Ltldogg wrote:
Hello All,
I played through Beta and after release for about 6 months. I just re-subbed and will be starting a new character. I am looking for advice on several things:
- What is a good build for both solo'ing and grouping?
I think a lot of the classes fit into that kinda range, i mean even the strongly solo classes like the MAs and Gunmen work in a group environment. Same with the generall supportive hacker really.
- What server should I play on?
Up to you but Vector is a PvP server where you're perma-flagged after level 16.
- What's the best way to find a faction to join? I will be a Zionist supporter, live in the EST time zone and play about 1 hour a night after 10pm during the week and maybe 5 -10 hours on the weekend.
Your server recruitment boards here on DN1.
- What else do I need to know after not playing MxO for years?
See below ^_^
Thanks in advance,
Things that've been added...
All these should be relevant as of update 58.
"A neighbourhood mob restructure saw the gangs of richland and westview laid out for a better natural level/city progression, they were also given more personality with emotes, moods, and general trickery."
"CR2 (combat revision 2) brought about much more clearly defined and fleshed out leveled loot tables (as well as refined collector, hideout and construct items) meaning theres useful stuff to be looking out for and hunting down every step of the way to 50. Instead of stopping dead at those level 20 red derin pants
" width="15" height="15" /> Definately adds to the leveling process if you let yaself get into it too, especially if you like mixing clothes with specific loadouts for the best combos."
"The clothing tables were made a lot more diverse in terms of buffs in relation to looks too. The general emphesis was taken off needing so many buffs and more onto your characters attribute points and loadout. Basically, the style vs strength problem was largely fixed with CR2."
"CR2 also balanced, streamlined, simplified and generally improved every sector of combat. Removed hughely flawed systems like zero-sum and multi-lock."
"Stability and lag are much improved. Live events no longer crash servers everytime they're held. And theres the destruction of the dreaded Downtown Lag which plagued the game since launch."
"Unnumerable bug fixes. Big ones that jump to mind is stuff like the evade bug, sound looping and NPCs leaving mission areas."
"A much improved 'newbie experience' that introduces players to a lot of the game's new and old content in a coherent linear way along with a ton of cool, and in some cases, completely unique starting gear."
"Many little features added/fixed. (off the top of my head examples include /AFK and Description Change)"
"In-Game Email system. (allows you to send/recieve messages to/from other players at any time. Items (now up to 12 per mail!) can also be attached to a mail, so you don't have to wait for or meet with anybody to hand over info or an item. Doubles as extended storage by self-mail too) "
"Pandora Box Quest Lines. ( Content for level 30-50 with involving story and a range of awesome rewards. Requires some strong replay value for the best of em, too.)"
"Missions Archive. With several obtainable rewards including chapter specific special FX for your character and org specific clothing (these also span the game's entire storyline critical mission history, so thats... ~360 hand made, narrative driven missions with even more xp to be had than standard grinding.)"
"White Hallways/Org specific Meeting Constructs. Now with org specific level 70 combat sims modeled after major storyline characters such as Morpheus, The Assassin and The Twins. This provides the game with an interesting and challenging end-game combat goal. Even comes with the added reward of some special gravity defying martial arts moves in the form of new combat consumables. You will however need 100 reputation points and 100 million $i to get your infinate use key so this is a definate group/faction investment encouraging pooled resources."
"Prop Vendors added over 100 RP prop items"
"The Zero One End-Game Quest has higher level players teaming up to take down a large number of robot modelled mobs plus a level 60 boss in a PvP enabled environment for the awesome level 50 Area K Trenchcoat."
"All the game's old weapon and numerous clothing textures have been spruced up with new specular highlight mapping."
"A much more refined (be it to your tastes or not) story telling system with more emphesis on smaller yet nigh constant episodic releases (the old 15 critical mission packs have been spread over a three per week scheme and live events happen daily and although they're on a smaller scale they do have a much greater level of direct and personal interaction with both players and the more coherent whole that is the storyline.)"
"Stat Hack. Now player regret really is a thing of the past with your leveled gained attribute points now redeemable after running a mission brought from the archivists which will test your patience"
"LESIG 2.0 and the reactivation of the World Events Button - allowing you to keep up to date with your servers organisational liasions (3 per org), meaning better RP encouragment, a more immersive story experience and better notification/involvement with live events."
"RSI Pills can now be looted from the game's exile hideouts (dungeons) allowing players to change any physical aspect of their character which was available at creation (apart from gender change of course)"
"The Wasteland Corruptor Quest introduced in Update 52 pushes the MxO quest content to new boundries. Providing content and rewards for levels 30-50 the quest is strongly group based and includes level scaled red con enemies (3 on 1 at that), level 100 bosses and the need for both tactics and mad farming. This is hardcore."
"A new item type called Luggables have been introduced. These items are persistant in the world and can be dropped into the game space itself. They can not be uploaded or kept on your character on log-out. They might not sound like much but actually achieve quite a bit, finally bringing some meaning to pvp as they flag you for player versus player combat on pick-up. Generally speaking they provide buffs that will be sought after by deterministic fighters, only adding to the contest. Not only that but Luggables were the first step to help breath new life into the long neglected Data Miner class, who are the only ones capable of tracking this new items across the city.
"The revival of Data Miner - the class has been given new content which now takes it's use all the way from 1-50. Not to mention finally making data mining worthwhile
" width="15" height="15" /> Tied in closely with the programming tree the level 50 aspects of the revival introduces a new range of higher level rewards, luggables and clothing"
"Update 55 sees a whole set of new end-game clothing (all item slots) aimed at spies/gunmen. This new encounter leads players through the iconic White Hallways and requires both a level of investigation and teamwork if you're up to the challenge of collecting it all."
"Theres been a major update to the game's bullet time system, including new bullet time sequences on all finishing and special moves that really capture each animation's 'sweet spot'. As a result, bullet time activates far more often than before. A long time request from players."
"A brand new construct area has been added which is not level restricted and features not only free for all PvP but a phat boost to any data mining done inside"