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MXO based book...
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12/26/2007 03:22:02
MXO based book...
Veteran Hacker
Joined: Mar 22, 2006
Messages: 50
Location: the Netherlands
Hello MXO-ers,
First of all.. happy holidays to everyone!
Ive been working on a book, based on MXO.
It started out with an idea of a playerevent, but due to the lack of time to organize such event, but wanting to write the little story for it, i just started a short story.
In the real i am musician/singersongwriter, and have been busy on stage, so i havent been writing songs lately.
The thing is.. i wanted to write something.. but not songs for a while.
So the idea of a book based on MXO was born.
I work an hr or two a day on it, if im not too busy performing on stage or preparing for it.
As the inspiration for it continues, and new ideas keep comin, i thaught id let yall know, that im planning to release this book around april 2008 here on the forums.
This book is a mix of fiction and true events that happend here in mxo in relation to my character's life, TRX. As well as in the matrix as on my hovercraft.
It contains also some screenshots here and there.
The plan is to write 12 Chapters for it, and i finished Chapter 6 today.
The select group of characters in this book are real players, and so far i asked them permisson to use theire names and roles for this book.
Before posting it here, i will let it be seen by close friends and Devs here. And probably checked on spelling, as english is not my main language, since im from the netherlands europe.
I made a few sorta commerciallike Screenshotvideos for this book.
One of the videos direct adress is:
When you are there you can select 2 more videos also promoting the book.
Share your ideas or opinions or questions, they are very welcome.
For now, merry christmas, and happy and healthy 2008 wished for everyone.
12/26/2007 12:15:31
Re:MXO based book...
Ascendent Logic
Joined: Sep 27, 2005
Messages: 821
Location: Between the Worlds
I've read the first few chapters and it's a good story. As the good man says, it needs an English editor for spelling, grammar and usage. Feel free to use PS10N in it all you want, bro. Welcome back to MxO and The Brethren. We missed you. Catch me on IM any time you want me to jack in. Keep up the good work on the story! I need to transfer it to my PPC so I can read it while waiting on appointments this week.
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12/26/2007 14:29:49
Re:MXO based book...
Veteran Hacker
Joined: Mar 22, 2006
Messages: 50
Location: the Netherlands
What else can a captain wish for, to see his own leader make this positive reply on the subject
Loved ya then, love ya still
I have an other pc now cause my old one died, and it has half the specs.
So havent installed much , ill try open account on aim or else install xfire to look you up as we havent really seen each other for christmas, wich is .. bad haha
Later Commander, and thanks !
Regards TRX
New video:
Message edited by Quark75 on
01/30/2008 07:47:46
01/15/2008 00:08:59
first Chapter posted.
Veteran Hacker
Joined: Mar 22, 2006
Messages: 50
Location: the Netherlands
Considering that the first 4 chapters are fully edited by Conrac, on spelling/ grammatics and so forth, and the story itself is written up to chapter 7, i will post the first chapter as a teaser.
When its all finished, i was planning to place it on an ISO file, with screenshotvideos included.
And put it available for download somewhere.
But thats all in the near future, for now Chapter 1
onBoard the hovercraft: 'the Blue Distortion'
Chapter 1.
The sound of the passive sensor display, and other electrical equipment on the bridge of the hovercraft
The Blue Distortion
, broke the silence of the midnight watch. Although the bridge was probably the most organized part of the ship, it looked a bit messy. Some tools scattered here and there, an empty cup belonging to the Captain, and the occasional spare wire on the floor, used in a hurry and left on the floor in a busy moment as one problem was solved and the next undertaken. A blue light blinked on the communication station, showing that only one secure line was active, monitoring the Emergency Band, indicating the Captain's and the ship's readiness to respond to a call to the defense of New Zion at a moments notice.
