"Do you have any examples of things that may be for sale?"
well... just like a swap meet or something you never know what you may find. as for what I'LL be bringing, i have countless emails filled with various stuff collected over the years (however im not exactly looking to unload it all), my analyzer tool filled with thousands of codestructs (list of Catzi's Codestructs), and lots of crafting frags (most of us will make clothes and stuff for free if you bring your own crafting frags!)
I hope others bring lots of clothes, cuz i love clothes and would be happy to share some of my wealth for those that bring some to help my collection grow.
last time i was able to aquire a nice set of armored/shielded underarmor clothes from someone while helping Zane get much closer to completing his list of lev50 clothes hes looking for... there were atleast a dozen or so people that rolled through there but my memory is kinda foggy as to what all was traded around, but i do remember it was quite alot.
and this year, for those with winamp you can now see all the clothes in my analyzer tool using live video streaming to allow easy veiwing of buffs, for example "hey what kinda buffs you have for lev39 hats?" or "what do you have for mens fancer shirts?" i can then say "here, take a look for yourself!".