MotorZ wrote:Lock is no longer MIA.Proofz or it didn't happen.No, I heard about it, but I have no way of knowing *cough* no mission summaries *cough*, thus nothing to put down.
Lock is no longer MIA.
"EPN followed an emergency beacon to a wrecked surface facility above Zion, where they found Commander Lock, weak and recovering from wounds, but conscious. They evacuated him to the old city." take from here
and more on Lock's condition
"Zion's Commander Lock, guarded by EPN and recovering in the old city, sent a message to Zionites with the story of his rescue from the Machine attack on Zion by Mauser, who took him to an abandoned lab facility on the surface, and tended to Lock's injuries until being killed while leading Sentinels away from his position."
found here
Any chance to see an update someday? I'm a bit lost since the Oracle's death heh.
Redbindi and myself were mentioned in a zion crit recently.
Pretty much I was the captain of the epn ship carrying lock and I handed him over to bindi after we killed mechs and cyphs and ceasefired it up with the mervs.