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A few words on creating Items
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Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 32
Location: Syntax

Finding coding a bit tricky? Not sure
where to start? This post outlines the general steps a user should take
if they are interested in the art of creating items in-game.

variables affect your ability to do create items, including Level,
Attributes, and equipped items that give bonuses to Attributes and
Abilities. Also, items have their own level, which is indicated by a
color (from gray to purple), and also a difficulty number.

note that if your interested in taking creating items to the ultimate
level, you should be prepared to spend over 8 million info.

Game Item Types
  1. Items that are dropped by exile bosses: These items can be sold or traded, but cannot be decompiled.
  2. Items dropped by construct bosses: These items can’t be sold, but sometimes they can be traded. They cannot be decompiled.
  3. Items
    dropped by collectors: These items can’t be sold, traded or decompiled.
    If your no longer using such an item, you either recycle it, or have it
    take up space in your inventory. (Boo! Hiss!).
  4. Items
    that can be bought, sold, traded, or decompiled: These are the rest of
    the items found in-game, through random drops. There are thousands of
    these items.

Coding Items

Item Decompliler Tool
Buy this at most Item Vendors. Put tool into an empty hot slot. With
the Decompile ability, this item allows you to decompile items.
Succesfully decompling an item the first time allows you to learn its
recipe (which means you can copy and create it later), and any times
after that will generate random bits.

Repair Items Tool
– Buy this at most Item Vendors. Put tool into an empy hot slot. With
the Repair Item ability, this item allows allows you to repair clothing
and guns.

Code Anylazer Tool - Buy this at
most Item Vendors. Put tool into an empy hot slot. With the Coder
Ablity, this item allows you to create items that you have learned
recipes for. These items can be Abilities, which will show up in your
inventory, or other items such as clothes, in stacks of 15. These such
items need to be Compiled before they are available.

Code Compiler Tool
Buy this at most Item Vendors. Put tool into an empy hot slot. With the
Code Compiler ability, this item allows you to Comple Items while
jacked into the Matrix. You an also use this ablity within the loading
area. Compiling is the last step in creating new items. As items are
created, they will show up in your inventory.

Coding Ablities

ablilities listed below are those that you will either need to buy from
a Coder vendor, or get from another coder. If your interested in going
all the way down the tree, you must get all below abilites.

  • Coder – Available at Level 2
  • Decompile Items – Available at Level 2
  • Cryptography – Available at Level 4
  • Repair Items – Available at Level 4
  • Programmer – Available at Level 5
  • Compile Items – Available at Level 15
  • Code Crafter – Available at Level 15
  • Ability Maker – Available at Level 15
  • Consumable Maker – Available at Level 15
  • Weapons Maker – Available at Level 15
  • Tool Maker – Available at Level 15
  • Apparel Maker – Available at Level 15

Creating Items

In order to begin building your own library of items, you have to:

  1. Have the item you wish to be able to create later
  2. Have a high enough decompile skill to “decompile” the item
  3. Have a Write Code skill high enough to “write code’ for said item
  4. Have a high enough “Compile” skill to compile the code, and create the item

you decompile an item, you have learned its “recipe”. If you’re
successful in decompiling an item, that item will now appear in your
learned recipe list. This list can be accessed by having the Write Code
skill, and the Code Analyzer Tool.

you have learned the recipe of an item, you are now free to (depending
on your level) to create copies of it. With the exception of Abilities,
creating copies of all other items will actually require an extra step.

In order to create an item you need to follow these steps:

  1. Make sure it’s in your recipe list (you have already successfully decompiled it)
  2. Using the coding tool, write the code for the item (your skill at coding will determine how successful you are at writing code)
  3. Using the compile tool (or the Loading Area) to actually create the item.

result of this bizarre set of steps is a stack of 15 copies of said
item. Abilities, when created up to the coding tool step, are only
created in stacks of well…ONE. (boo, hiss)

This all sounds complicated, but once you have done it a few times, it’s not a big deal.

Message Edited by Miasami on 08-16-2005 10:16 PM
Message edited by Miasami on 08/16/2005 18:16:59.

Joined: Aug 21, 2005
Messages: 3

Hi, Im pretty new to MXO only played a few weeks. I have a question about coding. I have

the routine down pretty much, load up programmer skills, decompile item, if success get

the template, write the code then compile the item.  But I have been looking forward to getting

to level 15, which I just got today, and then getting the apparel coder, weapon coder, tool coder,

you know those ones you can get at 15, well I got 15 and got those abilitys but I dont know what

they do or what good they are now, I was able to decompile weapons and stuff before without

those skills and now that I have them I dont see any new templates or anything I didnt have

without them. So can anyone explain what good they are those coding abilitys you get at 15?

