It's nice to see the mechs do well. Now if only they could translate that to actual day to day server presence i think Vector would be better for it.
((Yeah, that'd be ideal.))
Well, I hope Beirns ego took a pounding after that; his overconfidence was his downfall.
It's a shame i missed it.It's nice to see the mechs do well. Now if only they could translate that to actual day to day server presence i think Vector would be better for it.
I liked that event, Mervs need to put up a better fight next time, though.Also,Ow.
Hanzyl and Gretyl wrote:It's a shame i missed it.It's nice to see the mechs do well. Now if only they could translate that to actual day to day server presence i think Vector would be better for it.The Machines are all *too* lucky we weren't there.
Suxs when this happens, lag out end up in il then die I knew thats all that would happen to me, just lag out all the time, 512 meg ftl rofl but i gotta say, its quite a kl pic he he pity i'm already dead