The hovercraft, nearing the end of her time in the maintenance dock, was finally in a reasonable state and almost ready for a return to duty as yet another year of war drew to a close. At the moment,
Baby Blue
was occupied by two people; the ship's captain, and his female operator. It was an odd situation for a hovercraft to be manned by a skeleton crew in dry dock, but then again, considering that the war had been going on for at least six hundred years with no end in sight, perhaps it was no surprise that from time to time both the crew and the machines that bore them into battle would need time to refit and recharge before returning to the fray. This time the Captain himself, TRX, had needed the break, to rest and mentally recover as he reflected on events in Matrix as well as in the flesh. Most of the crew had been reassigned to other ships, just prior to the refit. Two had elected to stay with the ship as she made her way to dry dock in Zion that fateful June day. The loyal ship's operator, Lyrics, honoring the pact the two warriors had made when TRX ascended to a captaincy and chose Lyrics from among seven eager applicants for the job had elected to stay aboard.
Blue Distortion's
chief engineer, Othala, had also committed to stay with her man, despite the recent evolution of their relationship when TRX's blue pill wife, Sandy, had been discovered to be awaken as a Zion operative in the
SM Network
Little did the trio know that they would soon be immersed in the desperate evacuation of Zion to a newly established secret base. Few operatives at the time were aware of the preparations that had been made to create the New Zion base of operations in a strategic and tactically safer location. Commodore PS10N, commander of the fleet
The Brethren
to which the
Baby Blue
belonged, was the exception. Perhaps PS10N's enigmatic smile as he approved TRX's request for leave and ship refit should have warned TRX that something unusual was in the wind. Would be just like the Commodore to see threads of destiny converging in order to provide additional transport capability to humanities' last free city at a time of great need, eliciting that enigmatic smile.
Though tired and worn
, The Blue Distortion
and crew would go on to serve with distinction over the next month and a half during the evacuation of Zion. She was among the first of Zion's hovercraft to engage Sentinels since the end of the Truce, and even emerged victorious against Cypherite crewed hovercraft that attempted to impose their will over a free humanity. During this period TRX and Othala resolved their relationship as they came to grips with the revelation that Sandy had awaken and with Othala finding new love in the form of the free born engineer T-Fork ,who worked tirelessly with Othala to keep
Baby Blue
up and running during the evacuation. With the evacuation complete, Rex and Othala parted as friends and Othala went on to marry T-Fork. Rex was honored to give the bride away at the wedding.
Rex and Lyrics were allowed to remain aboard
Baby Blue
as she was refit. Despite the secure defenses of New Zion, newly appointed High Commander Roland, remembering the lesson of the
wasn't about to take any chances and insured that the refitting hovercraft would be a strategic reserve asset and that she had enough mobility and the crew to deliver a EMP pulse if, when and where required. Othala was granted an extended leave to honeymoon with her husband and explore New Zion.
And so the months past, perhaps not the most restful R&R for Rex and Lyrics and certainly not the most efficient refit of a hovercraft in the history the of Zion yard dogs, but the work proved therapeutic for the pair and the knowledge that even in dry dock they provided an important defensive contingency to New Zion's defenses a great honor.
The pair normally worked sixteen to eighteen hour days, including a twelve hour watch on the bridge to meet the defensive responsibilities assigned to
The Blue Distortion
, however, the New Zion defenses proved as formidable in reality as they were on paper and
Baby Blue
was not even called to go light on her pads throughout the long refit. The Captain would stand the day watch while the yard engineers where aboard so that he could coordinate and inspect the work. In the evening, when the yard workers had left Lyrics would take the bridge station. Lyrics during her watch would often see the Captain with the ship's internal cameras walking around with wrenches, materials, wires or other equipment to do repairs or adjustments that the day's yard work had revealed. Lyrics knew from first hand knowledge that Rex literally knew every nut, bolt, wire and integrated circuit aboard
Baby Blue
. That level of technical competence had enabled to pair to devise a remote interface that allowed the watch stander to move about the ship instead of being riveted to the bridge. They only used it when the Defensive Condition set by Zion Command was Normal or lower so as not to impact the readiness of
Baby Blue
to respond. As a result the change of watch usually occurred in the ship's mess rather then the bridge itself so that the two warriors could exchange notes and plans for the day.
Things had been going well for many months, but in the last week the Captain had become remote. They didn't speak to each other very much in the past week. Her captain had been avoiding conversations except if/when absolutely necessary....
Not a word more.....
He would say "Good morning" at breakfast, go about his daily work, and finally "Good night" when he went to sleep.
Occasionally he would issue an order or ask a question, but that had become the exception rather then the rule.
