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The Kings of Never
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Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 822
Location: Border Outpost, Spain

Faction name: The Kings of Never Return

Leader: Rage

Second in command: Annedroid

Diplomat: Symmetric

Public relations: Miggesch 

Organization: Zion 

Time ago, two zion´s captain and an operator stole a ship and went to the deepest places of the real world, searching for secure connections. In the Matrix, the two captains looked for only one thing: feeling life in all the ways they would achieve. Searching adventures and the thrill of being pursued by Agents, risking his lifes countless times.
Zion pursued them, the machines pursued them, but they only want one thing: freedom from the restraints of both worlds, the real worlds "rules" of right and wrong, and the matrix "limitations" of individuality. Eventually, the machines founded them...and they founded his freedom in death.

But they leave us a message: complacency breeds frustation...and frustration breeds anger. One of these captains was special for me, she gave me the redpill, she freeded me from the prison, but not to be trapped in another one.
Now we are following his message and the name of the group is made in his honor. Don get a wrong idea:freedom and debauchery is not the same. We fight for the cause of Zion, but we are not slaves. It´s good to remember from time to time that you´re alive, even if you´re in a digital playground like the Matrix.

If you value freedom and the thrill of adventure, we will welcome you in our little group. Remember: we are not machines, we are humans...

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4676
Location: All up in your constructs.

Thanks for rescuing this, Ryu. SMILEY

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 822
Location: Border Outpost, Spain

The sands of time never forget anybody, and now The Kings of never has undergone some changes in their leadership.

Leader: Annedroid

Seconds in Charge: Burdened, Articfusem, Miggesch


Diplomat: Symmetric


And, by the way.../bump

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4676
Location: All up in your constructs.

I felt this deserved a bump, as our recruitment process has changed. SMILEY

If you'd like to join The Kings of Never, please feel free to post a thread in our Recruitment forum at!

Strength and Honor in the name of Zion,

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 21, 2005
Messages: 23

+++++++++begin transmission+++++++++++++



Yes, I have been called back to duty in the Matrix. Yes, I have taken the mantle of leadership again. There is duty and there is devotion, and I am devoted to my family the Kings of Never. I have to admit I couldn't have returned at a better time though. After a long chase, the Assassin has finally been destroyed and Morpheus has been avenged. I was left with many thoughts afterwards, a sense of accomplishment and a bit of melancholy. I cannot think of the Assassin without remembering the journey that took us all to this point. Though I think Symmetric said it best:


We attempted to reconstruct Neo's RSI.
We tried to protect Morpheus from the Assassin, bringing together factions from every organization to put a wall between the Assassin and Morpheus.

We stopped Ookami, Malphas, and Invalesco.
We chased the Assassin. Over and over and over again.
We protected Lexee from the LED Agents.
We saved Neurophyte.
We caught Vashuo's murderer and brought her to justice.
We personally took down Enmascarado and Gemaskeerd.
We fought for Niobe's cause, and put up with Anome.
And we came together to avenge Morpheus and put an end to the Assassin.


Reports state the final copy of the Assassin died at the hands of Niobe and another unnamed Operative, so there is a sense of fait accompli in that demise. Yet I recall the letters from the Assassin, where it longed for an existence as an otter, gliding through the waters it loved to recycle and clean the most. We spoke of enlightened Exiles, and their evolution to sentience. The Assass was a being that was enlightened; I hope its soul found peace as it let slip its digital coil.


I didn't hate him, I hated what he did.

We were granted audience with Niobe afterwards, and she said something that I honestly agree with:


And your efforts were seen, and noted. Never have I been more proud of our operatives.  Morpheus... he would be proud.


I have to agree with her. The Kings came together, utilizing their skills to ensure victory over the Destroyer was had that day. They didn't fight the Assassin for glory. They didn't fight the Assassin hoping to gain a bauble of recognition. They fought because they loved Morpheus and what he stood for. They fought because they believe in themselves and their abilities. They fought as a team, and they stood together as brothers and sisters in arms; a family.


I am proud of my Kings.


Rumors abound that the One has returned. It's time to jack in and follow up the leads we have. If it is true, then I believe our time to save the Matrix may come again soon; the return of the One heralds the return of the Many.


