I'll more than likely get it. Looks good, but I've yet to see an AI that actually learns from my behavior, despite what the developers continually claim. And Zasz was mentioned in the article, if I remember correctly, imax, so you'll probably get your wish.
First Teaser out
this game might just be pretty good bought time they had a great batman game
Arkham looks amazing to be certain, but Batman hasn't had a good game for so long I'm not setting my expectations too high...
What was the last good Batman game anyway? The Ninja Gaiden clone based on the first Burton movie was very good, and I think it was called Revenge of the Joker was good too, even if Batman shot everything with projectiles instead of actually fighting hand to hand at all.
I'm not very impressed, classic style Batman doesn't fit with high-end graphics.
well i said earlier in the posts i hear this plays like bioshock so if that is true and it says to that kinda style i think this could have a shot at being a good game
It looks amazing. I hope it's good.
New trailer out
I'm sad to say I did't quite feel the trailer to much. I'f there is one good thing about it its the graphics, they look amazing, but we all pretty much already knew that. So, whats missing... hard to say, maybe its just the very fast cut editing. Somthing about the way the characters are moving bugs me.
I dunno, maybe I'm just being paranoid. I just so want a good batman game.
Still have no idea what it actually plays like.. but dang, it looks sweet. /drool
according to these screenshots, this game has some of the sharpest textures, and best lighting I have ever seen in a game. I really hope everything else lives up to it's visuals.