Normally Lyrics wasn't a person that would get cranky easily, but on the other hand, she needed a good atmosphere around her. Given the two normally had a very good working relationship, and could really discuss matters with each other in all due respect, made the situation that much harder to bare.
After three days she started to get a little cranky and resentful. Finally the dam broke after a week, and an argument ensued at watch change that evening. She had lost it and crossed the line, by badmouthing him in a heated discussion, in a way that made it personal. Not at all displaying the respect an operator should show her Captain.
TRX would have been entirely within his rights to have given her the consequences for her insubordination but instead realizing his remoteness in the past week and the grueling nature of their schedule sadly responded.
"Thank you for your disrespectfulness, Lyrics... I am going to pretend you didn't just say that to me. I'm going to my cabin to get some sleep. I hope for your sake, that when I see you in the morning, you will have lost this nasty attitude you just pulled on me."
That night the midnight watch was especially long. Lyrics sat at her bridge station, trying to distract herself by playing through a complicated chess problem with pieces and board she had made herself, while monitoring the Emergency Band. The exercise was of no avail, she continued to replay the argument in her mind wishing she could retract those words.
Finally the long watch drew to a close. Quickly she typed some commands on her keyboard, and removed some rubbish around her workstation picking up the remote headset and headed to the mess for the change of watch. The exact timing of the watch change was flexible as their schedules would overlap in the mess by anywhere between 30 minutes and two hours depending on what was going to happen during the day. The only requirement that the Captain set would be that the change occurred before the yard dogs arrived for the day and then again after they left.
Lyrics walked through the narrow corridors to the mess, arriving before her Captain. Opening a cabinet, she removed a tin can, and poured herself a little bit of liquid fire made famous by Dozer the venerated pilot aboard the Nebuchadnezzar.
"Cheers", she whispered to herself before she took a shot of the strong substance, making a face as if she had just taken a bite out of a lemon. She couldn't resist letting out a "phfoohh" after she slammed it.
Next, as was her custom, she made some coffee, on a weird jury-rigged coffee machine that made a sound as if it were protesting against the fact that the universe existed at all. Just in time as things turned out because she could hear some grumpy mumblings and her Captains footsteps in the corridor.
"Good Morning, Lyrics.... How did the watch go" said TRX in a neutral tone, as he stepped through the doorway and seeing that she had made him the traditional cup of black goop that passed for coffee in the Real.
"Good Morning Cap.... It was absolutely the worst watch I have ever stood.... I'm sorry T... I shouldn't have snapped at you like that, and I....."
TRX gently interrupted her: "Listen Lyrics, I appreciate the fact you are sorry for the things you said to me. You should be considering that you were way out of line there. But, I do understand why. I haven't been Mr. Sunshine this past week and I didn't give you the attention you deserve. Actually, I'm a little glad that you did stand up to me, because if you don't do that, whom else is going to do it?"
Lyrics smiled while giving TRX a cup of 'coffee'.
"Thanks T, you always make me feel better on the right moments. By the way, what was the reason you were keeping your distance? You aren't usually an introvert"
TRX hesitated a moment, and then started explaining.
"About a week and a half ago I received a transmission from Merrit, aboard the hovercraft Logos II. I personally took the call, as you were freshening up before dinner at the time. She updated me on the tactical situation in the Matrix and how she needed all the help she could assemble. We need to get back in the saddle, Lyrics and soon. She said that I would have about a week to get
The Blue Distortion
ready for action. At that point I was to rendevous with Captain Niobe in a downtown office building near the South Vauxton Central hardline for further orders. Merrit also informed me that Othala was being recalled to duty and will be assigned to us within the same time frame."
"As you know with the end of the Truce, extraction operations have become much more dangerous. Merrit informed me that we should be prepared to recruit a bluepill from somewhere near the Kedemoth Central hardline where an extraction point is being set up."
"So for the last week I have worked very hard on tweaking the ship to bring us up to 110% readiness. That isn't exactly my favorite pastime and I will certainly be happy to see Othala back at her post to handle the task in future.... She really is a genius at troubleshooting and maintenance"
"I decided to work hard at it, and let you know we were going to be on active duty again the day I finished the job."
"Yesterday I finished, I am scheduled to jack in tomorrow at 19:00 hrs."
