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Matrix novels - Why hasn't this been done?
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Jacked Out

Joined: Nov 8, 2006
Messages: 612

Remag_Div wrote:
We know that the storytelling of the Matrix is meant to be portrayed in many different formats, but one area the franchise is lacking in is reading material.

Sure, we have the philisophical books (but how many do we really need?) and the "Art of" books, but I mean actual story telling novels, similar to the Extended Universe that Star Wars has and it's very successful line of novels.

The Wachowski's could hire multiple talented sci-fi writers to write a series of novels based on and off the Matrix universe. Some examples?
  • The previous iterations of the Matrix
  • The previous six Ones
  • The origins of Seraph
  • The origins of the Exiles (particulary the Merovingian)
  • Childhood stories of our favorite characters
  • Novels past MxO ??
There's so much untapped storytelling that the Matix provides, and with novels, it leaves it up to the reader's imagination.
Outsiade of this very small community, no one cares about the Matrix on the level you do.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 17, 2005
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Location: Germany

There have been three movies, an anime series, a comic series, two video games and one MMO about the Matrix, and obviously enough people interested in them on different levels, and the people writing it were obviously interested enough to do them.
That's really all that matters.

And you're wrong with your statement. Do you think Cornel West, Ken Wilber or all the other philosophers and the like play this game?
Some "huge Matrix fans" have joined this game just a few days ago.

Sorry for the off-topic comment, but I was just so amused by that post.

Message edited by zeroone506 on 12/27/2006 12:40:58.

Systemic Anomaly

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Neolivesftw wrote:
Remag_Div wrote:
We know that the storytelling of the Matrix is meant to be portrayed in many different formats, but one area the franchise is lacking in is reading material.

Sure, we have the philisophical books (but how many do we really need?) and the "Art of" books, but I mean actual story telling novels, similar to the Extended Universe that Star Wars has and it's very successful line of novels.

The Wachowski's could hire multiple talented sci-fi writers to write a series of novels based on and off the Matrix universe. Some examples?
  • The previous iterations of the Matrix
  • The previous six Ones
  • The origins of Seraph
  • The origins of the Exiles (particulary the Merovingian)
  • Childhood stories of our favorite characters
  • Novels past MxO ??
There's so much untapped storytelling that the Matix provides, and with novels, it leaves it up to the reader's imagination.
Outsiade of this very small community, no one cares about the Matrix on the level you do.

Might want to check out the numerous other Matrix forums that don't play MxO. Saying that MxO holds the only Matrix fans in the world couldn't be any more naive, but that's expected coming from you, whose arguments and points never hold any weight.

Jacked Out

Joined: Nov 8, 2006
Messages: 612

Remag_Div wrote:
Neolivesftw wrote:
Remag_Div wrote:
We know that the storytelling of the Matrix is meant to be portrayed in many different formats, but one area the franchise is lacking in is reading material.

Sure, we have the philisophical books (but how many do we really need?) and the "Art of" books, but I mean actual story telling novels, similar to the Extended Universe that Star Wars has and it's very successful line of novels.

The Wachowski's could hire multiple talented sci-fi writers to write a series of novels based on and off the Matrix universe. Some examples?
  • The previous iterations of the Matrix
  • The previous six Ones
  • The origins of Seraph
  • The origins of the Exiles (particulary the Merovingian)
  • Childhood stories of our favorite characters
  • Novels past MxO ??
There's so much untapped storytelling that the Matix provides, and with novels, it leaves it up to the reader's imagination.
Outsiade of this very small community, no one cares about the Matrix on the level you do.

Might want to check out the numerous other Matrix forums that don't play MxO.

Wonder why they don't play...Oh yeah, MXO isn't matrix canon.

Saying that MxO holds the only Matrix fans in the world couldn't be any more naive, but that's expected coming from you, whose arguments and points never hold any weight.

