Effective immediately, I will no longer initiate any sort of hostile activity towards any member of EPN.
Although I do not have the authority to initiate truces myself, since I am not the commander of this faction, it is my strong opinion that our mutual interests are about to run concurrently.
I am making my stance known to my factionmates at Les Enfants Terribles. All I've talked to thus far seem fine with the idea but again the choice is strictly voluntary on their part. However, even if they were to disagree with my stance it shouldn't effect things really, since we generally don't initiate hostilities in the first place unless there is a good reason or if we are attacked first. So yes, my stance is indeed informal, but I felt it important to put it out there for the record.
Where is this coming from? you may ask. Honestly, this is just an instinct on my part, reinforced by an insight I recently had.
In addition, I am extremely curious about the fact that the trail of Miss E. has suddenly gone warm again....after all this time. Something is up and and I want to take a step back and watch it unfold unmolested. To quote Mon Patron:
"Let us see where this goes."