## Incoming Transmission... ## Fuscienne // HvCFT Neo's Hope ## RELAY Initialized - REF: 04-19
For any of us, whether we do or do not believe, it is clear we are being shown something that we are meant to see. And while many questions continue to plague our thoughts.. there is no denying the possibility. Will there be any one of us who won't endure to seek what we've always sought? Remain ever vigilant, Operatives.
## End Transmission... ## Carrier Signal Lost....
GamiSB wrote:Ebola wrote:Its no coincidence that this "Morpheus" would show up, wanting to incite violence against the Machines when the General is cornered by the Machines. He is trying to set his enemies against each other so he will survive... I thought the Cypherites were the ones that preached about Ignorance, but it seems that the Zionists and EPN that blindly follow any "Morpheus" they see is about as ignorant as they come. Do you have selective reading or something? Those that believe this to be the real deal are the smallest minority of both Zion and EPN. Everyone else remains unconvinced and is only interested in finding out if all our assumptions are correct.But its those few loonie toons that can do the most damage.
Ebola wrote:Its no coincidence that this "Morpheus" would show up, wanting to incite violence against the Machines when the General is cornered by the Machines. He is trying to set his enemies against each other so he will survive... I thought the Cypherites were the ones that preached about Ignorance, but it seems that the Zionists and EPN that blindly follow any "Morpheus" they see is about as ignorant as they come. Do you have selective reading or something? Those that believe this to be the real deal are the smallest minority of both Zion and EPN. Everyone else remains unconvinced and is only interested in finding out if all our assumptions are correct.
Its no coincidence that this "Morpheus" would show up, wanting to incite violence against the Machines when the General is cornered by the Machines. He is trying to set his enemies against each other so he will survive... I thought the Cypherites were the ones that preached about Ignorance, but it seems that the Zionists and EPN that blindly follow any "Morpheus" they see is about as ignorant as they come.
Ugh. Even if Morpheus does come back, we'll just kill him.
Except we'll do it properly.
Ugh. Even if Morpheus does come back, we'll just kill him.Except we'll do it properly.
Ebola wrote:GamiSB wrote:Ebola wrote:Its no coincidence that this "Morpheus" would show up, wanting to incite violence against the Machines when the General is cornered by the Machines. He is trying to set his enemies against each other so he will survive... I thought the Cypherites were the ones that preached about Ignorance, but it seems that the Zionists and EPN that blindly follow any "Morpheus" they see is about as ignorant as they come. Do you have selective reading or something? Those that believe this to be the real deal are the smallest minority of both Zion and EPN. Everyone else remains unconvinced and is only interested in finding out if all our assumptions are correct.But its those few loonie toons that can do the most damage. Then plese stop generalizeing all of Zion and EPN to be like them because they will be right there with you to help stop the damage.
GamiSB wrote:Ebola wrote:GamiSB wrote:Ebola wrote:Its no coincidence that this "Morpheus" would show up, wanting to incite violence against the Machines when the General is cornered by the Machines. He is trying to set his enemies against each other so he will survive... I thought the Cypherites were the ones that preached about Ignorance, but it seems that the Zionists and EPN that blindly follow any "Morpheus" they see is about as ignorant as they come. Do you have selective reading or something? Those that believe this to be the real deal are the smallest minority of both Zion and EPN. Everyone else remains unconvinced and is only interested in finding out if all our assumptions are correct.But its those few loonie toons that can do the most damage. Then plese stop generalizeing all of Zion and EPN to be like them because they will be right there with you to help stop the damage. Generalizations, and stereotypes, are just what I'd expect from our adversaries right now. It's easy to go for the cheap shot and lump us all into a "Morpheus loony" group. The General is the clear possible culprit here, we do in fact see that. Using Morpheus and Neo to tug at the proverbial heart strings of Zion and EPN to keep his war going sounds right in line with his previous methods. "Morpheus" or not, we need to see this through and get to the bottom of what these signals are, and that's all we are doing.
Ah yes, the irony of it all. The leader of the group dedicated to "freeing minds from lies" accepts this at face value because it appeals to him.
kou_urake wrote:Ah yes, the irony of it all. The leader of the group dedicated to "freeing minds from lies" accepts this at face value because it appeals to him. ((What gets my goat is that if this storyline isn't static, it'll probably end up actually being Morpheus.. in which case the Kid's credulity will be justified and I will be thoroughly sickened.))