Been on LotRO for a while now, Elendilmir server (US - Turbine).
Also plan on re-subbing to SWG for a bit along with some friends for some good times.
I'm also looking forward to checking out (as they get around to releasing):
Black Prophesy
Star Trek Online
Stargate Worlds
The Secret World
Keep playing TF2 casually.
Not playing MMO's leaves me with so much spare time.
It looks like the Familia is moving on the City of Heroes/Villains, and once the Rogue expansion goes through, we'll be really tearing up Paragon City.
CoH and CoV are alot of fun -- hope to see more of us there.
I really have no interest in the fantasy genre, or the superhero genre, or space opera. I think I'll take a loooong break from mmo's. The Agency appealed to me but not so much anymore. I am curious about APB though !!
Illyria22 wrote:
CoH and CoV are alot of fun -- hope to see more of us there. Lyr
Mmm, MetaLogic, SenaDe, Janyce and I have been brainstorming ways to extend the family's story into CoH. Looks like it's going to be an utter blast, and frankly, planning ahead is helping ease the pain of MxO being shuttered.
SWTOR or Star Trek Online.
I will never give SOE another dollar. They can take the Station Pass and shove it up their *ss*s
I intend on at least trying The Agency whenever they get around to releasing it. Beyond that I'll probably just play TF2 and L4D and whatever mmo I might stumble upon a beta key for.
Everyone should agree to try Fallen Earth. This game looks outstanding and the devs don't appear to be rushing it out. Thanks again to clicker2 for the tip. Team MXO can survive the end of the world as we know it .
JEasy wrote:
I dont get what the hell is going on in that game. Are there 6 different factions? FEMA taking over the US just sounds really realy stupid. If you have ever worked with FEMA you would know they cant organize anything.
I want to play an MMO that doesnt have elves and gnomes. I like guns and future weapons. The Agency looks like lame with dated looking graphics.
New ZealandFijiAustraliaVietnamCambodiaThailandCollege
exsuscito wrote:
The legend himself has posted again! Long time Ex.
I've been part of a TF2 clan for a long while now that's starting to branch out into other games, like Left 4 Dead. I'm gonna try to get on the beta of the Agency, if only to see if it has any potential whatsoever. Other than that, EVE looked interesting, if mind numbingly complex, and Global Agenda looks really fun.
I'm actually currently working on a L4D plugin that, long story short, makes the zombies more traditional (slow and hard to kill).
And then of course there's always The Matrix Online: Rebooted. Trying to see if there's a way to squeeze my way into Alpha or Beta testing.
I'm going home...
Been playing this game on a demo machine from E3 for five years now. Getting tired of standing.