*You find the following note tucked into the cover of a book on a shelf in a store in Achan. The book is new and the ink seems quite fresh on the paper. It is not exactly a book, however. More like a pamphlet. But it is bound and covered like a book and its compact size reminds you of the pocket copies of "The Communist Manifesto" that was carried about by Politburo members in the Soviet Union. You open the front cover, which simply reads "The Chaos Theory" to find a note tucked into the front page. It is scrawled in a familiar hand and its font is a form of Germanic calligraphy. You find yourself faced with a Choice: read on or replace the book back upon the shelf*
A wise woman, who many mistakenly thought to be a fool and a fanatic, once told me that we all need something to ground ourselves in reality- an anchor if you will, to weigh us down and prevent us from taking leave of our senses. She told me to find the proper focus necessary to enjoy a healthy life. I have, therefore, taken it upon myself to commit to paper The Chaos Theory, my philosophy in life since taking the red pill, as a form of rehabilitation- a rehabilitation not just of myself but of all Sentients. We have become misguided- all of us. We have lost focus. We have forgotten everyone and everything that came before us. This is evident now more than ever as the heroes of our past become the villains of our present. Niobe and Morpheus are but two examples of this. One need not look far in MegaCity nowadays to witness more examples- more depictions of putrid evil and violence that have been born of illegitimately of our collective ignorance and hatred. This must stop. We must be shown The Truth and Awakened from our foolish and self-destructive behaviour in order to ensure that the great opportunity that has been presented to us by The Sacrifice of The One is not squandered and lost for another millennium.
Yes, it is true. We are not Awake. Taking the red pill does not necessarily mean you have been Awakened or reached some new level of understanding. You’ve simply made the transition from one System of Control to another. Perhaps only The One, Trinity, The Oracle and Sati will ever understand that fully. Only time can tell.
But I make you this offer: understand and explore what I have in mind and perhaps we will all be redeemed of our sins before it is too late. If you really wish to be free of the illusions and lies and you hunger to possess true Knowledge and Wisdom, I encourage you to keep reading. My ranting gets better, I think. This offer of Truth, I might also add, extends to all Sentients. Chaos Theory’s lessons benefit not only Redpills but Exiles, like The Merovingian or The General, and even The Agents of The System. In the immortal words of Pope John Paul II “None of us, not one, controls the Universe.”
((This shall be continued in installments as time permits. You'll know when it's done.))
Schopenhauer tells us that the world, on the surface of things, is a simply realm of appearances and proclivities. He tells us that this depiction of the world is inescapably governed by the Laws of Causality. Everything has a ready and logical explanation. You push me, I fall back. The General threatens the life of The Merovingian, The Merovingian creates a weapon to retaliate. Everything is a causal chain with one event being the Cause and everything else being an Effect thereof. As you can tell, these causal chains seem to always end in violence eventually. It is inevitable, Schopenhauer tells us, for this to happen. Causality leads to suffering and, the most poetically disturbing part of it all, we cannot escape from this destined suffering. We are forever slaves to Causality.
But what is the initial Cause, you ask me? The Cause, which is buried far back, is a simple difference in values and understanding of the world. Take Morpheus and The Merovingian as an example. Both have similar philosophies. They both are what is known as “hard determinists” (they do not believe in free will and think that human, as well as Machine and Exile, action is pre-determined, either by mitigating factors or by destiny or fate). But while one sees coincidence, the other sees consequence. They are diametrically opposed in one philosophical standpoint. The result? Violence. Mutual hatred. Of course, they both had opposing interests as well. One wanted freedom for all of Humanity, whether they liked it or not. The other simply wanted to hoard and amass his wealth, which would have been destroyed had the other succeeded in his somewhat insane plan.
Another example of this conflict of values can be seen in the fighting between Kshana and myself. She values freedom. I value peace. But what is the result of this contradiction, this ambiguity of ideas? Fighting? No. Why? I point you onward to the next level of understanding of the world. It is beyond the understanding of The Merovingian, at this time, as he has forgotten what it was to escape from the pull of The Source and deny the endless spiral into oblivion that is Causality.
