Official Mega city police report 321666123
1:00 am - Car number 258 recieves a call of an armed robbery in a subway station located on 128th street
1:35 am - Officer Collins reports to the reported subway station and finds a young girl sitting in a pool of blood.
1:43 am - Officer Collins writes down the girl's information. No ID or adults were on location. The name given to the Collins is Sati. No last name was provided. The child claimed that she did not yet have a last name.
2:07 am - "Sati" is taken to police precinct 13. Officer Collins conducts an interview the next morning to determine what happened in the subway station.
10:00 am - Interview recording 123666321
Collins---- Ok Sati. I need you to answer some questions for me ok. I promise that as soon as you answer them, we'll find out where you belong and you'll get to go home ok.
Sati---- My friend is going to come get me. That is what she told me. I like her. She is nice.
Collins ------ We'll get to that in a few minutes ok. Now Sati, where did that blood come from?
Sati ------ It belonged to my momma and papa. They were dele-----they died. The trainman killed them.
Collins ----- The trainman? Who is that.
Sati ----- He is a bad bad man. He does whatever the french man says because he is supposed to do that. Its why he is alive.
Collins ----- Well Sati....arent you sad? Why were you smiling when I got you at the station?
Sati ---- because my momma and papa are happy now. They let me come the matri----to this city.
Collins -----And why is that? Why couldnt I find your parents? Only blood on the floor?
Sati ---- It is because the trainman took them away. But it is ok. Neo is going to stop the bad people.
Collins ------ Neo?......Who is that?
Sati ----- He is everything--------------------------------------------------------------Audio recorder shut down due to outside interferance---------------
3:00 pm
Audio recording replacement for recording 123666321
Unkown recorded voice - This audio record has been removed due to government intervention. This recording number and record are to be sealed from the public and all records will be disposed of as soon as other issues are resolved involving the nature of this case.
End of Audio-------------------------------
four days later--------- Collins was alone with Sati during the questioning. He has not been located since the initial recording was completed. If you have any information regarding the Whereabouts of officer Daniel Collins contact your local authorities.
Two weeks later ------ A small piece of paper was discovered a garbage can located in the room where Sati was questioned. These are the contents of the paper.
My name is officer Collins. Sati has been taken away. She was taken by a woman that said " She will be fine, we will all be fine, if we trust in him."
She provided documentation stating that she would be the legal guardian of Sati. So I allowed the release. A few minutes later, a man named officer Smith of the FBI showed up in my office and asked me where the little girl went. He also provided documentation stating that he was granted access to the case file. I gave him the address, and now I am waiting while he confirms it in the next room. He told me that I am going to " Get to know him very well" when he comes back. I dont know what the hell it means, but I have a feeling that I should have never told him where that little girl is........................
My name is