1. Stun 2.0
2. Don't worry about fixing the net code. IBM's On Demand servers will get the job done.
3. Code the game then design it.
4. Step one, start with a nice website to promote your game. Have it easy to navigate, nice to look at and overall reflects the product you're trying to promote. Step two, redesign the site with a random three color template system (green, grey, and black) and fill most of it up with a long list news that may be irrelivent later on. Step three, redesign the site again in such a way that the index site should be generic as possible and have it links the user to to a completely different (and still poorly) designed site for news, live events and what else.
5. When running an event in high lag conditions, go ahead and spawn that extra group of npcs.
6. Having the severs crash all the time does not reflect the quality of the game.
7. Redesign the UI at least three times for good luck.
8. Slow down the player's progress with the game by litterally slowing down the players. Five minutes in the mission area should do the trick.
9. For a game that is based on an ever-changing world, make it hard to have that change.
10. Last kill wins.
11. /random wins.
12. Stun 2.0 wins.
13. Limit the amount of different clothing the database can handle. Then blame the economy.
14. Have all lv ~50 npc characters have white hair and cheap clothes. Except for that red head. She's special.
15. Don't worry of answering four year questions from a story (Giving up Neo's remains, Morpheus, etc...). Chances are their won't be a story in four years.
16. Create a combat system.
16-b. Great! Now that you have a combat system basically coded, let's design it!
16-c. Found that your design's not working as attended? Just add a few abilities and hope that will work itself out.
17-d. Almost done? On second thought forget 16-c and let's start over from scratch.
18. Giving out special clothing is a nice way to say 'thanks' to all beta players for helping out to test the game. Planing to give them out to everybody else after a month is a nice way to kick them in the...
19. People stuff their weapons and clothing and pills and wooden stakes and holy water in drawers.
20. 45% of gangs spend time in office buildings.