Have you seen it?
What did you think?
Firstly, I saw it last night and was very happy with how it came out. The only thing that upset me was the ending, just because it was not like the graphic novel. However, I have known this ever since Snyder declared it in multiple interviews. This being said, I had low expectations for the ending... and to be honest, my expectations were met, possibly even a little (like 10000th decimal place) exceeded. Much was changed, but I won't talk much about that. Again, HOWEVER, the movie still rocked. While the action sequences are nothing like in the book, they are completely awesome. Since the characters are such a driving force to the movie and book, I will give my opinion on a few of the main characters.
Nite Owl (II) - Patrick Wilson, did very well. Like, very, very well. In what I have seen, he seemed to develope a very close relationship with the graphic novel while filming. Everyone involved has said this, but he seems to mention it more often.
Rorschach - Jackie Earle Haley also did well. Holy ****. Wow. Really. Rorschach is overrated, but the movie made me feel the way I felt about Rorschach the first time I read it through - and that is a good thing. First opening Watchmen, he was there to greet me and bring me straight into the Watchmen universe. Was most definitely my favorite character (at first, when I read the book) and seeing him actually come to life in the movie was enough to redeem him a bit. He may make the movie for you.
Silk Spectre (II) - Malin Akerman is ok. I will not mention anything here so you are compelled to go see it?
Ozymandias - My favorite character, and inevitably the worst portrayed (
), is played by Matthew Goode. Such an awesome character, and the best superhero ever, the script is really what tears him apart. I understand why it had to be done, but it's hard to get myself to associate Watchmen with Old Yeller. Still, he looks very badass in some parts and still reigns as my favorite character.
Dr. Manhattan - Billy Crudup does great, but much of it is CGI. While the voice is not what I expected, he does a great job. I will not say much here for the same reason as Silk, but the "blue peniz" is not just a one shot occurence - I was blessed to be in a theatre where even the immature ones behind me did not laugh at the reoccuring "BP."
The Comedian - Jeffrey Dean Morgan was a strange choice for me at first, but over time I gained some confidence for him. He does very well as The Comedian, but he wasn't as harsh as he could have been. From what I saw in the interviews, it was a challenge for Morgan to do some of the amoral things Comedian does in this film.
Bubastis - NOT RED!
I will end abruptly with the most vital words I can give you: See it. If you have read it, see it. If you haven't read it, see it even more.