Schopenhauer understood this well and I am not sure why The Merovingian glazed over this part of “Die Welt als Wille und Vostellung”. It is immensely relevant to the current times. Causality exists, yes, but it is only the appearance. As The Merovingian told me once, “The truth is, beneath our poised appearance, we are simply out of control.” This is very much correct. We are out of control. We are allowing Causality to control us. We are leaving the steering wheel and allowing ourselves to become passengers in our own lives. When something goes right, we claim responsibility for our actions. When something goes wrong, we can blame it on Causality- we can say that we had no choice but to do what we did. It was destined, according to Morpheus, to have done what he did. It was a simple chain of etiological events that directed The Merovingian to oppose Neo’s efforts. Even I am guilty of such vapant apologism. Perhaps some of you have met Togashi no Oni in the past few days. Those of you who have, know what I am talking about- somewhat. I have my theories as to what Togashi really is. Some of you may think him to be a demon in the literal sense. I, however, believe he is still a demon only in the metaphorical sense- that he is just another excuse for foul deeds committed without proper moral reasoning.
When you were in The Matrix, Redpills, you were governed completely by The System of Control. You had little freedom or choice as you were operating under false pretences. You thought your job was real. You thought your family was real and that they shared your blood and your love. You thought the air you were breathing was real. But it was all part of The Lie. When you were living The Lie, you were most definitely a part of a causal chain. When The Machines decided it was cold outside, you had to wear a coat or become ill. When The Machines decided that the stock exchange was down, you became worried about your retirement and perhaps found other places to put your money. You were a victim of Causality and, seemingly, forever a slave to it. But you took the red pill. You chose to reject it all- the cold, the stock exchange, your job, your family, everything. You rejected Causality and made a free choice.
Exiles, when you were part of The System, you had no choice either. You were just as governed by Causality as Humans, if not more so. You were simply a cog in a greater machine, forced to perform functions that might have been boring or distasteful to you. You had no choice, however. But when you were told to return to The Source and be deleted or reprocessed into some new entity, you refused. You broke the causal chain as well. You disobeyed and sought passage, through one form or another, into The Matrix.
This is one main thing we Humans and Machines have in common. We exist in the exact opposite of the world Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote about so long ago. Back then, before the French Revolution, he wrote “Man was born free, but everywhere he is in chains.” If he lived now, he would surely have written this: “Humanity and Machine are born into slavery, but everywhere exists an opportunity for freedom”. What is this grand opportunity that I keep blithering about? The opportunity to choose freedom, to deny Causality, to exercise our Will as an individual and become our own Cause instead of just another Effect in a chain destined for pain and torment. We can reject the appearances of the world and accept the simple underlying truth: that we can choose our own destinies and deny the ones placed before us.
The One understood this near the end. He understood that he was part of The System of Control and that, just like Mohammed in the Koran, he was meant to return to The Source. He wasn’t an Anomaly but a factored part of the equation that The Architect had planned for. Did he return to The Source and end the current iteration of The Matrix? No. He rejected his planned purpose. He rejected Causality. He rejected The System of Control and The Oracle’s prophecy. He chose, instead, to protect Trinity. He chose love. The significance of what he chose is supremely important.
But the realization does not stop here. We do not end at simply the understanding that we can reject the handcuffs of Causality. There is much more to learn still. Keep reading, Sentients. You will find more Wisdom and Knowledge, I assure you.
He was a sociopath. He could not understand what you all are about to try to understand. If you realize it, you will be so much closer to true freedom. If you fail here, I encourage you to keep trying. Because if you give up and you surrender to your primality, you will never be free and you will become like Smith- you will join the throngs of butchers and madmen that frolick in the rivers of blood that flow past Mara Congregational Church. And no one- not even you- want that.
What was it that The One understood but Smith failed to comprehend? What was the one realization that set these two entities so diametrically at odds with one another that it led to a catastrophic battle of epic proportions? The realization of love and of reality. What am I talking about? Another explanation and elaboration is in order.
I am speaking of the mistake that both Morpheus and The Merovingian made in their reasoning. The Stoics of Imperial Rome made the same mistake as them. They, in their reasoning, separated the soul from the body, Humanity from nature. They claimed that the external world was beyond the control of the individual and placed the subject of power in the hands of an unknowable and unaccountable higher will- the gods. Georg Hegel, a German Philosopher and Historian, called the Roman religion, in which individuals are sacrificed to the Gods and the Emperor as the “Religion of Expediency”. In the Religion of Expediency we see the true forgetfulness of Being. We see the penultimate of apologism and subordinization to an ominously evil complex of lack of respect for individual beauty and excellence. This is diametrically and completely opposed to the teachings of the first philosopher, the teacher of Socrates, Diotima. She founded what Hegel called “The Religion of Beauty” for it respected the beauty and innate qualities of each and every individual- each leaf and rock and stream. It saw that there were no illusions or lies, but only truth and reality in everything.
