(( I would like to take this opportunity to thank the community for its support and for artsefart's kind words and encouragement in continuing to produce the story of Austrian. To answer a commonly asked question of me, I chose to leave the details of Austrian's time in L'école de la Tour, also known as The Tower, out of the story because I felt it would sound much too Harry Potter-ish, if you know what I mean. Some details of his time in The Merovingian's operative school will be dealt with in flashbacks. Thanks again for the five stars and morale boosts everyone. As I have said before, criticism is the only way I can improve. If you feel that this seriously deserves a one-star, tell me why.))
Chapter 13
Austrian had enjoyed every moment he had spent on Re1gn's Hovercraft since his transfer to the ship. He had been reluctant to leave the Trilaterate of Dusk at first. It had been his home- the place where he had learned the truth about his former life and began anew from the ashes of his abandoned existence as a spoiled brat. But he had been only a guest there and the Guardians of Chaos were offering him an opportunity he felt was unavailable to him amongst the ranks of the Triluminarians and their faction. Where Triluminary was cryptic and mysterious, the Guardians of Chaos were completely open- like how a family should be. The environment onboard his new ship contrasted his experiences with the Lipp family as a Bluepill. Here he felt accepted, there he was a reject- a disappointment compared to his younger twin, Gerhard. He felt that he had finally found his place in the world.
His job as Reactor Expert and member of the two-strong Engineering team on the Hovercraft was perfect for him. Monitoring the power supply from the reactor core of the Hovercraft required a meticulous attention to detail and a perfectionist's patience with tweaking until the energy variances flowing from the source was at a minimum, ensuring that fluctuations and power surges were nigh unto impossible and thus protecting the lives of his crew mates from all manner of hazards and accidents. He and Darks1de, the ninja-like First Mate of his crew, made up the Engineering team and were responsible for repairs throughout the Hovercraft. He had learned, firsthand, how cobbled together the ship really was. It was disconcerting to know how dangerous these vehicles were and how amazing it was that they even worked. The technology and the methods employed to maintain that technology seemed more primitive that what was once used in the 21st-century but the effects were different. There were no flying crates like a Hovercraft in the year 2004 but telling from what the ship used by the Guardians of Chaos was made of, he didn't think it was possible for a Hovercraft to function properly in whatever year they were living in. It defied logic but he was glad that it worked nonetheless. Sitting quasi-comfortably inside the Hovercraft was definitely better than wandering the sewer pipes of the Real on foot.
Since his first mission in the Matrix, Austrian had conducted a few low-priority assignments alongside his crew. Darks1de, who had become particularly good friends with Austrian, had uploaded some of the Ninjutsu techniques that he knew to compliment Austrian's current martial arts repetoire. He didn't learn the entire art of Ninjutsu through Darks1de's programs as he felt that learning the strikes and kicks of the art would be redundant- those he had learned from Ba Gua and Tae Kwon-Do were, in his own opinion, superior to those found in Ninjutsu. What he did learn however, was a sub-division of Ninjutsu known as "Gyakuwaza", different forms of locks, holds and groundfighting. Now, when he found himself in close with an opponent or atop one, he would be able to act quickly and effectively. There would be no repetition of his defeat at the hands of Ookami and the Zionite woman.
Austrian had also become quite popular with the rest of his crew. They had learned through interaction over the weeks that he was not what they had heard. Apparently he had developed a reputation amongst those who worked for The Merovingian simply by being the first Human Redpill to study at The Tower. Rumour had it that he hated being around Humans and that he worshipped Exiles as gods. That wasn't quite an accurate depiction of him, he felt, and his crewmates came to agree with him.
He was just monitoring the levels of ion emissions from the reactor core, humming "Deutsches Krieglied" by Mozart to himself, when Nu11Effect burst into the room with an urgent expression on his face. Nu11, Austrian had learned, was an item with Digita1Spirit, a charming young woman aboard the Hovercraft. How could he call her a "young" woman, he did not know. Austrian was one of the youngest Redpills any of his crew had ever heard of at the age of 18.
"What do you need?" Austrian asked, his voice slightly edged with irritation at the disturbance to his work. He needed relative quiet and solitude to concentrate. If the guage was even a millimeter off, it could mean a power surge sometime in the future. Surely Nu11 knew that, even if his job was the crew Communications Officer and Operator.
"You just got a call from Flood." Nu11 replied, ignoring Austrian's impatience. "The Merovingian has requested an audience with you- only you. No one else is to accompany you. It sounds pretty important, if you ask me."
