Did you stumble across something on the net that is really strange,funny etc?Post it here!I think we've been a little too serious lately and we can use this to lighten up a bit and have some fun...Vector style.
I'll open this up with some footage of myself saj and Illface at mara!
note:you can post anything in this thread..it doesn't have to be a picture..it can be a funny website,quote youtube link..whatever gives us all a laugh!
I'm sorry, but i have a warped sense of humour,this made me crack up laughing
WoKeN wrote:
ZOMFGZ it seems me and ILL broke ur bench and u fell down!!!
SajghO wrote:
WoKeN wrote:I'll open this up with some footage of myself saj and Illface at mara!ZOMFGZ it seems me and ILL broke ur bench and u fell down!!!
I'll open up today with footage of me using my super hyperjumping hacker powers...
Paschendale wrote:
AH! i've sprained both of my ankles twice and am not supposed to even jump off swings cause my ankles are weak and suck now...and that just made me think of pain xD
Why the heck would you be on a swing???? lol
Spy footage of what Mara c looks like on the other servers...
lol woken, i think i might see a red in that pic
This topic could be good for the lols, keep it going peeps
TheRedPhoenixx wrote:
Paschendale wrote:AH! i've sprained both of my ankles twice and am not supposed to even jump off swings cause my ankles are weak and suck now...and that just made me think of pain xDWhy the heck would you be on a swing???? lol
Swings are fun :O.... and i'm just telling you how i can't do harmless things like that for fear of messing it up even more Lol
and don't judge me until you've played MxO on a swing
TheRedPhoenixx wrote:Paschendale wrote:AH! i've sprained both of my ankles twice and am not supposed to even jump off swings cause my ankles are weak and suck now...and that just made me think of pain xDWhy the heck would you be on a swing???? lolSwings are fun :O.... and i'm just telling you how i can't do harmless things like that for fear of messing it up even more Loland don't judge me until you've played MxO on a swing
I have a swing in my back garden....hold on..just grabbing a laptop....lol
Pvpers from syntax:
Kinda scary to think u have that many care bears Saghoe.
byond wrote:
SajghO wrote:Pvpers from syntax:Kinda scary to think u have that many care bears Saghoe.
I was thinking that.