I have a small request... Please, please, please, please, for the love of God (or whatever higher power you may or may not believe in), make these shirts decompilable! We're running out of precious inventory space as it is. - Void
wow interesting, 2 years gone so fast
Need.. more... email viewing space.
Or multiple attachments - whatever comes first. lol.
But yeah, nice LG, i always smile a little when i see the scroll bar get small
buuuut just to repeat myself, at the risk of being annoying, there are some serious issues to be looked abotu before the next 'real' trial.
To extend the uriah trail, update the I npcs, get some level activated info filled messages boxes, update the in-game manual, get the website 'guide' actually online...
I can see that the shirts are a special item and noly for the event so it would make sense not to have them decompilable, however there is the issue of inventory space. Paged email would fix this and other issues with the current email system btw.
I always wondered about the NPC path finding, I wonder Walrus, would this fix for the DT lag also fix the NPC's from leaving the mission areas and going to the 0 0 0 coords? And now that I know about the /feedback system (not sure if mxo has some of those features listed in the petition news) I will be leaving some feedback about the game that I wanted in game for awhile, including boxers for mave.
No mention of the MKT issues that are still abundant in the spy tree however, maybe the patch notes will have something in them about that?
Heres to another year for MxO, see you on the other side of the um.. LCD screen.
I'm not sure if anyone else has figured this out or not but in regards to the ability breaking, you can fix the ability by performing another ability that's like it. If your move requires a state, then perform another state-required move. For example:
If Machine Gun Kick breaks, do a Ki-Charged Punch. If Punt breaks, do a Spin-Throw. Whatever you do, it will fix the broken ability.
I know the troops in th gov't building would follow lowbies up the elevator but couldn't enter the mission area. It was a pain the the you-know-what finding them and killing them.Can't wait to see the other 8 shirts. Of course now we are going to ask you for more inventory space and available e-mail inbox space. Amazing how 50 isn't enough.
I know the troops in th gov't building would follow lowbies up the elevator but couldn't enter the mission area. It was a pain the the you-know-what finding them and killing them.
Can't wait to see the other 8 shirts. Of course now we are going to ask you for more inventory space and available e-mail inbox space. Amazing how 50 isn't enough.
Hasn't worked for me.. I've been doing spin throws all day because Punt works 0% of the time :\
Ten shirts?! If the email system is going to continue to be considered an optimal substitute for the growing lack of inventory space, then please, as so many others have requested, let us view more than 50 emails at a time. Looking forward to the anniversary event! EDIT: Oh, and CTRL+F still isn't working for many of us. Even after removing any and all key bindings that use the F key. Any ETA on a fix for this?
Lots of stuff, so little invent.
Mabey.... we could have a physical item storage, like the code archive, but could only hold say... 50 items, like shoes pants and Shades, that way, we wouldn't have to fill our e-mail spaces with older event rewards, only accessible from a Hardline? No? Just a thought. Or add 2 new pages to the inventory...?
To change the subject, on the 25th of March, I will be celebrating my 1 year anniversary on MxO, yes, I just got used to CR1 then woosh, gone and I was being swamped by Sleepwalkers! Still, I survived and I am still here.
'Perpetual' Free Trials aswell, I am going to be sending a lot of e-mails to my old friends from school and College.
The DT lag's days are numbered aswell, could MxO's future look any more brighter than it does right now?
All we needed was a little patience and positivity, SOE will soon see that The Matrix Online has some life in it yet!