The above image is hosted at the following site owned by Rarebit. There isn't much to the site yet but it has changed once over the last few weeks i've been watching it. The sites below are ones that rarebit owns. supermassiveblackholestar domain was claimed on dec 20, 2008. Redirect to main site. Funny cowboy game made in 1999. "Come get bi*ched at by Paleface, powder-monkey! "
Interesting, hopefully more will be added to as its got my intrest.
Rarebit wrote:
2) The choice.Notice the two colored buttons: one red, and one sort of Red, or blue. A choice. Hmm.4) The consequence.Picking Green(-ish blue) gets you a banquet. Perhaps with...steak?Picking Red gets you a dance. Action. A choreographed ballet of inter-locked movement, if you will.
From Rarebit's original musings of the above image. So by pressing the 'green (blue) button' we are chosing the banquet. The choice that Cypher made? Is he encouraging us to accept what we have because wanting or expecting anything else will leave us disappointed?
Thread cleaned. Stay on topic.
It has CHANGED....... <_<
Thread moved to Off Topic.
mxomod001 wrote:
I'm really glad you did that...I was about to suggest the thread move. This topic has nothing to do whatsoever with MxO and as such belongs in the Off Topic section.
Villemar_MxO wrote:
mxomod001 wrote:Thread moved to Off Topic. I'm really glad you did that...I was about to suggest the thread move. This topic has nothing to do whatsoever with MxO and as such belongs in the Off Topic section.
Okay, we get it, odj!
Wait... you're not... oops, nevermind.
Oh, what a dramatic life this thread has led.
Anyswuck, if there really is anything hidden like a meaning or something in that picture, would somebody just freakin' tell me already, cuz I don't get it!
The secret is, right click the green button, click properties, then highlight, copy it, then paste it to your browser.
Thats the secret.
ZippyTheSquirrel wrote:
And we still don't know what Anyswuck means, or how you invented it o.O
Episode 001
machete wrote:
"Hull penetration achieved."
That seems to be the same illustrative style Rarebit used for the couple cinematics he made. Perhaps he is working behind the scenes, or on another project?