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Lvl 255 agents -_-
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Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 29, 2005
Messages: 2122
Location: BG

This has been brought up before, but I feel lite trying again. Currently no matter how many lvl 50s attack an agent he just wont die. This is because of the resistance in lvls. In the QA for instance 5 lvl 50s could defend themselves against an agent and kill him in about 15 minutes. Yes I know what Morpheus have said but even in CR1 we were able to kill agents and Trinity also killed one, not to mention the other matrix games where you had to get rid of the agent in various ways. But agents there were definetely not invincible as they are now. For those that agree suggestions for changes? For those that don't , why is that you don't agree?

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Feb 12, 2006
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Location: Western Australia

They should still scare the *poop* out of you, but they shouldn't blow you away in two shots, keep them super powerful but at least give people a bit of a fight before they go down, not 6 seconds.

Jacked Out

Joined: Jun 11, 2006
Messages: 445

I personally would like to at least have the possibility of taking one down when you attack one as part of a co-ordinated team. As Arcanoloth says, they should still scare the shite out of you, but the way they work at this point in time using resistances to thier advantage and simply 'appearing' next to you wherever you go does seem to make an encounter with an Agent very dull.

I would love to see the Lv.255 Agents given more advanced AI, for example: When you get a warning of an Agent attack, the agent will appear as usial, if you then attempt to run you will be chased, as usial, but instead of that agent chasing you at a regular run speed whilst you activate Hyper-Speed and burn away into the distance, I would love to see the Agent matching the player's speed, Hyper-Jumping after the player, following him into buildings, attempting to interlock you, perhaps using some 'brute' form of Martial Arts similar to karate once inside Interlock.

Just some examples, I'd gladly trade the 'invincible' Agent we have now for a more 'terrifying' but beatable Agent. The way agents are now they're far too easy to avoid if out in the open, and if they catch you inside a building you may as well not even attempt to run, where's the fun in that?


Joined: Feb 23, 2006
Messages: 180

Renzouken wrote:
I personally would like to at least have the possibility of taking one down when you attack one as part of a co-ordinated team. As Arcanoloth says, they should still scare the shite out of you, but the way they work at this point in time using resistances to thier advantage and simply 'appearing' next to you wherever you go does seem to make an encounter with an Agent very dull.

I would love to see the Lv.255 Agents given more advanced AI, for example: When you get a warning of an Agent attack, the agent will appear as usial, if you then attempt to run you will be chased, as usial, but instead of that agent chasing you at a regular run speed whilst you activate Hyper-Speed and burn away into the distance, I would love to see the Agent matching the player's speed, Hyper-Jumping after the player, following him into buildings, attempting to interlock you, perhaps using some 'brute' form of Martial Arts similar to karate once inside Interlock.

Just some examples, I'd gladly trade the 'invincible' Agent we have now for a more 'terrifying' but beatable Agent. The way agents are now they're far too easy to avoid if out in the open, and if they catch you inside a building you may as well not even attempt to run, where's the fun in that?

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Dec 20, 2005
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You can kill them, you just need 2 level 255 agents on your team.

Jacked Out

Joined: Jun 11, 2006
Messages: 445

Bayamo wrote:
You can kill them, you just need 2 level 255 agents on your team.
I wonder if anyone's tried 'that' in PvP yet... *Evil laugh*

Jacked Out

Joined: Oct 2, 2005
Messages: 186

I want to see them sneak an upgrade to 255 Agent's AI to allow them to hyperjump. I'd love to see the look on someones face the first time they think they've escaped, only to realize escape is impossible. SMILEY

Jacked Out

Joined: Mar 9, 2007
Messages: 5
Location: Recursion

Really good idea with the AI, I think they should tell you to leave and if you don't comply then they attack you (like in the 7.1 movie ^^ )

Ability to smash out of windows would be handy for getting away in buildings, and I agree with reducing their level somewhat.

