Rarebit, If you are going to continue releasing FX like flame virus, fly virus, etc, I hope you throw this one on the list:
Seraphim Wings
From your image thread, it looks like there will be wireframe FX, so hopefully FX will continue. I think this one's pretty cool and can be used for RP a great deal.
Seconded!!! We've got a fallen/neutral angel theme to our faction, so I'd love to design a recruiting poster with a bunch of us sporting the wings.
Valshamr, White Plain Slacks + wings... sweetness. Would absolutely love this.
MatrixRefugee wrote:
I'm sure you can get someone to do that in photoshop, since it wouldn't be all that hard.
Honestly, I'm going to have to vote no on this, just because I don't want to see lolangels added to the field of 700 year old lesbian vampires.
700 year old lesbian vampire angels would just make me...
Neoteny wrote:
MatrixRefugee wrote:Seconded!!! We've got a fallen/neutral angel theme to our faction, so I'd love to design a recruiting poster with a bunch of us sporting the wings.I'm sure you can get someone to do that in photoshop, since it wouldn't be all that hard.Honestly, I'm going to have to vote no on this, just because I don't want to see lolangels added to the field of 700 year old lesbian vampires.700 year old lesbian vampire angels would just make me...Well.../vomit
In all honesty, I haven't seen *anyone* RP an angel, out of all the different kinds of Exiles that pop up in game canon, and all the different sorts people have run with. Frankly, I wouldn't mind it at all, since it's something that hasn't been done before, much less run into the ground. I don't have a problem with what people RP, as to how they do it. As long as everybody and their brother doesn't start doing it, because then it gets silly and ruins the originality.
And for that matter, neither are we, I meant our faction to some extent emulates the idea of fallen/neutral angels; having the Wings as an FX would make the recruiting poster that much easier to make, since the wings would fit the poses of the RSIs better, etc.
Pltchaos used to RP an angel.
- Void
I think that'd look a bit silly to have a bunch of people running around with wings on.
I wouldn't like to see this in-game.
eval wrote:
I think that'd look a bit silly to have a bunch of people running around with wings on. I wouldn't like to see this in-game.
I agree, I'm voting this one down. As cool as angel wings are, I just think it would venture too far away from the Matrix Universe (inb4 pew pew, wireframe guys, etc).
Balthial and photoshop are going to be your best bets pretty much.
ArchDuke wrote:
eval wrote:I think that'd look a bit silly to have a bunch of people running around with wings on. I wouldn't like to see this in-game.I agree, I'm voting this one down. As cool as angel wings are, I just think it would venture too far away from the Matrix Universe (inb4 pew pew, wireframe guys, etc). Balthial and photoshop are going to be your best bets pretty much.
I Agree
Tesma wrote:
ArchDuke wrote:eval wrote:I think that'd look a bit silly to have a bunch of people running around with wings on. I wouldn't like to see this in-game.I agree, I'm voting this one down. As cool as angel wings are, I just think it would venture too far away from the Matrix Universe (inb4 pew pew, wireframe guys, etc). Balthial and photoshop are going to be your best bets pretty much.I Agree
Same here
EndlessVoid wrote:
Pltchaos used to RP an angel.- Void
Whoops, that was before my time... But still, it's a nice FX I'd like to have... maybe as a reward for the Winter Holiday missions...
Skeptical on whether this would even be possible, not to mention I think it would get old real fast, not to mention quite a bit un-Matrixy.
Tenshi wrote:
Like that random sword...
I prefer the lightnings around the body when you die as an FX. At least it moves.
The Leo wrote:
Tenshi wrote:Skeptical on whether this would even be possible, not to mention I think it would get old real fast, not to mention quite a bit un-Matrixy.Like that random sword...I prefer the lightnings around the body when you die as an FX. At least it moves.
Heaven preserve us from the Stop Having Fun Guys who seem to call everything that's fun and different "not Matrix-y" just because it wasn't copied directly from the movies or the Animatrix. -.-
No, it's because it is non-Matrixy because according to the established canon so far, there are only two types of angels out in the Matrix. The ex-agents who are locked up in blackwood ony to be released here and there through pandora's boxes and are recalled after a time if not entirely killed and Seraph.
And no player falls into either of those categories.
And I'm sorry, but everytime I saw *Gothique bites into her neck to feed* my palm hit my head so hard, I was worried it would fly straight through. So I shudder to think where my hand will go if I start seeing *XXRANDOMANGELXX flys 80,000 feet above you!* *XXRANDOMANGELXX uses SEISMIC TOSS!*
I think there are far more interesting and practical FX we could have instead.