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hacking through objects/stuns ...
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Veteran Operator

Joined: Feb 25, 2007
Messages: 36

Well i was playign around with hacker, and i noticed that if u start to cast a hack, and the npc walks behind a pillar or something u cant hit em with it.. but if u run by a hacker npc, and they start hacking, u can be in the elevator and the hack still goes off >.>

 secondly i noticed if u are in middle of using a hack, and u get stunned/powerless it doesnt cancle the hack, it lets u continue using the hack, and if the stun wares of before the hack is finished, u can still finish the hack

I dont know if this is intended? becuase i think if u get stunned in the middle of a hack, it should not let u use it, since it disables you using any abilities right?

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 27, 2005
Messages: 1995
Location: Syntax:Recurs HvCft Rocinante-Captain Level 50 Hacker

I'd say you're right on both counts. Those issues definitely need to be addressed.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 29, 2005
Messages: 2122
Location: BG

Nah the second one is intended since you already started using the hack and if the other persons stun isn't long enough that's their own fault. Hackers can be interrupted by so many other ways I do believe the second is intended.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Feb 12, 2006
Messages: 2409
Location: Western Australia

Most stuns I can think of last longer than the cast timers on hacker abils anyway. Maybe if you got stunned at the start of a dev field or logic cannon.

Jacked Out

Joined: Nov 3, 2005
Messages: 1556
Location: Ireland

most area hacks are 8 seconds long and ludicriousley easy to interupt, imo howitzers need better concentration as just about anything will stop the attack, and if this happens as its about to go off its really annoying.

most balista and ravager attacks are on 4 second timers so they would be stoped dead by a stun or pacifiy.

also has anyone noticed that when your hit by a stun, even if the stun ends faster due to ab's (eg detirmination) controll imunity stays for hte full duration and you stay stunned, even though the stun timer has disapered from your hotbar

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 16, 2006
Messages: 4813

@ 2nd option: Do a Punch Reversal Catch Slam on a Trauma Surgeon after he started to activate his heal (of course you can't see that but you know that he does). What do you get? Wasted IS and the TS his heal after the short PRCS powerless timer wears off.

Also, I noticed that shot-time buffs like combat aura1.0 don't shut off after you stun/powerless/confuse someone in Interlock. They just continue to activate after the effect wears off. Intended?

EDIT: Mhm.. they might have already changed that with the short-time buffs, gotta check it out

Message edited by GoDGiVeR on 04/09/2007 11:31:29.

Jacked Out

Joined: May 22, 2006
Messages: 149
Location: Hungary

Yeah its very annoying that NPCs can hack and shoot through walls... If there are lots of hackers in one mission area and your health is low, you can run out to the elevator but if they started to execute something on you it will surely hit and may cause you dying...

Femme Fatale

Joined: Mar 31, 2006
Messages: 5017
Location: Groznyj Grad, North of Sokrovenno

I was missionfing my low level alt with someone doing their Ch.5 archives, on my way to the next mission area I was ambushed by some Unlimits, I saw the flash of Logic Canon 2.0 and HJed away, I got the the top of the jump and POW, it hit and killed me SMILEY

Also, if you get a Patch Daemon, wait for them to start a long buff, run, they follow but the buff still affects you SMILEY  Same when the NPCs hack in missions.

The Matrix Online » Top » Gameplay Discussion » Abilities and Disciplines » Command Line - Hacker Discussion
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