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 11/12/2006 07:59:52
Ascendent Logic
Joined: Sep 4, 2005
Messages: 702
Location: Input-Hostile
We all know that Ma's are the strongest agaist hackers easy and hands down... lets get some suggestions going about how you actually defeat even the ut most strongest Ma's Suggestions open... i just dont have enough time to type any lmao....
 11/12/2006 10:16:45
Jacked Out
Joined: Nov 3, 2005
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Location: Ireland
stay out of interlock :p but to be honest if you have your atribs set up right you should be able to take em, just be wary of the penalty to accuracy that hackers recieve in interlock on top of the 1 damage attack penalty not to mention the poor accuracy overall from any combination of passive buffs or the buffs that make no sence (melee damage bonus for hackers) .
 11/12/2006 21:58:51
Systemic Anomaly
Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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Location: Syntax:Recurs HvCft Rocinante-Captain Level 50 Hacker
Agreed. IL is death for a hacker. The basic strategy is to root/hack/stun/hack, rinse and repeat.
 11/13/2006 05:24:26
Jacked Out
Joined: Nov 3, 2005
Messages: 1556
Location: Ireland
would anybody agree with me that some of the penalties are a bit too harsh. i mean we take a hit in interlock as it is with the 1 dps attacks but then to hit us with an accuracy debuff too, thats streching it a little. if they are giving the accuracy debuff as part of a support class label (which i highly disagree with) then why havent they done it to riflemen or smg specialists , who are also ranged fighters who recieve no IL accuracy penalty ?
 11/13/2006 06:02:46
Jacked Out
Joined: Aug 28, 2006
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The last thing they wanted to achive with cr2.0 is that hackers are overpowered again... But I do think that the penaltys are a bit to harsh... Look at it this way: Out of IL: MA<Hacker, Hacker>MA In IL: MA>Hacker, Hacker< MA So the only way for both MA and Hacker to defeat each other, is using the combat area they have the best chances in. So for Hacker out of Interlock and for the Martial Arts IN Interlock. It's a thing of determaning the weakness of the other. And with evade shield + gaussian blur, you have plenty of time for the Root-Hack-Stun-Hack procedure.
 11/13/2006 06:11:21
Jacked Out
Joined: Jan 12, 2006
Messages: 87
Shi+Xin+Feng wrote: Agreed. IL is death for a hacker. The basic strategy is to root/hack/stun/hack, rinse and repeat.
No and ... erm ... no. I play a IL hacker and I think I'm really good with that. With the right use of abilities hackers can be extreme powerfull in IL and against MAs I think it's easier to hack them in IL as out of IL. MAs need the IL to kill you, so they go for your shield first and use grab tactics (gives them a nice defense boost). With this high VD it's hard to hack them even with upgrade attacks running. But the problem is, if you fight any decent MAs you have to hack them a lil bit out of IL. Against classes with high defense -> uprade attacks and VD dowgrades are your friend. Against any class -> IS downgrades help alot. Against other ranged classes -> downgrade accuracy or powerless. Against any class -> viral resi downgrades are sweet  Against any class -> keep them away from you. There are plenty abs to slow, root, pacify or stun your target. Of course there are some "secrets", but if you use the trees for a while, u'll find them out by your own 
 11/13/2006 07:50:20
Ascendent Logic
Joined: Sep 4, 2005
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Location: Input-Hostile
I was waiting for not only time to post his but... the comments people would come out with and i knew for a fact that someone would say "hacker is useless in IL"... one word - **bullcrud**.. I can own anything in intellock except heal loads, people that spam knives and expoliters lol And obviously the the really good ma's... Honestly tho since alot of people nowerdays arnt kitted much agaist hacker i think we have a wee bit of an advantage... But a hell of alot of disadvantage when it comes to accuracy. Now maybe you wanna try this if u havent already... (Ravager/ballista) Since logic cannon isnt worth the wait the intruption or the waste of Upgrade attacks and overclock and the crap defense of Power fist you might wanna first off cast The Destroy rolve (if this hits you'll be basicly won well i normally do with a good 231 MDR) and then Vector proberly best off the other way round just couldnt be botherd to retype, Anyways by this time (if you've hit both or neither) you'll be cast into intellock (if u can cast a sneaky code infection 4.0 before this will help you even more) Once in intellock speed fist ofcoarse and Upgrade Attack is launched... then get the Dots going... for example (Code infection 4,3 and infect area 2.0) if u can hit these 3 even if there viral resistance is at 190 (which i've tried already) half health is gone... better than a logic cannon yes? once these dots are cast you can proberly hit a few logic blasts or whatever in to knock the health down even more... If there not dead by this time (and your I.s ispretty fooked) then what i'd do is... Mobius code then fly in amber and finish them off with code infection 4 and a logic blast which will hopefully hit... works most of the time but its not full proof. This is one of my main loads you'll see me use the percentage of the time as im not a big fan of full Dot loads because i dont think they requir much skill anyways theres a few basics for ya's that wanted to know - KD
 11/13/2006 10:13:25
Systemic Anomaly
Joined: Aug 27, 2005
Messages: 1995
Location: Syntax:Recurs HvCft Rocinante-Captain Level 50 Hacker
OK, I'll admit that I suck at PvP (there, happy? ) So maybe you guys can 'educate' me on what I'm doing wrong? Belief and Reason at 30 (with a couple of points in Perception and Vitality), every clothing item is level 50 with outstanding bonuses and att's, and I run my def buffs constantly. Outside of IL, I can hold my own. Well, against non-sploiters anyway. (one guy deflected 12 attacks in a row the other night. 12!!) But, the minute I get into IL, two specials from my opponent and I'm done. And nothing I throw in IL hits. Period. I got a better chance of landing self-defense melee, than a hack. Suggestions? Comments?