Though they are pretty scary as is, so it's working SMILEY

Femme Fatale

Joined: Mar 31, 2006
Messages: 5017
Location: Groznyj Grad, North of Sokrovenno

The AI to make an Agent HJ to you as you leap to a building is far too much to handle at the minute.  It would be better if they made the spawn less obvious and quicker, mabey even spawn on the other side of doors, you just run along, a door opens and an Agent comes out shooting.

Jacked Out

Joined: Jun 11, 2006
Messages: 445

20136098 wrote:

The AI to make an Agent HJ to you as you leap to a building is far too much to handle at the minute.  It would be better if they made the spawn less obvious and quicker, mabey even spawn on the other side of doors, you just run along, a door opens and an Agent comes out shooting.

I can't see it being that hard, the animations are allready there... What more can it involve than a short delay counting from the momnent you Hyper-Jump before the Agent starts the Hyper-Jump animation and moves toward your landing point on the world map. There must be a way for the server to access your position in the world and relay it to an NPC AI a few moments after the player lands.

Femme Fatale

Joined: Mar 31, 2006
Messages: 5017
Location: Groznyj Grad, North of Sokrovenno

Renzouken wrote:
20136098 wrote:

The AI to make an Agent HJ to you as you leap to a building is far too much to handle at the minute.  It would be better if they made the spawn less obvious and quicker, mabey even spawn on the other side of doors, you just run along, a door opens and an Agent comes out shooting.

I can't see it being that hard, the animations are allready there... What more can it involve than a short delay counting from the momnent you Hyper-Jump before the Agent starts the Hyper-Jump animation and moves toward your landing point on the world map. There must be a way for the server to access your position in the world and relay it to an NPC AI a few moments after the player lands.

It would cause lag, how much I am not sure but it will be a lot of info to pass back and forth.  Also, there are 2 ways to HJ, there is the direct HJ, that will be easy as it can tell yuo and the NPC where to land, but what about 'Ctrl' and 'Space'?  That is very vage and lots and lots of info will be sent and recieved as you location changes causing HJ to become a very laggy experiance when chaces by an Agent..... more so. SMILEY

Message edited by SolidRevolver on 03/18/2007 16:42:18.


Joined: Oct 22, 2005
Messages: 8296
Location: Ye Olde Hole Ine The Tree

Three level 100 Agents should spawn. Must spawn.

Also, because of their high level and as a result, uber damage already, they need a special FM-1500* that does 1 dps.

Ta da, problem fixed. Now, to bug the devs about it repeatedly...

Jacked Out

Joined: Jun 11, 2006
Messages: 445

20136098 wrote:
Renzouken wrote:
20136098 wrote:

The AI to make an Agent HJ to you as you leap to a building is far too much to handle at the minute.  It would be better if they made the spawn less obvious and quicker, mabey even spawn on the other side of doors, you just run along, a door opens and an Agent comes out shooting.

I can't see it being that hard, the animations are allready there... What more can it involve than a short delay counting from the momnent you Hyper-Jump before the Agent starts the Hyper-Jump animation and moves toward your landing point on the world map. There must be a way for the server to access your position in the world and relay it to an NPC AI a few moments after the player lands.

It would cause lag, how much I am not sure but it will be a lot of info to pass back and forth.  Also, there are 2 ways to HJ, there is the direct HJ, that will be easy as it can tell yuo and the NPC where to land, but what about 'Ctrl' and 'Space'?  That is very vage and lots and lots of info will be sent and recieved as you location changes causing HJ to become a very laggy experiance when chaces by an Agent..... more so. SMILEY
True. Does not mean we can not still ask and expect for things such as this to be some day included in an update. It is after all the Developer's job to overcome problems such as the one you presented.

Femme Fatale

Joined: Mar 31, 2006
Messages: 5017
Location: Groznyj Grad, North of Sokrovenno

Exactly, positivity!  Things are looking up for MxO nowadays anyway.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 16, 2006
Messages: 4811

HJing NPCs? Proxy Masters will be very glad. Let the proxy hunt down the runners while sitting on a bench. I'd like to see that ^_^

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