Look, in the short 4 days I have spent actually recruiting and helping lowbies, I have recruited 9, count them , NINE new recruits that have never played on another server. All of which have subbed from the free trial to stay on in Troopers, because of the fact there were people there that cared about the lowbies. I even found 7 lowbies from other servers on to check out vector, and are planning on staying on board, that did NOT join my faction.
Simple, if you feel like your faction is dead, then do something about it. Either ask to be a captain in my faction to help me bring more of these guys in, or work on your recruiting. They are there. If you need help finding them, mach, merv, or Zion, I will be happy to send them your way to make sure they get to the right people. Remember, this is what TR was good about. We love the community, and want a rich environment full of matrixy bad guys and fun times with people.
Drop on line on this thread if you are interested in:
A: Becoming a CPT in Troopers
B: Giving a Point Of Contact for a faction in which I can get a hold of to send a recruit your way.
I know not all are cut out for this job, its understandable. So help me help you, and our community. If you want to chat with me about this offline, then go to the soon NEW forums for Troopers which is http://fadingpulse.com/forum/index.php
And register. I check both our forums daily, and during the week I work long hours. I will be on daily on MXO to make sure my guys are recruiting and do some mishing. PLS help all of us. Thanks Vector.
Hi TW ! You can send wannabe machines to Red or to Phoenixx2. I'll gladly help !
I'll help! Can I eat the lowbies?
Most ppl know this TW, that there are lowbies running around, but most ppl are done trying to grow their factions, with the exception of a few....DE, CG, TT, SS, DA and now TR again.
Most players dont go thru the trouble of helping new guys cuz:
Yeah quite sad really, having an active faction (lowbie wise) nowadays is considered as recruiting en a masse.
People tend to stick about more if they see and hear more people.
Some factions just don't seem to like doing the whole helping part.
I heard rumors about a very active CYPH faction
I don't consider it recruiting en mass at all!
In fact the lowbies we took on a couple of months ago are now eager 50's in the faction and a couple of them were trial infact!
So just goes to show that a little welcoming spirit and help is all these guys need. Plus they are told from the offset we aint gonna mummy them through the game but support is always on hand and fun.
Not to crash your thread TW But Twisted Titans is very very active and always willing to offer a helping hand be it in pvp or Farming even to levelling although I might not always be availible to mission but I will when I can and always teams missioning!
Contact Ra2za / Nighthawk7000 Or any TT member for details.
Silenci0 wrote:
Love em !! <3 <3
Manatik wrote:
Most ppl know this TW, that there are lowbies running around, but most ppl are done trying to grow their factions, with the exception of a few....DE, CG, TT, SS, DA and now TR again.Most players dont go thru the trouble of helping new guys cuz: they think its a waste of timewould rather be doing something elsehave realized in the long run only 1 of 5 new players actually stick around and make to 50
mainly the 3rd one.. just generally because i've helped no end of people in my time as has lots and lots of players, some more than others, i just feel sometimes its a wasting my time, but i'm a fresh captain and recruiting myself so.. slight contridiction but to be fair to see a new 50 around and see them get there stuff and jump out on the battle field its quite nice.. soo i guess we'll see how thing goes but i'm all for this! captains start recruiting! let them know YOUR out there!
mainly the 3rd one.. just generally because i've helped no end of people in my time and so has lots and lots of players, some more than others, i just feel sometimes its a waste of my time, but i'm a fresh captain and recruiting myself so.. slight contridiction but to be fair to see a new 50 around and see them get there stuff and jump out on the battle field is quite nice.. soo i guess we'll see how thing goes but i'm all for this! captains start recruiting! let them know YOUR out there!
Ok So far I got a good list. I will make sure they get to you guys. I had to make a new crew today to make room for two more recruits.
And true, maybe 1 out of 5 make it to 50, but if the factions work hard at this stuff, you would be amazed at how many we retain. I know we get burned sometimes. I have quite a few. In the end though, they get help, they leave the faction to become another org, they are still playin right?
Paschendale wrote:
I can help them out if they want to go machine, but my crew on Paschendale is full, and everyone else in my faction migrated to a different online game.
what faction is tht?
Captain TimeMaker reporting for duty abord the Terminus.