This thread.
Also Teletubbies and Mainframe Goblins.
Overly dumb people.
People who don't use comma's in sentences.
People who take 5 minutes to describe everything. "I got up this morning, and felt quite thirsty so decided upon myself that a nice cup of tea would be a good idea. of course, when I got to the kitchen it appeared that I was out of milk, so off I went to tecso's where I ran into my old friend Gweneth in the middle of the dairy isle. It turns out she was only there to buy milk as well, would you believe it?" translation: "I met Gweneth when I bought some milk today"
People who have to speak out loud every single thing they are thinking.
People who seem to think they can't be heard unless they stand 5 inches away from you, and can't comprehend that the reason you are backing away is to avoid getting drenched in spit.
Putting on clothes after you've taken a shower and your hair is still wet.
I'm not a big fan of the letter j either.
Ebola wrote:
You know what really grinds my gears? People who smack gum during movies at the theater. I mean, the nerve! Here I am trying to watch Twilight and I have some 13 year old smacking her gum like theres no tomorow. I mean, I just want to reach into her mouth and shove that gum into her eye and then kick her out the door. -
People who don't EVER use their blinkers to indicate lane changing or turning... noobs. Oh, and slow old people.
or...people who use the blinker to change the lane or make the turn and omg never turn them off :/
What grinds my gears is the irony and hypocrism in this thread.
What grinds my gears is Chuck Norris. Who am I kiddin', I can't even feel them anymore, nobody does after a roundhousekick to the face.
- The "higher than you" attitude of some people.
- Excessive negativity.
- "My country is better than yours"
- "My Religion is truth" (or the "only one")
- Extremists
- Racism
- Ballak
- A gear-grinder.
- This.
People who sign their posts, when there's a space dedicated for "signatures" in your post, just below it.
GoDGiVeR wrote:
What grinds my gears is Chuck Norris. Who am I kiddin', I can't even feel them anymore, nobody does after a roundhousekick to the face. - The "higher than you" attitude of some people.- Excessive negativity.- "My country is better than yours"- "My Religion is truth" (or the "only one")- Extremists- Racism
And internet wannabe tough guys. lol. U know the type that try to act like they are going to really do some thing to ya. Lots of smack talk. Over Emo type, Trying to be kewl in front of there online friends or possible "gf"
gf bro all me
Stupid people
And Wendy's. Why do they have to have their buns round... but their Patties square? MADNESS
That's actually pretty awesome.
another thing that grinds my gears are these new type of commercials that use real people and kinda play them as the dumb customers to think that there geting something and its totally diffrient for example the " Windows Mojavae comercials" pizzahut pasta Hardees comercials its basicly saying oh we think people are dumb and wont notice the diffrence.
People that make things plural when they are not. And mispronouncing words.
It's like nails on a chalkboard.
Here I am trying to watch Twilight and I have some 13 year old smacking her gum like theres no tomorow.
I think I may have found the source of your problem.
People that claim that they really are nice people, they just enjoy annoying others and making other people miserable. Excuse me? But isn't that basically the definition of a bad person? Someone who takes pleasure from others misery.
People that think that they, and they alone, have a higher understanding of the whole universe and life in general and that their theory to everything is undeniable fact and won't listen to a word you say if it doesn't line up with that belief.
People that think they are expert Psychologists and understand the whole human race better than anyone else, then act on this assumption to try and tell you who you are and how you feel about various subjects.
People who think Ad Hominem is a valid form of debating.
In general, people who have no understanding of logic or how to apply it to an argument.
People who don't know the meaning of the word Irony and use it incorrectly all the time, same goes for the words Pristine and Nonplussed.