Lets play "Review the Facts with Tsusai"(Oh boy oh boy I love this game!)She's got hardcore unknown access to Zion's mainframe. (Wright 1, Everyone else 0)She's developed a new hardcore red pill program. (Wright 2, Everyone else 0)She's got a encrypted signal. (Wright 3, Everyone else 0)What makes you THINK she'll keep the same encryption tomorrow, or the day after?
((Meh if you noticed Veil was happy when she EJP'd so I dont think you can say that the Cyphs "lost" this LE. Either way this was a blast))
Jax wrote:((Meh if you noticed Veil was happy when she EJP'd so I dont think you can say that the Cyphs "lost" this LE. Either way this was a blast))(( Anyone who "won" this event either got pills from Itarrot at the very end or the reward given out to those on that picked team. ))
Itty Witty's gonna get a punchy wunchy...
Ya know I still haven't fired off that email... Maybe I should...
Itarrot wrote:Ya know I still haven't fired off that email... Maybe I should...Aw, is the Big Bad Cypherite Liaison resorting to black-mail now?
((Some really nice double-bluffing by Tranta here. Looks like everyone had a fun time and the event gives a nice take on the recent developments, which would be of huge importance from a Cypherite perspective.
My OCD compels me to point out "your" typo though, HenryGabor. - Sorry. I don't feel superior for pointing it out, its just the only way for me to "scratch an itch". I'll go get back in my box now.))