Mesajeri lay for a moment, with his eyes closed. Letting his mind run wild in the darkness that his eyelids provided. This was where he truely was free, in his dreams...
After a moment however, he opened them, and the pupils quickly adjusted to the bright white light of the control deck on board The Wyrd. Reality. Mesajeri stiffened his neck as the neural jack was slowly pulled out and placed in its holder with a quiet click. He sat up and replaced the neural jack with a hand, rubbing the metal slot slowly, the other hand on his knee resting...
Mesajeri got up slowly, thinking about what had just happened...
"Don't run! We only want to protect you!"
...she had somehow achieved what she wanted all that time...
Mesajeri wheeled the operator's chair from its station to a secondary unit, and immediately started typing on one of the three keyboards. His eye's squinted up at the blue screen as he began a search:
Search Wyrd Database:
Mesajeri tapped the enter key, and began a basic search of the general files of The Wyrd...
Search Wyrd Database:
0 Related Files
Mesajeri thought for a moment, and then began a second search:
Search Wyrd Database:
The computer hummed a moment, and then...
Search Wyrd Database:
Name: Shaffer, Lilly:
Location: Unknown
Status: Alive
So she had done it. But, all the reports said that she had died. It couldn't be a mistake official report of Fygment's death, and then the confirmation of Lilly being alive. There was no doubt now, it was Fygment he had met with...she just didn't know it...