Heylas Devs,
I've had an issue for a long time (since stress test 2) with the female medium build's dreadlocks. Right where there should be a cowlick in the back of the head on top and to the left a bit, there lies a misplaced vertice! It goes straight through the brain. Is there any chance of it getting fixed? I don't know if I'm the first to bring this up but it would be nice to see it fixed. I know since I last complained to management about it there was a different company running things, so maybe you guys will be able to do something about it. Anyways, I look forward to your response!
There are no more Devs, sorry.
Gerik wrote:
Post of the year.
GypsyJuggler wrote:
Gerik wrote:There are no more Devs, sorry.Post of the year.
Press this button to alert a dev who will get right to you within one business day.
Villemar_MxO wrote:
haha took a few presses for me to realise there is no dev? .....
Insert sarcasm here! haha
WTB dev.