cloudwolf wrote:
Archangel wrote: this what you were hinting at with all those Seraph event posts and the one where the Oracle said, "I knew he'd try again."
That was referring to The General using the Morpheus Sim while in hiding, since Seraph ran to find one of the broadcast signals.
The wording was meant to trick us into thinking she was referring to Morpheus trying to get Neo's remains again (while the mystery surrounding the signal was still very much in effect) when in reality she meant The General trying to rekindle war again.
That's what it ended up being, yes. But was that what was ORIGINALLY intended? Things change.
And Phrack, I distinctly remember you getting something to do with a fly-virus. As a matter of fact you somehow bested NightTrace for it during that event (or maybe that was Dezreki), but I know a second one was sent out to someone from the Bag Lady with instructions to give it to you. Later you told us it was a fly-virus something and a message about Exile troubles.