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Remove Armor Piercing tags
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Femme Fatale

Joined: Nov 29, 2006
Messages: 232

I thought i saw with the recent big Gun Update that the useless "Armor Piercing" tags were going to be removed from the guns in the game.

They are still on such items as the Lancet/Needler/Stinger, Chastity, The Party favor, Heirloom revolver, and Elmore's Automatic.

I am also curious if these items have been "re-balanced". One presumes that the Armor Piercing was originally a feature that enhanced these guns. Since it is no longer functional, was any change made to compensate for this loss of value? As example, it appears to be the only upgrade on the Chastity Rifle, other than expanded range.

On a related note, there is still at least one ability, Concealed Shot in the Sniper tree, that lists Armor Piercing as a feature. This should be removed, and the Ab rebalanced if neccessary. Any other weapons or abs out there that list this?


Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 28, 2005
Messages: 519
Location: Australia

Rebalance an ability? I'm sure they're happy to remove some text from the tool tip, but changing the way abilities work? ...LOL.

Perceptive Mind

Joined: Sep 29, 2006
Messages: 680

What should be changed: Concealed shot has an animation, it's very short. But you can see it, it should be given to Snipershot, as well.

Femme Fatale

Joined: Nov 29, 2006
Messages: 232

Hank_22 wrote:
Rebalance an ability? I'm sure they're happy to remove some text from the tool tip, but changing the way abilities work? ...LOL.

Uhh.. actually just a few months ago they changed the fact that Hyper-Deflect stacks with the other hypers, and then re-balanced a lot of the Buff abilities to try and compensate. So, uhh, yeah, in fact they do this.

If this was in fact a "feature" of this ability, its removal lowers the attack value of the ability. It may that this has in some way already been compensated for, but im guessing its an oversight, so just throwing it out there.


Weskie- Really? there's an animation for Concealed Shot? geez.. it must be tiny, but i agree it should be added to Sniper Shot.

Actually, what id really like to see is the animation for Concealment adjusted. Since you cant move and this ab is preparatory to firing a Sniper attack, instead of a generic "Sneak" pose, they ought to have you pose with a rifle drawn, but the same partial fade you get when sneaking. Would seem more appropriate to me. But yeah, anything that makes it loook a little more like you are taking a sniper shot would be cool....

Perceptive Mind

Joined: Sep 29, 2006
Messages: 680

psilody wrote:

Weskie- Really? there's an animation for Concealed Shot? geez.. it must be tiny, but i agree it should be added to Sniper Shot.

Actually, what id really like to see is the animation for Concealment adjusted. Since you cant move and this ab is preparatory to firing a Sniper attack, instead of a generic "Sneak" pose, they ought to have you pose with a rifle drawn, but the same partial fade you get when sneaking. Would seem more appropriate to me. But yeah, anything that makes it loook a little more like you are taking a sniper shot would be cool....

Yeah, it's only short, though. But it's better than nothing, I guess. I'll try and fraps it later on.
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