That was certainly creative. You missed a few key words bub.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 17, 2005
Messages: 5142
Location: Germany

Neolivesftw wrote:
Remag_Div wrote:
Neolivesftw wrote:
Remag_Div wrote:
We know that the storytelling of the Matrix is meant to be portrayed in many different formats, but one area the franchise is lacking in is reading material.

Sure, we have the philisophical books (but how many do we really need?) and the "Art of" books, but I mean actual story telling novels, similar to the Extended Universe that Star Wars has and it's very successful line of novels.

The Wachowski's could hire multiple talented sci-fi writers to write a series of novels based on and off the Matrix universe. Some examples?
  • The previous iterations of the Matrix
  • The previous six Ones
  • The origins of Seraph
  • The origins of the Exiles (particulary the Merovingian)
  • Childhood stories of our favorite characters
  • Novels past MxO ??
There's so much untapped storytelling that the Matix provides, and with novels, it leaves it up to the reader's imagination.
Outsiade of this very small community, no one cares about the Matrix on the level you do.

Might want to check out the numerous other Matrix forums that don't play MxO.

Wonder why they don't play...Oh yeah, MXO isn't matrix canon.

Saying that MxO holds the only Matrix fans in the world couldn't be any more naive, but that's expected coming from you, whose arguments and points never hold any weight.

That was certainly creative. You missed a few key words bub.

First, MxO is considered Matrix canon.

Second, you said no one outside of this community cares about the Matrix. Which would mean, the Matrix fans who care about the Matrix and don't play this game because it isn't official part of the franchise they care about actually don't care about the Matrix.

Does that make sense to anyone? I know it doesn't to me.
What's your point?

Jacked Out

Joined: Jan 18, 2006
Messages: 2491
Location: Big Sky Country

Neolivesftw wrote:

Might want to check out the numerous other Matrix forums that don't play MxO.

Wonder why they don't play...Oh yeah, MXO isn't matrix canon.

Saying that MxO holds the only Matrix fans in the world couldn't be any more naive, but that's expected coming from you, whose arguments and points never hold any weight.

That was certainly creative. You missed a few key words bub.

MxO is indeed Matrix Canon. The game was helmed by the Wachowski's to continue the story of the matrix. They hired artist/writer Paul Chadwick to pen the story and he's done alright so far. The only thing not canon are our holiday events and the anniversary event. SMILEY

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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Location: The Darrius Organization: Machines Faction: The Collective Server: Recursion

Regardless on the debate of MxO canon, there are other Matrix fans that are not here. Heck, a lot of people who play this game don't even post here. There was just a time period where there was a huge Matrix buzz. Unfortunately, the general consensus didn't view the sequels in the same light as the original with a lackluster game, so both people and the Wachowski's were all "Matrix'ed out" .. however this doesn't mean down the road something can happen again.

Jacked Out

Joined: Nov 8, 2006
Messages: 612

I make a deal with you, when they release the Matrix 25th anniversary editon collectors (dvd or whatever format)...and it has a write up of what's taken pace here or a disc showing it, then I'll agree.

I know alot of Matrix fans consider this canon, many don't, I tried to have a thread about this but you guys spammed and flamed it.


Thanks Shadow Sk.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 17, 2005
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Location: Germany

Where's that thread? Please provide a link or something, maybe it turns out interesting.

As for now, I'm still wondering what your point you're trying to enforce...

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 4, 2006
Messages: 2040

zeroone506 wrote:
Where's that thread? Please provide a link or something, maybe it turns out interesting.

As for now, I'm still wondering what your point you're trying to enforce...
nah it was just him saying "mxo is not matrix cannon because soe are evil etc" so i wouldn't bother trying to find it

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 17, 2005
Messages: 5142
Location: Germany

bannanaphone wrote:
nah it was just him saying "mxo is not matrix cannon because soe are evil etc" so i wouldn't bother trying to find it

Ah... I understand. Evil community flames innocent guy who starts a constructive discussion. Oh well.

Is it that thread that was removed?

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Location: New Zion

Theorydust wrote:
[CoZ wrote:
LostProphet]Wishing for 'more Matrix' is simply wishful thinking outside of MxO.

