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Why do you think Vector has less LET interaction?
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Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 3027

p.s. do you think the dev team have full acces to their let accounts
and setup from their home? that would be a great solution for both them
and us. if they have any spare time and just feel like playin MxO they
can log in as a LET member and show up everywhere!

I was wondering that, and I had to ask myself whether it would be a good or a bad thing.

I get fed up of playing MxO after a short time because there is nothing
to do. That plus whiplash-related neck problems mean sitting at my home
PC for more than an hour at a time gets really painful and if the game
is no good I'm not gonna put myself through that (I need a new chair)

However that all gets questioned if I had a LET toolbox at my disposal ...

But for the devs et al ... they work on this game day in, day out. They
hear all the crap that gets flung at them by discontented users. I'm
pretty sure that after a week working, they'd just rather go home and
spend some downtime with their families.

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2122
Location: Viral Humanity

During the final days of Beta, when the LET was first introduced, I was
so excited for the potential of this game.  I met with Morpheus the day
before he died, and from then on, I had been meeting wth various
members of LET.  I saved a shaper, and met the Oracle and Seraph,
alone.  I had private meetings with Merovingian.  I had a meeting with
Flood that was crashed, and I defended him as my faction moved him to a
different location. 

How many of you know what its like to be help in esteem with LET, and
then find out that everything you worked on is lost.  Pointless.  Didnt
matter any longer. 

To me, when the LET was said to no longer be in existence, the game
took a turn for the worst.  Certain people take time out of their days
to ruin things, that other people try to accomplish to make this server
better.  For the LET to decide not to come onto this server is
completely biased, and is not how they should work.  PBlade is right
though, theres only been 1 sighting so far with the new LET, and we
were also forwarned that there would be less interaction.  However, for
the fact that there has been 1 sighting for that server, and we have
had many parties, and events, and tournaments, doesnt make it right for
the LET to ignore us. 

I feel that LET interaction either needs to be unbiased, and equal across all servers, or non - existant. 

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 3027

I was contacted by Morpheus and asked to arrange a meeting with him in early live. I was so stoked.

We had another meeting after that when I wasn't online.

I'm aware it was all scripted, but we felt special. Then we never heard
anything else. No acknowledgement by Morpheus, and then he was ...
temporarily despatched.

We're a large Zionist faction. We've been in the game for a year now,
we're generally a good bunch of people and we have genuine reasons for
supporting Zion and Morpheus' cause. Hell Baku was even a mod on the
beta boards.

I know that I'm fairly outspoken and intolerant of stupidity, but for
the most part we - as a faction - try and make the best of the game.

There was a time when we would've got recognition for that SMILEY

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2122
Location: Viral Humanity

Very true LostProphet.

There are a number of factions in this game that deserve credit for
what they have done, what they are doing, and what they will do. 
Too many of the people that keep this game alive are taken for granted
and then those same people are gone suddenly.  We at Viral
Vendetta came back the complete opposite as to what people remember
actually.  We are RP driven now, and are comprised of some pretty
prominent players.  As Trucidos said, FA, CoZ, LET, TBM, VV, and
some others im forgetting deserve recognition for what theyve
done.  But it seems, that because we are on a hostlie server, we
dont actually get it.

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 3027

I've often regretted the decision to move to a Hostile server.

Come live, nobody knew what Hostile meant. I - from the description we
were given - assumed all servers would be the same (optional PvP) until
the truce "broke down" in Monolith's words. One day they just switched
it on for no reason and mad killing broke out. Then they added CQ that
do nothing.

I was the only faction leader (at the time it was just me and Baku)
online at the time and I made the call for CoZ to go Hostile. The
faction still support my decision, and we may have lost several good
players had we NOT gone Hostile, but looking at the depth of events and
interaction that go on on the other servers I can't help feeling a pang
of regret at the decision I made.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 11602
Location: New Zion

I agree with LP

I joined Vector/Enumerator under the misconception we would have a choice to fight or not to fight, as it was so phrased by Monoliths description.

If for one moment  I knew I would have ended up in the situation we are in now then I woulfd have told the faction to stuff Enumerator and made the move to Method.

But no, we're stuck here. And although I have thought tha that things have looked up for Vectorites over the past week, it's still nothing fantastic.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2137

Yeah well me and visc restarted here willingly he already  had a lvl 28 on recursion when we restarted .

Call me crazy but i guess vectors my home ive gotten to used to an open pvp enviresment to be able to cope with leaving.

After the revamp hopefully Sony will realize the issue and implement safe zones such as clubs for events and also higher the pvp immunity from 16 to somthing realistic like 40 .

At this point 16 imo is just a joke when the majority of the player base is lvl 50 anymore

Jacked Out

Joined: Oct 11, 2005
Messages: 204

From what I have read in these posts, I can make a few suggestions, wheather they will be read by the people who have the ability to change things is another matter.

I'm a level 48, and have been playing this game for just over a month and a half, and to my recolection I have had 2 meetings with the LET, both to do with the death of the destroyer event, once with The Oracle and Seraph, and one with Agent Pace.

During both events, fighting broke out, and area chat was spammed,

In both meetings a "barrier" was setup around the characters so that the players couldnt get within say 5 meters of the storyline characters. There must be sme kind of dev tool that would create a "no pvp zone" within say 100meters of the characters, or just within the club or park in which they meet, the same can be said for area chat, why not just limit eveyone to 1 or 2 entry's a minute whilst still alowing character to character messages and faction messages.


Just an idea, also i would like to know Walrus' opinion on the topics discussed within this thread.

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