"That means you need to tweak the operation station today after you get some shuteye. Get a good six hours sleep, that way the yard dogs and I can help you before they go off shift. After that I will make dinner for us and then we can make our way to the provisioning dock to get supplied for our mission tomorrow."
The work outlined by the Captain was completed as planned. Everything that could cause a possible conflict while jacked in was checked and double checked. System improvements were implemented and updates performed.
After dinner the pair of warriors made their way to the bridge, the Captain settling into the helm seat while Lyrics took the communication station. The excitement and fire was evident in their eyes as they ran through the checklist that would bring
The Blue Distortion
light on her pads and set them on a course to harms way to fight the good fight.
"Ok .. Lyrics, All buckled up?"
Lyrics responded with a strong and precise "Affermative" followed by a "Let's stick it to them" as her Captain pulled up on the collective and Man and Machine
leapt into the air eager for the adventure.
02/06/2008 01:09:58
Re:MXO based book...
Veteran Hacker
Joined: Mar 22, 2006
Messages: 50
Location: the Netherlands
Chapter 2.
The flight to the provisioning dock was only a short hop. After receiving clearance from the harbor master, TRX maneuvered The Blue Distortion with a practiced and skillful hand smoothly into position next to the flagship of Commander Vesuveus also waiting for replenishment.
Lyrics, carrying a few bags de-barked the hovercraft, as TRX completed the post-flight shutdown checklist before making his way to his own cabin to collect his own belongings. Judging from the queue at the dock it looked like they would have a several hours to kill.
As TRX descended the hovercraft’s main access ramp he saw Lyrics talking with Hern21, an operative from the craft next to theirs. I second later Hern21 noticed the debonair Captain descending and forgetting his conversation with Lyrics practically shouted out with excitement:
"T.. oh my God man... how good to see you! How are ya bro?"
They shook hands while their left hands slapped each other on the upper arm.
"Hern buddy. Been too long since the last time we met! I’m good man thanks, how about yourself dude? I see you didn’t stop working out man, you look good!"
Hern21's appearance was indeed impressive. About the same height as TRX, but twice as wide, with arms as strong as a bear, almost white blond hair, and very bright albino-like blue eyes. He had recruited TRX about 3 years back, and played a big part in his awakening. He had also been instrumental in arranging a position in the top crew of the RSITemplars, TRX's first faction.
They had been good friends ever since, even when that faction disbanded after a year. The faction leader, WaterDragon, taught TRX everything there is to know about the Matrix, and also provided excellent training on how to be a good captain. After only four month with the faction TRX was promoted to captain of the hovercraft, RSIGuardian.
Because of Hern's many different duties outside the matrix, the two friends sometimes didn’t see each other very much, but when they did meet in the Matrix, they had very good times working together.
"So, TRX. Where the hell have you been man? I missed ya." said Hern as he continued and pounded him on his shoulder.
TRX's grin broadened, as he replied: "Well you know me man. Once in a while I just take a long vacation"
At that moment a young man walked up to the trio and interrupted their conversation: "I’m sorry to interrupt Sir, your commander PS10N sent me to tell you he is at the Communication Centre next to Headquarters, and would like you to meet with him. Sir, he also told me to say: Welcome back".
TRX tapped the man on the shoulder. "Tell him I’ll meet him in exactly one hour at the mess hall for a drink and a sit-down"
Instead of leaving immediately, the young fellow hesitated shyly, like he wanted to ask something. TRX noticed and asked if there was anything else.
Clearly nervous, the young man gathered his courage and after a second finally found some words: "Sir? I wanted to ask you if you would have a position for me, on your crew. I’m good at decrypting codes and messages. I know your operator is one of the best, so I would like to learn the profession on your ship with Lyrics’ guidance."
TRX and Lyrics made eye contact and seeing her little smile matched it with one of his own.
Returning his attention to the messenger, TRX and said: "If Lyrics wants to teach you, I have no objection. By the way, what’s your name and how old are you?"
"My name is Linotype, Sir. I am 19 years old." said the now very excited and hopeful young man.
TRX turned his head to Lyrics and asked her what she thought.
