I wouldz likez to thankz all the newbz I had to extract CQ'z from to getz to where I am nowz Bless you all !
Oh yes, there will be blood.
Oh yes, there will be code spilt on this night.
Nice Pyro and I am already looking forward to the next update!!
Okay, I'm going to see about doing this in some kind of semi-formal manner. The idea will be to update this post roughly once a month. Previous listings will be preserved as linked .gif files, and I think I'll also be able to include a file highlighting any changes since the last update, so you can see at a glance who's moved up or down.I'm pretty sure the "org" shown is calculated only on reputation points, and ignores what crew you might be in.History:080902 - diff080805
FYI Rare, the 2 links in the history are the 9/2 file
Thx again for posting this!!
and heres what I got on the Vector edition of this thread:
Here is the breakdown on the following:
Most CQs since last update: Illface (824)
Biggest Rank Increase: Manatik (11)
New to top 100: Playdoh (100)
I've highlited the Mervs as well
Congrats to the winners Illface, Manatik, and Playdoh, and also gratz to Illface for breaking the 25K mark, and Tonyjaa for breaking 10K!!