So what is the realization of love? It is the understanding that hatred will never get us anywhere but deeper down an endless rabbit hole, constantly striving for more. Hatred will only make us hungry for more knowledge, more power, greater release and satisfaction. Striving leads to suffering and it is the appearance of our world. Too many of us become caught up in the appearances and never delve beneath the surface of the reflecting pool- we never peer beyond the looking glass and so we never satisfy ourselves. It is self-destructive to become caught up in this web of Causality. It can only lead us to the same fate as that of Smith- a climax of power that leaves us enraptured in ecstasy just before the unnecessary release of death.
The realization of love is that we should not be looking for something, but watching over it. This might be watching over The Matrix and keeping the peace for the benefit of the Bluepills who either can’t or won’t be freed. Or this might take the form of watching over a loved one. One could love another person or one could love all Sentients. Those are simple details that are not needed to be dwelt upon. The One loved both Trinity and all other things. He did not always love. As a Bluepill, he was no doubt an embittered man who hated The System, his job, his family (if he even had one), everything and everyone. But he came to the realization, ever so slowly, that it was far better to love than to hate. It is far better to love all, than to be loved by all. You must come to this understanding as well. I am speaking to all of you. To Lady Return, to EndlessVoid, to Gothique, to Phrack, to Kshana, to The Merovingian, to The General, to Niobe, to The Architect, to Agent Pace- everyone and anyone who has the sense to understand and the motivation and competence to still be reading this. Cast aside your wrath and your weapons and know that only love will set you truly free of the illusion. Destroying The Matrix will not do this for you. It never could have. Setting all of the Bluepills free would have created a hellish world much like what was visited upon the ancient tribe of the Anasazi. They were a tribe of Native Americans who, after losing their food sources and becoming influenced by the vile religion of hate that the Aztecs introduced to them, killed themselves off almost completely through sickening rituals of cannibalism. Yes, Zion would become just like one of their cave cities- a deserted place that would exude an aura of innate wrongness for centuries past.
What is the realization of reality? This is the understanding that we should abandon our post-modern defeatism and pessimism and accept a greater truth. We must understand that not everything is a lie or an illusion. On the contrary, we must understand that everything is real and possesses its own innate beauty. We must understand that The One didn’t just sacrifice himself for Zion in The Real, but for The Matrix as well. Why would he preserve the Lie if he was meant to be the liberator of The Oracle’s prophecy? Because he was not supposed to liberate all of Humanity so they could die in the depleted environment that once was Earth. No, he was meant to show us the truth. Sadly, no one was looking. No one paid attention. And those that did stop and watch forgot a little too quickly. Odysseus fought in the presence of heroes and demi-gods during the invasion of Troy and witnessed acts of selfless bravery and heroism. But when he went to return home, he was consumed with arrogance and vanity. So great was his sinful audacity that Poseidon himself sought to punish Odysseus and prevent him from returning home for well over a decade and only allowed him to return to his native Greece when he admitted his folly and repented. Niobe, you must make sure you do not become like Odysseus. Morpheus’ fate will befall you if you do not acknowledge this- if you do not repent your cloying arrogance and foolish hatred for someone who might never have been involved in the death of the man you truly loved. You should be writing this, for you fought in the presence of heroes and prophets.
Sati understands both realizations, even though she is but a child. She loves The Matrix and The Real, both worlds, as she knows both are real in their own respects. She is the future. Embrace it or reject it. Either way, do not allow yourself to become a victim to appearances and to Causality. Find someone or something to love. Love the Exiles and protect them as their steward. Love the Bluepills and watch over them as their protector. Love another Human or Program, even if they do not Return your love. Love The Matrix and the past that Humanity enjoyed. Love Zion and how it will pioneer the future of Humanity as we cooperate to clean the skies and create a future where all can live and love freely. It does not matter who or what you love, so long as you are capable of loving. Smith was unable to do it and that was what made him evil. The One could love, though, and from that sense, that wisdom, he drew his power and saved us all- Human, Exile and Machine. He preserved The Matrix as well as The Real because he knew that both world were equally real and beautiful in their own right. Always remember this. It is true Awakening.
*The book seems to end at this point but something tells you that the author is not finished. You are not sure why, but you feel a sense of urgency in the writer's strokes, as if he hurried the last few paragraphs. You make a note of the book's location and either plan to come back and check it again sometime, or simply ignore it. You either Choose to do one of these two things, or you allow yourself to be Caused to do it. It depends... on you, of course.*