Lyrics, a professional look on her face, carefully examined Linotype from head to toe. She saw a young man with messy hair, brown eyes, and though slender of build and slight of stature he stood straight, and seemed relaxed even though a bit nervous.
Lyrics stepped forward in his direction, tilted her head a little and said: "Why don’t you come over to the mess hall too in an hour, so we can talk about it and learn a little more about you. Sound good?"
The Linotype’s expression clearly began to shine.
Hern21 choose this moment to enter the conversation. With a serious look on his face, he asked: "Are you sure kid? These people are nuts."
When he saw the startled Linotype look at TRX and Lyrics with both eyebrows up, he couldn’t help laughing and said: "Nah man. I’m just playing with ya".
Lino smiled, glad that he at least had a chance to get on The Blue Distortion.
TRX laughed, clapping Hern on the shoulder, and told him: “Some things never change Hern, you still are a good icebreaker.”
"Well Linotype”, TRX said, “We will see you in an hour, and I think it’s clear that it would be best if you are there on time."
Linotype thanked everyone and promised to be on time. You could see in his walk, that he was proud, as he left in the direction of the Headquarters to deliver the message to PS10N.
After a little more chitchat, TRX and Hern made an appointment to meet in the Matrix in two days. Then saying their goodbyes, they headed off in separate directions.
Lyrics, walking with TRX as they headed for the housing complex commented: "Rex, We will see, but that Linotype kid seems nice."
Finally reaching his quarters, TRX dropped his bags in his home on the ninth floor, second door at the right, of the tall building like structure of the housing complex. He walked over to the corner that had a cabinet. Opening the cabinet, he took out a small iron box with a lock. The lock opened with a key that was hidden in the cabinet. He next opened the box, taking out a necklace with hanger that suspended a small piece of metal, shaped into an oval bearing an engraved "T". He held the necklace in his hand for a minute, and then slipped it around his neck.
He took off his boots and lay down on his bed and exercised that time old skill of warriors and captains alike; catnapping, catching that moment of rest during downtimes as one never knew when next a time for sleep might arise. As he drifted to sleep he reflected on how good it was to be back but mostly images of his wife Sandy as a bluepill and later as the redpill Operative Tr1ck5 flashed through his mind. Something at once lost and then found again. On the periphery of these scenes were pictures of the former Zion Captain Conrac and the Zion Operative Covenant, two men instrumental in re-uniting him with his (ex)wife.
After precisely thirty-five minutes TRX awoke refreshed and pulled on his boots. Smoothing his clothes and double checking his look in the mirror he left his apartment and made his way to the fleet Headquarters and his meeting with commander PS10N.
02/06/2008 01:11:05
Chapter 3
Veteran Hacker
Joined: Mar 22, 2006
Messages: 50
Location: the Netherlands
Chapter 3.
Commodore Ps10n sat at a table in the dockside mess hall near the Zion Headquarter complex with two of his other captains, Minuend and Morphesu. The Commodore was pleased that fate had arranged for the captains of The Brethren to be in New Zion on the day that one of their own returned to active duty. A Captain’s Council was definitely in order so that hard won knowledge of conditions in this new hot war Zion found herself in could be passed on, first hand, to the returning TRX.
Although Morphesu was the youngest captain of the faction, he certainly carried his share of responsibility for successful fleet operations. He was a tenacious survivor, who had learned to use his youthful appearance to his advantage. Many an enemy made the mistake of underestimating the dynamic Morphesu one second, only to find themselves devastated by a flurry of punches delivered with a machine-gun like staccato the next.
Not only did Minuend bring a woman’s perspective to the Brethren’s Council, but an analytic mind blessed with intuition that reveled in the detection of hidden messages and the crypto-analysis of enemy codes. In Matrix she used her agile mind to “hack” the simulation code on the fly, delivering massive attacks to her enemies and enhancements to her friends.
The reason the captains of The Brethren got along so well, was the sometimes strange humor they all shared. Outsiders often didn’t understand that humor, resulting in hilarious situations sometimes. Yes, they were all like family to each other.
Also at the table was Rage. He had also been detailed to help in the establishment of New Zion and the evacuation of Zion. In fact he had built a reputation for begin an adroit combat pilot with a steady hand under pressure. He was an old friend of TRX, and PS10n had invited him to this meeting as a possible pilot candidate for The Blue Distortion.
