Faction Leader: Phrack
Organization: E Pluribus Neo
Rank One Council: Aracher, Archangel, Darminian, ExternalError, Phrack
Established: August, 2004
Faction Type: RP/PvP/PvE
Website: http://www.pluribusneo.org
Please do not post in this thread unless you have a positive remark to make on Pluribus Neo in its entirety, or are considering recruitment into this faction. Anything other than these types of posts will be considered harassment, even if they are in a "joking" manner. Also, do not spam or "bump" this thread with irrelevant commentary. If you do not have updated faction information or news to post, a question, or a positive review to post, please refrain from posting. This also goes for members of this faction as well. Thank you for your time.
Faction History:
Originating on the Algorithm server in Beta, Pluribus Neo started out as a group of Zion-aligned Morpheus supporters known as Scarlet Omega. When The Matrix Online went live, in March of 2005, the faction reformed on its home-server of Iterator, where Scarlet Omega would grow, and mature into Scarlet Prime, prior to the server merge.
Following the server merge, Scarlet Prime found itself on Recursion, where it would rename itself Pluribus Neo and continue on to this very day, where it continues to host and attend events on a regular basis.
Faction Census:
Pluribus Neo consists of a variety of players, from all over the world, who gather in-game, on our faction’s TeamSpeak server, the faction forums, and Xfire. We seek like-minded individuals, who are well-versed in Matrix lore, active in the game, and capable of both a mature mindset, and the ability to joke around.
It should be noted that we will help new and old players as much as humanly possible, with grinding experience, reputation, or farming. However, we encourage players to learn how to be self-contained, and do things on their own. It is our belief that the stronger we are as individuals, the stronger we are as a group. We do not allow petty drama to occur among our faction members, and are quick to use an Open Door policy when it comes to handling issues any faction member may have. Likewise, we urge anyone in our faction that has an unresolved issue, to address it to the Rank One Council immediately, so it can be resolved in a timely and professional manner.
We have been the home faction for a number of players, both veteran and new, and will continue to welcome new members for a very long time.
Recruiting Requirements:
1. Must be Level 15 or higher, to be considered for recruitment. This is an older policy that has now been reenacted, and helps show us that the individual seeking recruitment is actually dedicated to putting in work on their character.
2. Must be able to devote at least 7 hours of game time to your character, each week. This equates out to at least one hour per day, and helps us determine who is active and who is not.
3. Must have an active Xfire Account.
Filling out an Application:
All applications for recruitment are to be filed in this forum (link), in a new thread. Instructions for filling out an application are listed in said forum, in the thread entitled “Before Applying...” Please read and follow all instructions carefully.
Once an application has been filled out, it will be reviewed by members of the Rank One Council, and you may (or may not) be interviewed. Once a decision has been made, you will be met in-game and accepted into the faction, or your application will be updated with a status of “Declined” and the reason why.