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Free Trials have arrived for Pirates of the Burning Sea!
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Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 16, 2007
Messages: 441

Yeah, I know you don't like people coming back to this neck of the woods but this is SOE stuff, so it's allowed SMILEY

Today we are unveiling our new Free Trial program, which allows anyone to give Pirates of the Burning Sea a try for 14 days without paying us a penny! Tell your friends, loved ones, work colleagues, tennis partners and people you meet at the supermarket!

You can access the key request page by clicking here. You'll be asked to enter your email address, and then a special URL will be sent to you that will allow you to claim your key.

Please note that these keys will only work with new Pirates of the Burning Sea accounts; Station Access accounts and existing Pirates of the Burning Sea accounts are not eligible.

Once the trial period is over, you will need to purchase a copy of the game and choose a subscription plan to continue playing. Any characters you create during the trial period will be carried over once you start subscribing.

As with any new system, there's a chance that there might be a couple of bugs that we've yet to track down and exterminate. If you happen to find one, please let us know by filing a support ticket!

/ Rhaegar

Free Mind

Joined: May 29, 2008
Messages: 25

This post has moved:


Posts moved. Reason Code 008: Spam.

Encrypted Mind

Joined: Jul 10, 2008
Messages: 673

That's fantastic.

EDIT: Hmm, I recall the posts here being similar to those I normally see.

Message edited by eval on 09/16/2008 14:11:46.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 18, 2005
Messages: 4848
Location: The soul's eclipse

Mine wasn't spam.  I merely expressed sentiment and bid them goodbye.


Joined: Sep 28, 2005
Messages: 2076

exsuscito wrote:
Mine wasn't spam. I merely expressed sentiment and bid them goodbye.

You are right... it wasn't spam... it was more of a troll. Either way... it wasn't very nice.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 18, 2005
Messages: 4848
Location: The soul's eclipse

Virrago wrote:
exsuscito wrote:
Mine wasn't spam. I merely expressed sentiment and bid them goodbye.

You are right... it wasn't spam... it was more of a troll. Either way... it wasn't very nice.

'Not being nice' doesn't break the EULA.  'Excessive negativity' does if that's what you're going for, and we can all agree that two words cannot be deemed excessive.

Mod4 is acting upon nothing but their interpretation of my inflection, which is entirely subjective.  Therefore, a murky subtext cannot - by definition - be subject to moderation based on rigid guidelines.

I'm not trying to get in anyone's face, but it's the principle.

Edit: Mod4, rather.

Message edited by exsuscito on 09/16/2008 14:26:01.


Joined: Sep 28, 2005
Messages: 2076

exsuscito wrote:

'Not being nice' doesn't break the EULA.

Actually, it does

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Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 18, 2005
Messages: 4848
Location: The soul's eclipse

I wrote a big ol' post with how what I posted met none of those requirements, but there's really no point arguing.

Just let it be known that I vehemently disagree.

Great.  Bye.

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 2774

What has changed that I might want to try this game again, because last time I played it wasnt worth the money.


Joined: Sep 10, 2005
Messages: 212

Kybutra wrote:
What has changed that I might want to try this game again, because last time I played it wasnt worth the money.
My thoughts exactly. I had a lot of hope for the game, but after playing through beta, I felt it was pushed out far, far too early.


Joined: Sep 14, 2006
Messages: 176

They have brand new shiney anchors!

Femme Fatale

Joined: Jun 6, 2006
Messages: 487
Location: Syntax

I ..... don't see what this has to do with MxO. Could someone enlighten me?


Mainframe Invader

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6270

The SOE Discussion forum is for discussions about SOE products and programs.


Message edited by Croesis on 09/17/2008 10:55:52.

Jacked Out

Joined: May 27, 2008
Messages: 1519

I was one of the original beta members back during freinds and family phase I dont know how much this game has changed over the years  but it reminded me of age of empires with  better graphics and more bugs. 

I may give it a shot it was fun in a wierd kind of way back than Im sure its changed alot hopefully for the better.

Femme Fatale

Joined: Jun 6, 2006
Messages: 487
Location: Syntax

Vinia wrote:
The SOE Discussion forum is for discussions about SOE products and programs.
Does that mean we get to go into other games' forums and pimp for MxO?

If so, I might have found my new hobby ... 


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