Hm...I'm torn between having a good BIG 2nd event as in hindsight I really liked the Blue Sky one, ah ok Cryptos
and Veil didn't come thru all that well, but the rest of the characters did in the meetings I think. And killing scores
of Blue Masked extremists was pretty fun! Could have used a lesig team on each server to play a few of the more
inclined factors to save the Matrix, like Flood and Silver perhaps under the initial lighting up of the lights...ah
well...hindsight hindsight. On a second note I also agree that the bugs gotta go ASAP stance, because that
would then give off huge amounts of time for more fun! both to the dev teams for finding new things to do with
the existing engine, but also to us players for not lagging as much anymore!
AND we would look better I leave it in the hands of THE MXO TEAM! You give us luggables DD
Cheers Synapze777