"It can wait for a few moments." Austrian answered, looking back down at the guage and trying to balance the levels of the ion emissions with the plasma intake to reach the optimum efficiency of the reactor. He took pride in his work here. It helped him take his mind off of things he never wanted to think about. Things like if Austria had ever existed, whether or not the Exiles lied to him when they said Silvia had been an illusion, whether or not he was truly free of the system of control when he was an indentured servant of The Merovingian, whether the Real was truly real or just another simulation, whether or not his former family was searching Mega City for him, what the point of life was. If alcohol existed in the Real, Austrian was certain that he would have taken up binge drinking. But, instead, he had the reactor core. And Nu11 was impinging on his addictive solace.
"Aust, it took me the longest time to build up enough trust with The Merovingian before I was ever even allowed to accompany Re1gn and the others to a party at Club Hel. You've been unplugged from the Matrix for barely a couple months, only one of those months were actually spent operating normally in and out of the Matrix, and The Merovingian already trusts you enough to ask for a personal one-on-one meeting at La Vrais. This is a big deal, man." Nu11 encouraged him. "Darks1de can calibrate the systems for one evening. Take a break and meet the boss."
Austrian nodded slowly in affirmation. "You're right. And I'll only be gone for a short while, anyways."
Nu11Effect lead him away from the reactor and into the jack-in room and prepared him for his first meeting with The Merovingian.
Chapter 15
Austrian stopped his slow but steady progress down the sidewalk at the sound of the disturbance in the alley a few feet ahead of him. He had been cautiously making his approach to the Church of the Disciples when he had heard the crash of metal on pavement around the corner of the ruined Manssen Park building he now pressed himself against in the unnatural night of the Matrix.
Steadying his breath and bracing himself for what could be the first fight of many on this night, Austrian ventured a peek around the corner and into the sheer velvet emptiness of the alley. He perceived an over-turned trash can straddling the width of the passage but nothing else conspicuous. He had honestly expected Invalesco to post a forward sentry concealed on the approach to the church he had chosen for the center of his vile and traitorous activities. He felt... disappointed with his vampiric prey.
But just as Austrian was about to dismiss his suspicion as merely paranoia brought on by the blackness, his sub-conscious registered a diminutive but potentially deadly object slicing through the air rapidly towards his crouched form. Austrian ducked back around the corner, narrowly dodging it. As Austrian glanced down, though, he realized that "it" was just a startled cat, it's colour indeterminate in the cursed night.
After shooing the stray cat away, Austrian hesitated before continuing on his way. The cat could have very well been black. Austrian was disdainful of superstition but tonight was by far, in his books, the worst night to tempt fate. Would he suffer bad luck if he crossed the alley? Would he die an excruciating death at the hands of Invalesco? Was this his fate?
Austrian cursed himself silently for his incompetent dithering and proceeded to cross the alley- and the path of the cat. This mission was important! The Merovingian himself had been clear: Invalesco could not be allowed to continue his festering existence. All other things were of secondary importance to Invalesco's permanent and express deletion. If Austrian failed to carry out his orders, the Matrix could very well be over-run with deranged cabals of blood-drinkers in a never-ending night of violence and excess. Invalesco's promise of immortality as an Exile was tempting, it was true, but somehow Austrian knew it was a scam in the truest sense of the term.
Now he was standing before a wooden door, withering in it's frame, at the entry to the vampire-infested church. Austrian calmly unslung his favoured weapon from his shoulder, the Steyr AUG, keeping his eyes trained on the door all the while. The Steyr AUG, an alledgedly Austrianallegedly-manufactured weapon that combined aspects of an assault rifle with those of a submachine gun in it's technologically advanced design, was equipped with specially-coded silver bullets supplied to him by The Merovingian himself specifically for this mission. At his hip, a collection of sharpened wooden stakes hung, ready for use, alongside a flashbang grenade.
Ready and re-assured, Austrian reached down to his hip with his left hand and retrieved the grenade as his right foot lashed out and kicked in the door. The weakened wood burst easily under the force of his kick and the grenade, prepared and primed for detonation, had already left his hand and flown through the gaping frame before the door's fragments had hit the carpeted floor of the church's interior. Immediately, Austrian swung himself around so that his back pressed against the outer brick wall of the Church of the Disciples, his gaze aimed away from the opening he had just made so as not to be blinded and deafened by his own flashbang.
He heard the detonation within and the groans of what could have either been some very angry blood-drinkers or some frightened and surprised Bluepills. Austrian muttered a soft prayer that it was the former- that this business would be over quickly and easily. Then he sucked in a deep breath through his mouth, savouring the simulated stench of smoke mixing with incense and stale dank air. Nodding to himself, knowing it was time, he brought his Steyr AUG up into high ready and swung back around the corner and into the church.