The Wachowski Brothers came up with an idea, and they thought it was so ground breaking and deserving of being made into a film that they went and made another film just to prove that they could do it.

Yes, the universe surrounding it could go on forever and ever. But poor reactions to the second and third film mean that most people have forgotten the Matrix or remember and just don't care any more. That means that it's high risk for any publishing company of any kind to get involved.

Add to that the Wachowskis are moving on to other things - the Matrix trilogy + Animatrix was their brainchild, their "vision", and now that vision has been fulfilled. Like so many of us, they have new and fresh ideas. To revisit the Matrix would be taking a step backwards.

Using Star Wars to compare is nonsense - SW had (and arguably still has) a bigger following than the Matrix ever did and ever will.
You must get up pretty early in the morning to be that condescending.

...I have to agree. Even though you're right, LP, that ain't half snotty.

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 3027

Theorydust wrote:
[CoZ wrote:
LostProphet]Wishing for 'more Matrix' is simply wishful thinking outside of MxO.

The Wachowski Brothers came up with an idea, and they thought it was so ground breaking and deserving of being made into a film that they went and made another film just to prove that they could do it.

Yes, the universe surrounding it could go on forever and ever. But poor reactions to the second and third film mean that most people have forgotten the Matrix or remember and just don't care any more. That means that it's high risk for any publishing company of any kind to get involved.

Add to that the Wachowskis are moving on to other things - the Matrix trilogy + Animatrix was their brainchild, their "vision", and now that vision has been fulfilled. Like so many of us, they have new and fresh ideas. To revisit the Matrix would be taking a step backwards.

Using Star Wars to compare is nonsense - SW had (and arguably still has) a bigger following than the Matrix ever did and ever will.
You must get up pretty early in the morning to be that condescending.
6.45am as a matter of fact

And I don't see where I was condescending there, I just spelled out the facts, which a lot of people seem to totally disregard when it comes to this sort of "Why can't X happen?"

And comparing SW to Matrix IS nonsense. The reason SW was revisited and the first three chapters were made was for no other reason than flagrant milking of the franchise. A massive number of people still begged for more and George Lucas gave it to them, and got even richer in the process.

The Wachowskis have moved on, set up their own comic book company, already done another film and have another in the pipeline which they've said they want to make as groundbreaking as the Matrix was in its genre.

If that doesn't say "They've moved on" then I don't know what does.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 17, 2005
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According to Lucas, he revised IV-VI because that's how he always wanted it to be back then but couldn't pull it off at that time, and I think also to make them equal to the new movies.
And he wouldn't have called the original movies IV-VI if not out of intention to make I-III.

Really, I find it unfair to say that he just wanted to make profit out of the old trilogy by making the new one. Doesn't really make sense aswell.

Maybe the Wachowskis have really moved on - but who says completely away from the Matrix? PoN was released not such an awful long time ago (about one year isn't much), and there is no reason to assume that their active involvement in MxO that was obvious from several interviews with themselves and Paul Chadwick has disappeared, until someone definitely states it.

Systemic Anomaly

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I love this idea, and it doesn't have to be the brothers writing it, they just need to give their okay I believe.

I'd love to have backstories of the Matrix, and I think there are alot of writers out there who would do a good job. Timothy Zahn for one, I'd love to know Morpheus's story, Trinity's story etc.

I'd buy them.

Also a point about star wars, when the first three came out it had the same fan fare Matrix did, but after the last film was released the buzz died out and it was all but forgotten for nearly 6 years. Then there was a revisiting to the films and a new generated interest. Then all of the other stuff came, the prequels etc. The fandom we know now. It was not always there. George Lucas himself stated in a interview that he though after the last film came out that was it cuz nothing really happened after that.

There is no reason to believe Matrix cannot do the same. The tenth year anniversay will be in 2009, Im sure there will be something planned for it.

Message edited by Midnight on 12/28/2006 14:38:52.

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