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Messages: 3804
Location: UK

Having the separate abilities loaded doesn't really effect the decompile skill you have of that item.

However, if you wished to code a lvl 20 item for example, you would need to have the individual skill for that item loaded and leveled up to level 20.

With clothing/consumables/weapons ect you need to have decompiled the item successfully to be able to recieve the recipe to be able to code that item.


Joined: Aug 21, 2005
Messages: 3

Hi, thanks for the response I apreaciate any help. What I should of said was I have been decompiling AND compiling all kinds of stuff without those skills and now that I have them what benefit are they? Ok let me put it like this, before I had weapon crafter I was able to decompile and then compile any weapons that were yellow or lower ok now with weapon crafter I can do the exact same thing, what is different is what im asking.  I had kinda guessed maybe having the weapon crafter skill loaded would improve my success rate but I tried some experiments and I cant see any difference in success rate of writing code with it loaded or not loaded.  So im still basically asking the same question, I was able to craft all these items before I got the level 15 skills now I got em I can do the exact same thing I was able to do before so I just dont get it lol what is the benefit of having those skills? everything seems exactly the same with the skills or without the skills loaded.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Messages: 3804
Location: UK

The benefit is that you can actually craft things upto the level, in your example weapon crafter, is.

So as before if your weapon crafter is level 15 and you wanted to code something which was lvl 20, it would probably be impossible for you to code. (Could be wrong about that, but it will serve as an example anyway)

If when you get to level 20 and your weapon crafter is still lvl 15, you will probably have the same result as if you were level 15.

If you level the weapon crafter up to level 20, you should then be able to craft the leevel 20 gun.

Hope that makes thing a bit clearer.


Perceptive Mind

Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Messages: 537
Location: Recursion (formally Method) - ITR Washington, DC

In a little addition to what you wrote, there are enhanced clothing that helps to
benefit you coding abilities.  These will allow you to raise up beyond your level.
ie if you are a level 10, have decompile leveled up to 10, and then put on
decompile +10 clothing, your new decompile skill is 20.  A note on this, if you
have the code analyzer open and put on coder clothing you will not
see a change in your ability that is shown in the upper left corner.  Now you
should be able to just refresh by selecting something else from the dropdown
and then reselecting what you were on, but I just can't remember if that works.

Also satellite dishes seem to add onto your skills, or (as I remember someone else
saying in another coder post) they add onto the items purity.

I hope that these additional notes help.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 29
Location: Somewhere in Minnesota

Here's another way to say what some people have already said.

Let’s say you want to code a level 20 ability.  Without the
ability coder skill loaded and leveled to 20, you would not be able to
even attempt to code a level 20 ability.  Same with weapons,
clothing, etc.  Even if you successfully decompiled a level 20
weapon, if you don't have the level 20 weapon maker ability loaded and
leveled, you couldn’t make this weapon.

The reason you aren’t seeing any difference is likely that you are
still level 15.  Up until level 15, none of these abilities are
needed, as all weapons, items, abilites, etc. prior to level 15 are
codable without the use of any of the Apparel Maker, Ability Maker,
etc. abilities.

To prove this to yourself, wait until you get up to lvl 20.  Then,
try to code some lvl 20 abilities with and without the level 20 Ability
Maker loaded.  Then it should all become clear to you as to what
these abilities do.


Joined: Aug 21, 2005
Messages: 3

I got to level 16 yesterday and it all became suddenly clear. As I was going through all my abilitys and leveling them all up to 16 when I came to the "write code" I couldnt level it up it said "ability maxed". Ah yes the mystery solved here at last. All things can be made with that generic skill up to level 15 and then past level 15 and beyond you have to use the specific write code ability, weapons, tools, etc.  I didnt know that skill maxed at 15 when I actually got 15 thats what threw me there.  Thanks everyone!


MC Photographer

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2228
Location: Syntax

A quick question from someone who's new to crafting:  Is there any way to get an item with more stability/purity as the result of crafting?

I've crafted several pieces of clothing for myself and for faction mates and they all have one big green dot and no little dots (sorry, I forget the names SMILEY  ).  Is there any way to better this?

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Messages: 3804
Location: UK

Hmmm, thats interesting.

I didn't think it depended on what you decompiled it at but perhaps it does.

If I remember correctly mine always had full stability and one point of purity.


MC Photographer

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2228
Location: Syntax

I only have 10 reason, could that possibly be the cause? 

Or it might be related to what I decomped, but I don't think so... Hmmmmm...

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 379

With regard to Stability and Purity, every so often, you get a message
saying that you have "Created an item of outstanding purity"  This
means you have an extra pip.  Not much but something to keep an
eye out for.  It means that the item will last that much longer
and is a better selling point when you are hawking your wares at Mara
Central. SMILEY

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