Tonight Invalesco would die!
Chapter 17
Flood had called Austrian to tell him that Invalesco had been found as he walked away from the Church of the Disciples, fuming at Christianity and God for reasons his conscious mind could not understand at the moment. The Exile Handler told him that while he had been exterminating the coven of Invalesco followers, several other, more experienced, operatives working for The Merovingian had found Invalesco's lair and pursued him. But, unfortunately, the beast had fled into some sort of Construct which no one could enter- save a young upstart Zionite named Neurophyte. All that was left was for The Merovingian to send Exiles to stand guard outside the entrance to the Construct and wait to see who exited it. Until that time, Austrian and his crew were to now pursue leads on Morpheus' location and plans. Not quite an opportune time for such an assignment, he thought, as very few Redpills wanted to enter the Matrix while Lupines and Blood-drinkers ran rampant through the streets in a search for something, anything, to kill. But if he could present evidence about Morpheus' plans and intentions to his employers soon, that would only make his re-union with Gerhard more likely. He didn't know why he was excited at the prospect of seeing his brother again, but he was.
So his search for Morpheus himself had led the Guardians of Chaos here, to the neighbourhood of Mara in the Slums. He tried to stay away from this place as much as possible, as it reminded himself of the scorn he had felt for the Redpills who frequented this part of Mega City. It made him feel like he was one of 'the enemy' he had loathed not so long ago. In his Bluepill life, he had taken pride in teaching his students, often business people and their families, how to defend themselves from the predations of gangs. Now he found himself among the very people those families had feared- one of the predators stalking the streets of the bad-side of town in search for prey.
"Whoa..." Re1gn, Austrian's Captain, remarked, looking around at the dozen or so other Redpills standing around the area of the Mara Congregational Church. "I guess news has gotten out."
"Indeed it has." Austrian muttered in response. He wasn't entirely sure how so many others could have known that Morpheus was going to make an appearance here today. He had managed to find and question an informant within Morpheus' small group of supporters. This informant had told Austrian that Zion was split from within on the issue of Morpheus- apparently the man had been causing trouble there as well as within the Matrix. He had not only earned The Merovingian's hatred by stealing The Keymaker, threatening The Merovingian's life and humiliating him in front of dozens of other Exiles at a party in Club Hel but had also annoyed Commander Lock, a high-ranking military leader within Zion, for trying to steal his wife, Niobe, and encouraging actions that would destroy The Truce and start a new war that could wipe out all free Humans. Morpheus, the informant told him, was on a fool's quest to retrieve Neo's body from the Machines by threatening to destroy the code of the Matrix and cause mass awakenings. Hardly the model hero he purported himself to be. This informant told Austrian that a strike had been planned at Mara which could awaken an entire congregation of church-goers as they left from a Sunday service. The Zionite felt that if Morpheus were to be hampered in his efforts on this day, he might be firghtened out of doing anything else rash in the future. Austrian could only hope that that would be the case- that he would not have to kill or cause the death of one of Humanity's icon figures.
"Spread out everyone. Have a look around and tell me if you see anything suspicious." Re1gn ordered, walking over to talk to another Merovingian Captain he had spotted in the tiny crowd. Austrian liked that about his Captain: his orders never actually came across as orders. They seemed more to the ears like a friendly suggestion. A request for clarification of an order was never met with spluttering and accusations of insubordination but simply a warm smile and a logical explaination. Austrian figured he couldn't have found a better crew to join or a better Captain to follow.
"Jawohl, Herr Kapitan." Austrian answered. That had been the nickname he had given to Re1gn: Herr Kapitan. Telling from the chuckle and mischievous grin the name was always answered with, Austrian deduced that Re1gn had taken a liking to the label.
Austrian wandered around the corner of an apartment complex that stood across from the neighbourhood church and loomed over a public payphone nearby. He saw a hunched form, clothed in a dark black trench coat and wearing a respectable purple suit underneath. It looked for all the world like the Redpill before him was tying his shoelaces. "Guten Morgen. Come for Morpheus' bounty, have you?" Austrian chimed, pleasantly.
The man looked over at Austrian through his dark sunglasses, grinned, and then rose to his full height. He was a very tall, muscular, confident African American specimen. "No. I've come to make a statement." the man said in a calm, almost soothing voice. This was a man at perfect peace with himself and what he stood for, Austrian could tell. He didn't need to see the fellow's eyes to know that, nor did he need to see the code bomb that sat ticking on the floor at his feet.
