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Guns vs MKT?
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Perceptive Mind

Joined: Oct 1, 2006
Messages: 975
Location: Vector

It seems that MKT vs Guns is the most one-sided fight in this game, considering the large accuracy and high ballistic defense from MKTs. What are some tactics gunman can use to kill and MKT? What are some good clothes?

Encrypted Mind

Joined: Jul 10, 2008
Messages: 673

I think of it as a "Rock-paper-scissors" type of balance. MKTs apparently are just supposed to have a clear advantage over gunmen.

You can try keeping them as far away as possible while attacking them. Pistol Barrage/pistol Aerial if they hit the MKT.

Femme Fatale

Joined: Oct 27, 2007
Messages: 1223

I don't play guns a lot but I'd suggest keeping the MKT rooted for long enough to get a state and FAR.  Wear resistance gear if you have it. 

Veteran Hacker

Joined: Sep 30, 2006
Messages: 54

A gunmans advantage, is a greater range for the most part than mkt. Do not purposely IL an mkt unless they are trying to get away or if your build is based on IL and you get a useful stat on them. If you are a rifleman it's best to root and get out of knife range, throw on your firearms skill, and fireaway. Be sure to keep them rooted as much as possible, at least slowed with Crippling Shot so they cant jump. Yes mkts have a great advantage over gunmen but if its 1 vs 1 and if you use the correct tactics you can still defeat them.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 7, 2005
Messages: 4674
Location: HvCFT Everto

Experience. If you see an enemy MKT just attack. Whats the worst that can happen? You die, you reconstruct, you come back and try again.

As you continue to fight with a certain build against another build you will get better and you'll find the limitations and advantages of your own build.

Perceptive Mind

Joined: Oct 1, 2006
Messages: 975
Location: Vector

Denary wrote:
Indeed. After a bit of looking over what I have it seems the SSR Helmet is good against MKTs because of it's defensive bonuses. Also, the Elite Commando Leggings are decent as they improve your accuracy and damage. Why doesn't Troll's Hide have Thrown Resistance?

Veteran Hacker

Joined: Sep 30, 2006
Messages: 54

Personally as a gunner fighting an MKT specificly (meaning I don't need to worry about someone hitting me with hacks... ect) I use the following.


 Hat: Overdrive Bandana

Glasses: SSR Glasses

Overcoat: Elite Commando

Shirt: Squad Leader's (even though it has no thrown resistance, its damage/accuracy upgrades are unbeatable...)

Pants: Elite Commando

Gloves: Elite Commando (or GM Shinobi Gloves if you have them, I don't have them yet)

Shoes: Seraphim Shoes


You can use full Commando also and get good regain still but personally, OD bandana is the best for this kind of situation. You will not win against an MKT if it takes too long you need to do high damage and fast, if your a duelist and you get them dazed and/or offbalance go ahead and IL them... use firearms skill and despiration early you will need the extra damage and chance to hit if facing in IL.

Of course this gear/tactic is only my opinion, it's best to listen to as many opinions as you can and figure out something that works for you, something that should be there no matter what is some decent resistances. At least 150 or more...

Good luck.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 7, 2005
Messages: 4674
Location: HvCFT Everto

FiftyCaliber wrote:

Shirt: Squad Leader's (even though it has no thrown resistance, its damage/accuracy upgrades are unbeatable...)

Just as a note, I beat quite a few Gunmen wearing Squad Leaders when I'm wearing just an armoured shirt.

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