Here is a list of in-game states, their effects, the abilities/tactics that cause them, and the abilities/effects that need them.
Key: State Name {Picture} Effect Side-Note Abilities/Tactics That Cause It Abilities/Effects That Need It
*CR1 states **States that never made it in-game
You mean debuffs. Dazed, Staggered and Off-Balance are states and debuffs but the other debuffs aren't states.
Usually the term 'states' is only used to refer to the three specific conditions I mentioned earlier, hence the term 'state-specials' which require one of those 'states' as a prerequisite.
Yes, but if you read the ability description, it has a topic titled "States". With Disabling Shot for example, under the topic States it says, "(50% Chance) Causes Powerless: 4secs". Also, when you look at a move like Suplex, under its States topic, it says, "Causes Off Balance: 15secs Causes Staggered: 15secs Causes Dazed 15secs". Not only are dazed, staggered, and off-balance states, but as are the rest of the list. Only those three states are prerequisites for certain abilities, though, as you mentioned.
That first one looks like some sort of urine attack
Would be nice to be able to do damage while sitting... even if it is just a little bit damage...
Maybe these, not sure though.?Zombie BiteSmith Virus (probably just shows up as enraged)I am pretty sure Fly virus doesn't appear under your name, it is a virus that appears under the hot-bar.