GwailouSaang had caught up with Austrian as he passed through the parking lot outside Club Hel and the conversation that they had shared relaxed Austrian. But only a little. GwailouSaang also seemed to have no problems with Morpheus' murder. But at least the man had the decency to acknowledge that Morpheus had done great things in his life and that it was best to remember him with some respect and not celebrate his death quite so... enthusiastically as those who remained in the Club. Apparently, GwailouSaang had been sent by The Merovingian to retrieve him for a personal audience in the loft over the dance floor of the Club.
"Why does he want to meet with me?" Austrian asked, confused.
"I don't know. He said that it was important to you but unimportant to him and that he would not be kept waiting much longer. So... I think that means you should hurry." GwailouSaang explained, chuckling at the end.
What was this about? Did The Merovingian have another job for him? Because if he did, Austrian didn't care. He was burned out. No more jobs! No more killing Zionites and then sitting in his little corner of the Hovercraft remembering their faces and the noises they had made when they died. He drew the line at this disgusting party. But it couldn't be a job. GwailouSaang had said that what The Merovingian had to say was important to Austrian but not to himself. Austrian hardly imagined that this was an indication that The Merovingian had taken up altruism. No, the Exile was as self-interested as they came. There was something else going on here.
"Thank you, GwailouSaang." Austrian finally said, quickly shaking his old friend's hand before jogging back toward the elevator down to Club Hel.
"Don't mention it. Take care, Austrian." GwailouSaang called after him.
Austrian took the stairs up to the balcony where The Merovingian and Persephone sat in bounds of three at a time. He didn't want to keep his employer waiting. Not if there was something that involved a reward for all his troubles. Who knows, maybe The Merovingian wanted to release him from the servitude he had been indentured in? Maybe there was a chance that The Merovingian could arrange for him to meet Silvia again. But that was impossible. She was a lie. His instructors at L'école de la Tour, The Merovingian's special school for his most elite operatives, had been quite adamant about that. The Machines had programmed him with a false life story. The only things that hadn't been a complete and total lie were the parts of his life that had unfolded in Mega City. And even those had been an illusion. But those events were at least somewhat more real that the complete fabricated memories that had been downloaded to his brain when he had believed himself to be living in Vienna and Graz or studying in Paris or romancing his fiancée on the shores of the Black Sea at the beaches of Varna. The sick irony of it all was that the only part of his life which had truly been real was his time as an assassin in the service of The Frenchman. He was still a slave to a system. The system was different but it was still controlled by a program that cared absolutely little for human emotions like love and belonging.
"Monsieur, you desired my presence." Austrian stated flatly, bowing his head in deference to the two Exiles who sat before him.
"I do not desire it, I demand it Austrian. Look up. I so dislike people who avoid eye contact. They seem so... untrustworthy. You're not untrustworthy, are you Austrian?" The Merovingian replied.
Untrustworthy? What the blazes was this? An inquisition? Had he somehow become confused with the real traitors who had left to join Invalesco's ill-fated insurrection? What a joke! "I am loyal to you, monsieur. You were the one who arranged my freedom and so it is to you I pledge my loyalty."
"Good. See, Persephone, I tame good pets." The Merovingian said to his wife, smirking.
"It would appear so, my love." she replied, a bored expression crossing her face as she looked down at the crowds of Exiles and Redpills below.
"I have asked you to come here so I can give you this." The Merovingian returned to business, holding out a small folded letter for Austrian to take.
Austrian stepped forward and accepted the "gift" with both hands- a show of respect and gratitude. Most cultures saw that accepting something given to you with only one hand was a sign of laziness or ingratitude. Austrian wasn't sure if he would be grateful when he read what the letter contained but he was sure what appearance he wanted to exude with his mannerisms and actions.
"Have a look. I'm sure you'll find the contents... interesting." The Merovingian ordered, smiling again as he relaxed back into his seat.
Austrian looked over the information, recognized the name and address written on the papaer immediately and looked up at his employer with wide eyes. "This is... my brother is a cop?" he spluttered.
"Yes. Very inciteful, Austrian. He is currently a Sergeant with Mega City Department of Police and is stationed at the Magog Precinct House. You will find him there. If you wish to awaken him, I recommend using a little guile. Do you think you can do that Austrian?" The Merovingian drawled in his French accent. Despite the fact that his employer was obviously taunting his intelligence and skill as a Redpill operative, Austrian had a restored amount of respect for The Frenchman. The Exile had repaid his loyalty by telling him how to reach his brother and reunite with him. Now all he had to do was find a way of reaching out to him in the middle of a building full of murderous programs and Bluepills inured to the system of control. Wunderbar...