Chuui said it best regarding the red fragments:
Considering that they are needed for high level coding so much, I fail to see why these frags are as rare as they are. It just doesn't seem very reasonable to me. If anything their drop ratio should either be raised considerably or a vendor created that sells them. Not only does this cut down on player frustration, but it would help give the economy a kick start with people finally being able to code decent amounts of gear to sell.
Uh, let's see the problem with farming:
1. Loot is freaking randomized as in you could spend as much as five hours and not get the frag at all. I personally was there (and I posted a suggestion in the Tech Support board. At least Joel gave a nod to it.)
Ok just kinda noticed this change / Nerf for coders. Now I still have 20 of the old style of code for clothing and other items. I was usually pretty casual for the price that I charged for any items. Now from my thinking this does not have to do with the bits at all, that is a smokescreen. Basically what this causes is that the scareness of the finished goods. The apparal that people want instead of being all over the place will be extreamly pricey and very scarse. Will this hurt the old players, some, but not as much as it will hurt any new player. They will get frustrated that all the vets have these great clothing and yet the only place that they can see it is on the marketplace for tons of info.
Walrus, if you had taken any other ability and left on 1/5 of its effectiveness then you would of had people screaming bloody murder. As someone said the stun would be at 4 secs, not even enough time to cast the next attack. Totally worthless. That is what you have made the code maker abilities into pretty much worthless. I would of hoped from more from the Dev team than something like this.
Ok lets see on this, how would you like it if your stun only lasted for 4 seconds? Oh and your hacker attacks only hit about 1 in 5 times instead of most times, but they still caused you to lose IS. Would you be having fun with that? I don't think so. Now you are getting how some of the coders feel.
Message Edited by DelstarDotstar on 09-17-2005 01:40 PM