No one person makes this faction...The Chambers are a joint effort, made in part by every member, not just one. Thank you.
Recognize Fen. Speaking of which, when you going to ante up on that thread foo? :robotmad:Oh and yeah, Mortal Kombat endorses CoS, so join us, we have four armed women :robotwink:
VitaminI wrote: Find what you're looking for with the Chambers of Shaolin.
Unless you are looking for haggas. They don't have any of those.
Tefnutt wrote: Unless you are looking for haggas. They don't have any of those.
aiolos wrote: I also believe someone has a crush. Little biased maybe? Perhaps. CoS for life :robotwink:
...nah, I'd be biased if I shamelessly plugged my own faction in this thread.
aiolos wrote: One more thing I wanted to add but couldn't in my above post:..I believe the lovely Masterkiller is in CoS. How can you go wrong with that splendid slice of man-meat? :robotwink: