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Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 1446
Location: The Clouds Above

Sweet, although I've gotta wait more than four hours for this goodness SMILEY SMILEY

Oh well, I'll keep myself enteretained with the OTHER matrix christmas then SMILEY


Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 5444
Location: In Exilium

I just hope these tokens are e-mailable or uploadable...
By the way, it seems that combat styles are once again reverting to self defense when you use a hardline.

- Void

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 862

Great we finally get something for completing the critical missions.  Also why does my character on Vector have Merv Boon and my others dont?

Perceptive Mind

Joined: Dec 1, 2005
Messages: 515
Location: UK

I just wanna know why all updates are carried out at times that are convenient for our american friends but REALLY inconvenient for those of us in europe and the UK.  Its well out of order in my opinion.  

Every time i have a day off and have the oppurtunity to play more of the game i am confronted with updates.. which, to be fair ..often take 4 - 6 hours.. which is fine for those in the states...   by the time the update is completed they are mostly waking up... but those of us in the UK have to suffer.   

 At least alter the times around a bit..  its not fair for us Ukers to constantly get the shaft.  For once it would be nice for us to be able to play the game when we want and have updates carried out at 4 in the morning our time.  You know.. for a change. 

Message Edited by estjaydee on 12-20-2005 05:35 AM
Message edited by 452x5 on 12/20/2005 05:35:29.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 197



I know what you mean, however bear in mind that the bias with MxO is toward the US, due to the significantly higher volume of players from that part of the world; but more importantly the fact that the staff are based in Seattle.


Whilst a lot of the key players (on Recursion, certainly) are in the UK, Europe and other parts of the world, we can't do anything to change the fact that the team working on the game have to implement these patches during what is our lunchtime in the UK (Manchester, over here).


A game like Eve Online, that I play alongside MxO, has regular daily downtime of one hour between 11am and 12pm GMT; and Eve is a European MMO.


Hope that puts things into perspective.


If the new SOE chanes and future marketing strategy increase subscriber numbers dramatically, then maybe they'll be able to justify the finances to add a dev or two to a GMT friendly patch shift. SMILEY




Perceptive Mind

Joined: Dec 1, 2005
Messages: 515
Location: UK

I'm well aware of those facts .. which just makes it worse in my opinion and only fuels the argument thatlarge organisations dont give a **bleep** about the 'smaller' consumer and arent prepared to satsfy them once in a while becuase the mass market will suffer.

Im not saying or asking for everything to revolve around us in the UK.  im aware we only make up a small percentage of the gaming population im just saying maybe once in say...7 or 8 updates things do revolve our time schedule just to prove that the large corporation sony ary do actualkly give a **bleep** about the small minority that is just as important...  we pay the same fees.  buy the same game.. why shouldnt we be able to recieve the same service.

Perceptive Mind

Joined: Dec 1, 2005
Messages: 515
Location: UK

im sorry.  im just sick of not being able to play EVERY tuesday when i have a day off from work.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 5036
Location: JoKeRz



   Hacker style is in there. DOH.


  I pwn all at 43 rolling 400 +

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 5036
Location: JoKeRz

Are you gonna sort this out? +192 ct is absurd


Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 1056
Location: Mexico City, Mexico

DontEatRawHagis wrote:
Also why does my character on Vector have Merv Boon and my others dont?

If you created your other RSIs after 'The Hunt for Morpheus' event, then you won't have it on them.

TekMon, The New Order

Virulent Mind

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 100
Location: HvCFT Libertas

Yes this Hacker ability is a very big problem. Luckily you can easily counter by activating it yourself but others may not be aware of it and will be severly penalized in pvp. Not to mention this allows even the hardest NPCs to be taken out with ease.

This is a perfect example of why a test server is needed so we can catch problems like this that the QA people missed and prevent them from screwing up game balence in live servers.

Message Edited by lithium on 12-20-2005 02:20 PM
Message edited by lithium on 12/20/2005 11:20:02.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4429
Location: The Darrius Organization: Machines Faction: The Collective Server: Recursion

Well, the tokens aren't uploadable and while there is an option to e-mail them, it was never placed in the e-mail, just stayed in my inventory.

If you expect us to keep this stuff in our inventory, then at least make the inventory larger, introduce "bags" of some sorts, or just take the time to make them uploadable or at least let us e-mail them for storage, which was supposed to happen with the Halloween Masks as well and never happened.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 5036
Location: JoKeRz

lithium wrote:
Yes this Hacker ability is a very big problem. Luckily you can easily counter by activating it yourself but others may not be aware of it and will be severly penalized in pvp. Not to mention this allows even the hardest NPCs to be taken out with ease.

This is a perfect example of why a test server is needed so we can catch problems like this that the QA people missed and prevent them from screwing up game balence in live servers.

Message Edited by lithium on 12-20-2005 02:20 PM

 Yes, i have a screenshot of 43 me outrolling 50 karate GM.  Absurdity.  Most importantly it has mad Archives etc etc moot. Gargoyle would not be able to hit me i suspect. Nor Zero one boss dude

    At least tell us whether you are gonna try and fix it?

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 413
Location: Proxynoise

RemagDiv wrote:
[...] introduce "bags" of some sorts [...]

I'm sure every player would love it if the devs introduced "bags" or other containers in some form.  To be more Matrix-y, they could call it "Compressed Folder", since every item is code anyways.  Hey, another use for the Cryptorgaphy ability  SMILEY

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4016
Location: Texas

Or maybe make a building in Downtown "The Bank" and have extra slots to put items you cant upload or send in an email.

Message Edited by FAOrien on 12-20-2005 09:35 PM
Message edited by FAOrien on 12/20/2005 19:35:35.

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