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BluePill Stories : Hacker Patchs
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Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Messages: 3223
Location: United Kingdom

Ok im really pants but here I go

It was a beautiful morning when i jacked into the megacity this morning, the sky was red and the birds were whistleing in the trees outside of my apartment window.
It was a perfect morning to go and hunt for those precious Hacker Patch's, im not sure what's so important about them but this guy named racoon offered me 100'000$! for each one. Well how could I turn him down? if i manage too
get 5 of those thats my apartments mortgage paid off.
When I accepted raccon's offer he gave me some nice clothes, a black jacket, some red trousses, this superb gloves with a pink label inside saying doctors gloves, (dont look very hygenic for a doctor) and some nice shades.

At the time I wasn't sure what could be so special about these clothes, however one thing I do know is that
whenever i put them on im able to punch through doors easily, and when I accidently stap my self with a knife the cut heals quick.
I was going to call the police but hey with this clothes im invincible. That makes me wonder whats outside South Vauxton Apartments in the park thats so deadly, but surely with these clothes i can stand against anything right?

On accepting the offer he also gave me a letter,

Dear Bluepill,
Thankyou for accepting this offer
I was having no luck beating nagol so i had to
see if someone who isnt in the state i am would
be succesful.
Near-by in the park with Nagol ar a small gang
called runners, they oppose no threat however
they may decide to carry these hacker patch's
so eliminate them too.

- racoon

I think he mistaken my name when i told him as well im not called "Bluepill", anyway that dont matter, but I am
worried about 'Eliminate', i mean i just wanna beat them up i dont wanna kill them, maybe i can just beat them up
and then loot them.

After three train journeys and a 2hour walk i finally walked out of the subway onto South Vauxton, first impressions? very nice, better then my place back in ueno, anyway I took out my map and followed it untill i reached the park.
I entered the park only to hear this bloke shouting out.
"Guy's, you know what we do with strangers who decide to stroll into our park!"
"yes Nagol" they shouted
So now i know Nagol is the guy with that huuggee shotgun. However I now had to worry about fending off the 5 people
who came charging towards me.

I pulled out my Uzi and attempted to shoot one of them in the leg, however he jumped up and hanged onto a branch on
a near-by tree.
I fired another bullet, this one went straight in the guys leg, but it didnt affect him, as instead he ran of back
to nagol.
Next i decide to put my 8years of karate training and teaching to the test, i confronted one of the guys and used by tripple sidekick on him, this instantly knocked him out. (this clothes must be great).
next thing i knew the other 2 had grabed hold of me and headed towards the river, I thought this was it as I couldn't swim, so when they threw me in i took a huge breath, however instead of landing in the water, i bounced back, just like if there was a invisible barrier.
They both stood there amazed, looked at each other then ran into a near-by building.

I was shocked, i tried getting in the water my self but something kept bouncing me back. But im wasn't getting paid anything unless i get these patch's, with that in mind i ran back to the park to see one guy still hanging onto the tree branch, and the other spinning round on the spot.
I tried shooting both of these guy's but the bullets wont affect them..
So i tried Nagol, i ran straight upto him and threw a punch, only to have him say.
"Hah, you think you really can defeat me?"
"Im not sure but ill try", i replied
with that i threw another punch towards his head onlt for him to grab that and throw me to the floor again.
i decided to try my gun, but the bullet literally bounced of him, I'm starting to think my bullets are made of rubber
or something as they keep bouncing of these people.

In the background i heard this guy shout,
"hey, you look like you need somehelp, take this"
he handed me a purple pill, i wasn't sure if it would kill me or not, but he seemed like a nice guy.
I swallowed it in one, all of a sudden everything around me was going in slo-motion, yeah you know like in the movies
and then i felt a sensation feeling in my fists and feet. I wasn't sure what had just happened but it felt good.
So good in fact i felt stronger and faster then usual, so i confronted Nagol again.
I threw my first punch and hit him in the face, then kicked him in the stomach, and follwed it by a side-thrust kick, only for
him to turn round and say,
"ha, thats enough from you know"
and he ran into the centre of the park.

I followed him and tried everything i could but he seemed to be in a stance of some sort, kept shooting and attempting to
attack him for hours but with no luck.
I was about to give up to go home, but i remembered raccon saying the gang may have the patch's, so i persued after the gang,
after 7hours of pulverising the gang to a pulb i only found a few bullets and some more purple pills, oh and some
info (about 10'000).

To Be Continued

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