Two year old bug fixes are far more important than rah-rah events. I am glad that time will be spent on that.
To be honest, I wasn't very impressed by the Anniversary Event last year. I don't say that to be a jerk, but it appears that this Event business is just an irritating hassle to the MXO team. Perhaps you could consider ditching it next year, or at least putting that concept to a vote. I think most of us would much rather see some story-related thing happen somewhere near the anniversary date, rather than some related theme that never really plays itself out fully.
Hopefully, the Anniversary Event will be a good way to break a fully staffed LESIG 2.0 in.
Based on all of the recent PvP tournaments, all builds are pretty balanced. As a matter of fact, the tree with the most successes in PvP is a certain gun build. So why are you thinking MKT is overpowered? Fix the timers so that you can't stack neuro. Make sure knives work in interlock. There ya go. What's with all this family timer crap? What am I gonna do for the 8 seconds it is gonna take between each of my attacks? I don't have a melee or gun attack worth using as MKT. I mean, I guess I'll save some IS, since MKT drains IS like no tomorrow and I have to wear all IS clothing and give up my entire resistance. Please consider ALL the factors in your testing the balance...besides the screwy interlock and complaints of not being able to use CTRL ALT to instantly escape, knife thrower is balanced. When I run into someone who knows what they are doing, it's always a close fight.
I guess I'll just wait for the patch and then start the feedback...
thats great about all the bug fixs, and that the disguise puts you into spy style. Just a few more additions before the update comes out and it should be fantastic. Maybe get the disguise to drop once you receive damage?
And lets take a crack at those NPC's who seem to sploit every chance they get with there no-timer interlocking and free fire through walls.
Everything else is spot on and if the lag in DT is fixed i think this game can finally start to be promoted to the world again.
Yay for no slowness Downtown!!! =) (I love to do all my missions downtown ^^)
Well I loooooved the blue sky anniversary event! And even though there probably won't be anything like that again I am sure I will love this one too! I can't wait =P
The Matrix Online Turns 01 on March 22!
Hopefully we see luggables in effect on the anniversary event.