 11/13/2006 15:44:40
Jacked Out
Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Location: Hampton Green
I find hacker accuracy to be so poor OUTSIDE of interlock I dont even bother. If they are buffed its even worse as MOST of my attacks are deflected EVEN with max hacker stats and as much VA clothing that is available it s a total waste of my IS. Truth be told in IMAO VA clothing is totally useless anyway, its a joke. Interlock personally is the ONLY way to go for me and most of the time I find my opponent trying to roll out on me. MA is definitely the worst to fight as a hacker. I find I do much better against MA's if I take my own shield down. Yep thats right I pull it down manually because by the time they break it I was better off saving the IS and useing it in interlock. A good MA with good VR poses a huge problem for me but its kinda a game of chance. Dont think about interlocking a MA without max resistance on although I find that the health regen from the area k is just barely better than the max res so its worth the loss there. If they dont successfully state me then I have a fighting chance so its kinda left to luck. I can take MAs down but like I say I definitely do better with my shield down to conserve IS and after that alot is left to luck on their part to state me and alot is dependent on their VR which most players dont bother with so truthfully it really depends on the skills of that particular MA. But truth be told I dont think a hacker with ANY lo can take a GOOD MA out in IL that knows their stuff and has good VR. I have taken plenty of MA's down in IL but there are alot of good MA's that I know I cannot. I have tested this thoroughly with the exception of the last 6 weeks so unless there have been accuracy adjustments patched in this time Im assuming its still the same. I was never one for avoiding IL or rolling out that stuff really bores me.
Message edited by IgnitionX on 11/13/2006 15:54:01.
 11/17/2006 07:59:57
Ascendent Logic
Joined: Sep 4, 2005
Messages: 702
Location: Input-Hostile
ANY lo can take a GOOD MA out in IL that knows their stuff and has good VR - That is very true i mean how many Ma's are kitted with there full VR and VD nowerdays anyways? which im not complaining about i think its great but hense why i nearly have another 50 hehe if anything does dromaticly happen hehe
 11/17/2006 08:04:39
Systemic Anomaly
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For any loadout to beat MA is simply, avoid IL. Hackers have many abilites to slow/root, use them. Its exactly how a MKT or Gunman would also defeat them, though most gunman can beat MA in IL with the right loadout.
 11/18/2006 08:57:09
Ascendent Logic
Joined: Sep 4, 2005
Messages: 702
Location: Input-Hostile
Well a gunner should be able to since the system on base proves that Gunman has the advantage over An Ma. And your not really correct either about any load can beat and MA outside of intellock. We just dont have the accuracy to do so. If you fight a really good MA with great defense bonus's as it is you will only get a few a attacks in before they drag u in intellock and the chances of you hitting them slow/root/stun abilitys are slim but like i said before i've seen good Ma's that i cant beat. and Ma's that i can, and it tends to be the good Ma's agaist me lose agaist the ma's that dont win agaist me which is because they obviously kitted out with VD, VR and all the rest of it and as its as class that defeats hacker on base like Ma loses agaist gunner its alot harder for us to win overall. Ok dinner cya - KD
 12/25/2006 20:03:12
Systemic Anomaly
Joined: Feb 12, 2006
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There is a sneaky little trick you can use to Circumvent the 1 DPS of hacker style. I have been teaching a faction mate to be a hacker since he was a lvl 8, he's now lvl 24 and takes on fully buffed sims and opponents 2 levels higher than him in duels and asks for more. Desperation is a great help. I also find that loading Consistent Technique helps a lot, when they state you turn it on and it can go from an "I win" button for the MA to a "Come from behind win" for the hacker. I got dazed by an MA faction mate in a duel, turned on consistent tech and survived the WDD/MGK attack, then used desperation and hit him with 6 hacks in a row in IL and then died. The DOT's finished him and I got a CQ
 01/06/2007 05:26:09
Jacked Out
Joined: Nov 3, 2005
Messages: 1556
Location: Ireland
well i hae noticed that i last quite a bit longer in interlock when i switch to self defence when my IS runs out, at least then i am acctually able to do some damage with melee attacks.. :/
 01/09/2007 00:13:36
Ascendent Logic
Joined: Mar 16, 2006
Messages: 4809
Since I'm so used to interlocking ppl, I am currently developing an efficient Hacker IL load. It is... promising, but I'd need more money to acutally lvl up my abs to get to fight really :-/ IL has it's positives for hackers, you just need to find which. -_- Meh... either way... I just can't hit anyone out of Interlock, but I hit very well IL ...