Rounding out the meeting were Lyrics and Linotype, sitting at a nearby table, already in deep discussion about the science and art of being a ship’s operator.
As if synchronized, they all looked at the entrance when TRX walked in the busy and large mess hall. As he approached the table the assembled Brethren stood and gave him a warm welcome. Ps10n’s friendly bear hug almost broke a rib and Morphesu’s traditional dap was a choreographed mini sparring match with both sides making the proscribed moves with precision and panache. Minuend’s hug lacked the rib breaking enthusiasm of the Commodore’s but ended with a gentle and friendly kiss on the cheek. Rage’s handshake was firm with a smile that lit his face and eyes. One look at the huge grin on Linotype face and the twinkle in Lyrics’ eyes that accompanied the nod of her head told him that Baby Blue had a new backup operator.
"Welcome back TRX" said Ps10n with a big smile.
The emotions on TRX’s face were very readable as he answered: "Thanks, it’s good to be back Sir"
Ps10n's grin said it all: "At ease captain. Don’t you “Sir” me right now. I’m glad you are in one piece. You have been missed here. Lets all take a seat."
There was a silence at the table for a minute as they sat down.
TRX broke the silence, saying: "I missed you all too."
Morphesu couldn’t help remarking with a wink: "Ok guys, let’s cut this mushy crap and get down to business. We ain’t got a lot of time here." To which everyone chuckled.
Taking his cue, Ps10n started the meeting.
"TRX, I assume Merrit filled you in about the current situation. We are all glad you are back, because there are rough times ahead of us. We need every captain, operative and support person on duty. I had a brief talk with Niobe, she is also glad you are back. However, don’t be surprised when she starts giving you a lecture. She's quite aggravated you have been out for so long. Don’t worry though, it will be fine. Just don’t go smartass on her, because she will beat the living daylight out of you", ended Ps10n with a wink.
TRX laughed like a man with a tooth-ache, who was anticipating a painful visit to the dentist: "I will remember that Ps1”
And then, with more good natured humor in his voice: “By the way, Rage, I didn’t see you for so long. I began to think you took the blue pill or something. Good to see you man."
Ps10n told TRX why he had invited Rage, and strongly advised to give him the position as a pilot on The Blue Distortion. TRX didn’t have to think twice about that, and so the deal was made. Seeing that TRX was quickly composing an e-mail notification for the Zion Fleet Personnel Division to announce the crew change, Lyrics confirmed what her Captain had surmised about the suitability of Linotype as a backup operator and her willingness to train him. TRX smiled at his operator’s thoughtfulness in saving him a bit of paperwork and quickly amended the notification to include Linotype as well.
With those formalities out of the way, Rage elected to return to the hovercraft to perform his own inspection of the engine, the ignition, and the controls. TRX smiled knowing he had made the right choice. Lyrics and Linotype also choose to begin some hands-on training aboard Baby Blue, knowing they would hear the Captain’s own brief on the upcoming mission just before he jacked in.
Once things settled down again Ps10n continued: "Rex, when you received the name of the blue pill you are suppose to recruit. Did the name ring a bell?"
TRX replied: "It sounded familiar, but I can’t really pinpoint who he is."
Ps10n looked TRX seriously in the eyes and asked: "Do think again TRX."
Dutifully TRX ran the blue pill’s name, Richard McPhearson, by his memory again. He suddenly remembered a man that he had worked with for several years in his bluepill life. Those were painful times, so perhaps it was not surprising the connection had slipped his mind as he didn’t like to dwell on that particular portion of his history. Richard, it turned out, had been a support to him, during the miserable events that took place during that time and which eventually lead to TRX's awakening. As he remembered those events over two long years ago he flashed back in the past...
***As a bluepill TRX was known as Markus Parker. He had met a lovely woman named, Sandy and despite the stress of living paycheck to paycheck in an unforgiving world their mutual passion buoyed them to new heights. Despite their deep love for one another, there were problems as he could never seem to except the world about them. He would share these feelings with her which she would dismiss as harmless conspiracy theories. The people around them viewed him as a bit of a lunatic and as word of these theories of his passed among his associates the couple began to encounter hard times. He lost his brother who shared his theories, and then soon afterward, his job, when an embezzlement scandal rocked the department he managed. Without two steady incomes the couple lost their home as well. Times where stressful, and he continued to espouse an organization known as the Matrix had it in for him and was the root of their problems.
