forward to this event. However, due to location, lag, and a number of ingame mechanics that simply make it came across as unfun and cheap (on part of the defenders). A. It's impossible to timestamp everything in PvP, let alone get your own kill without another stealing...and B. Come on, the location?
Anyway, kudos for trying. Events normally revolve around all parties having fun, keep that in mind.