Chuui you of all people have been here long enough to know that beta is still very much with us :smileytongue:
Im only kidding. So far things are looking pretty rosy in the Mega City and also on the forums in general. Anyone taking bets on how long the general euphoria is gonna last? Heh heh
I Think Brenlo just Became walrus-lvl in Coolness
and walrus is at the top of the walrus-lvl list
Brenlo wrote:Ashlanne, who is normally with EQ, will be helping Walrus and I out for the next few days.
Yes that was me. I had a higher level, however the old MXO forums used your most played character as your handle and I needed to be Brenlo, so I deleted that character and remade Brenlo. I will be in game off and on, saying hello and having fun.
No worries on getting me killed Chuui, I die alot anyway =)
Message Edited by Brenlo on 08-16-2005 11:31 AM