The couple argued as passionately as they made love. One night after an especially nasty argument, Sandy stormed out of their rundown apartment in Eshean Projects in a fit of temper. That was the last straw for him, at that point he thought he had lost the one thing that really had any meaning to him and this prompted him to put his beliefs to the acid test. TRX rose out of the ashes of Markus Parker’s blue pill life. Having lost everything, he never felt the need to look back, He embraced the life of a Zion operative, attempting to move on and making a commitment to himself to bring truth to the world he once knew.
About year ago, fourteen months to the day after the fateful night that TRX was born he learned Sandy’s side of the story. She was the first to admit that perhaps she let her temper rage for longer then was prudent as the heat of that terrible argument lingered for several days. When she returned to the apartment, he was gone. She only found a post-it on the fridge with the words: "It's true, this world is a lie. I'm deeply sorry".
She anxiously waited the mandatory very long 24 hours hoping that he would return before filing a missing persons report. She then endured the bureaucratic meandering of a police department who had little intention of solving another missing person's case in the gang infested slums. That was when she took matters into her own hands and began a fourteen month investigation of her beloved husband's whereabouts. During this investigation she stumbled on strange people and found out about the Matrix, especially after being locked up in a cell for a day and a night by someone in a black suit, telling her to stop her investigation. With all leads exhausted and hoping against hope that Markus had preceded her into the Matrix by taking the red pill she taken a red pill of her own.
Sandy took the name of Tr1ck5 as her red pill handle, and continued the search for her missing husband in Matrix. Alas, a Cypherite attack on the Zion Mainframe had left the personnel database in disarray. Even with this setback, Trixie refused to give up and enlisted her Captain, Conrac, to aid in her search. The pair came up with places that Markus might visit and posted them on an electronic bulletin board along with a reward for information as to his whereabouts.
An operative named Covenant and his operator Variel took an interest in the case. They were literally searching for a needle in a haystack. The resolute pair, put in long hours tracking down the various leads until one day atop the monolithic Ascension Monument, Covenant found Trixie’s missing husband.
The information was relayed to Conrac, who it turned out counted TRX as a friend and a meeting was arranged in Club Paradise Lost to reunite the couple. Sadly, as TRX had found a new love in his red pill life the reunion was a bittersweet one. ***
The sound of Ps10n’s snapping fingers several inches in front of his face brought him back from the past. Concerned with TRX’s far off gaze, Ps10n asked his captain: "TRX, are you ok? Do you remember now who Richard McPhearson is?"
TRX swallowed the lump in his throat and told his commander that McPhearson had been supportive and helpful in the his blue pill life when he lost his brother and even resigned his own job in protest when TRX was fired from the department they both worked in.
Ps10n smiled and told TRX it came to the surface that McPhearson had been seeking answers to Marcus Parker’s whereabouts and was on the verge of discovering the Matrix. The job of recruiting McPhearson and leading him to an extraction point was tailor made for TRX.
"Well TRX, not many of us get the chance to recruit some one from our blue pill past, and return the favor of helping them out of trouble and supporting them", Ps10n said with a twinkle in his eye.
He continued informing TRX: "So what we did. We sent one of our operatives to meet him twice and carefully gave him some clues you were very much alive, and made an appointment to meet with you. The operative also gently gave him a little bit of information to think about, concerning the Matrix. You are a person he trusted, and what better person to send then you to guide him to the truth and awaken him. Now, I’m giving an order to get about 6 hrs of sleep in your quarters and after you met Niobe at South Vauxton Central go to Kedemoth central, to the closest bar near the hardline at exactly 20:15 hrs to meet with McPhearson."
TRX stood up from his chair: "I will fulfill this order with the outmost pleasure Ps10n".
*** Authors note: Trixie’s search and reunion with her husband in Club Paradise Lost was played out as an MxO player event and can be found described at the URL:
This event was won by the patient and resourceful Zion operative Covenant, who received a reward of $10.000.000 credits or info as the Matrix online currency is called
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