Congrats to Seliten and Theorydust, the new First Officers of the Tiamat and Prometheus respectively.
On a quick note, if you have seen any of us in game lately you will have noticed that something is missing. Yes, we are still EPN. Due to an unfortunate oversight on the part of the previous faction Commander, Devol, all ships in the faction were set as Rank 1, making it impossible to clear out any inactive hovercraft without completely disbanding the faction and rebuilding it.
Heh didn't even see my name hre..Thanks personlll..I could almost lay money that my account is one of the oldest active ones to not have reached 50 yet..Guess I just like to take it slow..
So I guess Bourbon was in Beta as well?
Vedren wrote:Heh didn't even see my name hre..Thanks personlll..I could almost lay money that my account is one of the oldest active ones to not have reached 50 yet..Guess I just like to take it slow.. I believe Bourbon's got ya beat
the Brood is still around and kicking, we are still looking for new recruits that would like to be in a close knitted faction that acts like a second family. Yes we are a EPN faction, but we do get along with the Zion factions as well. If interested in joining our ranks, visit our website at and submit a application. Also you can contact us in game via email or /t. Current active members are PBell, TPaine, Personlll, Senliten, Kadith, and LuciousBrujah. There will be a few more of our veteran officers coming back in the near future.
forgot to mention, WinterBrood has been around since beta, and we'll be here when the servers shut down.
Alot of our veterans have moved on to other games which is the reason our numbers have dropped, but for some of us, the Matrix has us and will not be leaving.