I am finishing up duties here on the Mad Slave and will be jacking in soon. Tell Lelan I hope to be in Zion when you are docked one day. I want that autograph! (What can I say, I'm a fanboy when it comes to his action movies.) I hope you are doing well and that Captain Sawayaka keeps you busy. Give her my regards and know that the Kings stand ready to serve Zion when we are needed. You know how to contact me.


In service of Zion,



The Kings of Never



P.S. I still search for Morpheus.


+++++++++++++++++end transmission++++++++++++++



Message Edited by R4G3 on 10-05-2005 10:24 PM
Message edited by R4G3 on 10/05/2005 21:24:06.

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 18


Jacked Out

Joined: Oct 23, 2005
Messages: 2

Um... yeah. I used to be a King... but for some reason I'm not anymore. *CENSORED*?

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 8893
Location: The Indutiae Faction: Fallen Horizon Organisation: Zion Server: Recursion Operative Level: 50

Firstly Kyane use

<img src=",Vin-spc-Diesel.png">

 in your signature, and any queiries about something like direct best directed to the kon forums....

KoN, i can say everyone i know from there is great  SMILEY

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 160

Oh yeah, me too! I love the KoN :smileymad:

Veteran Hacker

Joined: Aug 21, 2005
Messages: 42

KoNs have a secret receipe for punch and pie. It nearly took me away from my cake

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4676
Location: All up in your constructs.

//incoming transmission from HvCFT Adonis
//transmission begin...

Commander Lock, Tyndall, Niobe, and the rest of Zion Command,

It is with deep sorrow to inform you that our leader, Rage, has decided to step down as faction leader in order to attend to his priorities in the Real. As you know, he has lead us for nearly a year, and as a group, we have seen and experienced many victories, as well as tasted defeat. We savored the wins, and learned from our losses.

Some of our numbers have decided to resign from their position as an active Zion operative, and some have chosen to fulfill their destinies elsewhere. But the core of the Kings are still here, more experienced and determined than ever. They have seen it all - from recovering Neo's RSI fragments to witnessing Morpheus' death, from chasing the Assassin for months, and finally bringing him to his knees as the final blow was dealt.

They are the veterans of Zion's army, and they know where their alliances and friendships stand.

The departure of Rage leaves many of us with an empty spot in our hearts, but we have prevailed through much worse, and we will become stronger as a result.

I am both pleased and honored to inform you that the Kings have chosen me as their new commanding officer. I am humbled by the decision my family has made, and they know that moving forward, we will form even closer bonds and make an already strong group of soldiers even stronger.

The Kings have shown an interest in forming a system in which no person in the faction can make an ultimate, binding decision, and as such, we have appointed Articfusem and Vincent14 as fellow commanding officers. All decisions will be decided upon as a group, by all of the Kings.

The Kings have served Zion and the Matrix well, and they will continue to do so, even when death stares them in the face. They are a fearless, honorable group, and I couldn't ask for a better group of soldiers than them.

Strength and Honor in the name of Zion,
- Symmetric, The Kings of Never

//end transmission

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 290

:smileywink: bump

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4676
Location: All up in your constructs.

The Kings of Never are very proud to announce the launch of our new website, located at!

We've completely redesigned our site, and have also opened up some forums for our friends and guests to post in. We're also going to be adding more details about the history of our faction, and will be publishing profiles of all of our crewmembers over the coming weeks.

We hope this information helps you get to know us a bit better, and consider the possibility of joining the ranks. SMILEY


Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 18, 2005
Messages: 3393
Location: [SERVER]Recursion [FACTION]Kings of Never [REAL]Systems Administrator

That was un called for OpenSorce... I've met your son's RSI, nice kid. I even helped him find the SnowMen Vendors. The Kings have always been terrific towards me, even when I wasn't one.


I can't speak for Symmetric or Miggsy, but from what I've seen they wouldn't get angry without a pretty good reason.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 920
Location: Stuttgart, Germany

Me? Oh nooo - everybody knows I run around with a bad mood all day long. SMILEY

Isn't that why we play games? To STAY in a bad mood? He he....
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