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Changing Hyperjump
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Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 9, 2006
Messages: 411
Location: Australia

I know this is a hot topic and has been debated many times but this is my idea. Why not disable hyperjump during combat. This would allow people to use hyperjump to access building tops and to move freely in missions but stop the problem of people rolling out and jumping seconds from dieing. I know there is alot of people on both camps so i dont know how such a change would work but i thought i would throw out the idea.

Personally I dont see the need for it in pvp. The way i see it, if you willing to attack someone you have to be prepared to die and give up your cq if you lose. Otherwise there is no point in pvping at all really. I roll out and run in pvp but i see that as something totally different. Running doesnt deny someone cq or a kill because its extremely easy to chase and reinterlock before they can get their shield back up. Its more of a team pvp tactic of drawing one or more reds away from the main body of pvp for the  "easy cq" while your friends have a chance to win the main battle. I die most times i run so denying cq is not the reason i do it.

Anyway i know this topic has been talked alot about in the past. Just bringing it back up in a new thread cause we aint supposed to necro old ones. I dunno if my specific idea has been mentioned before, ive read thru alot of discussions on this topic but not all.

Message edited by Zenom on 01/13/2009 04:44:34.


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I don't mind someone hyperjumping away.  It's one less to worry about amidst a sea of reds.  I'll just get them later.


Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

A serial HJ'er can really annoy, especially to MA's who only have a low level hinder ability if they have a pistol on them. However, as Garu says, an enemy that HJ's away from the fight is failing any team he may be on, by the time he or she gets back from rebuffing/healing etc... then the rest of the team may have already fallen.

If you're on a team and you come up against someone you know will roll and HJ, see if you can get a team member to root them. One of the most satisfying things in PvP, at least for me, is when a serial HJ'er is about to jump for their 'life' and they get rooted or hindered.

I had previously suggested a HJ debuff, which can be explainable IC, which basically reduces HJ by a percentage when in the combat stance but some people had suggested that it would be detrimental to newer players when jumping to avoid gangs and perhaps even Zionites when jumping to get rid of the lvl 100 Agents that spawn.

Message edited by Croesis on 01/13/2009 09:52:17.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Feb 12, 2006
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Location: Western Australia

A few problems. Lowbies making their way through Westview will die far more often and probably ragequit the game. Zionists who get shot by lvl 100 agents will basically have to HL away to get them off their back, again causing an increase in rage resulting from this completely ret@rded "content". I can think of many times when I have pressed ctrl + space to make a datamine spawn I didn't want to deal with disappear.

Too many ways this change will affect PvE negatively when it is only made for the benefit of a few PvPers. And even then there will be PvPers annoyed by this change (Not just serial HJers oppose this change).


Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 9, 2006
Messages: 411
Location: Australia

Good to see some decent replies rather then flaming. All your points are valid. I see how this could be a problem for people escaping npcs. Making it disable when ur flagged would fix that but would raise more issues such as making the ability useless on vector. Doesnt seem to be a clear way around this.

Again thanks for the constructive replies.

MC Photographer

Joined: May 26, 2006
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MxO needs more snares.

What Pylat said pretty much.

Message edited by Gerik on 01/13/2009 06:22:41.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Sep 4, 2005
Messages: 349
Location: Illinois, buckingham

I dont mind the people who try to roll out of IL and jump away to save themselves.  I mean, thats just common sense to me.  However, it is annoying to see the people who like to go into sneak and hit you with a quick punt before hyperjumping away and then coming back to try it again.  Quite frustrating when one minute you are standing there perfectly fine, the next moment, you get punted, half your health is gone, and suddenly 2 or 3 other members from other orgs have decided to flag as well.

Perceptive Mind

Joined: Sep 29, 2006
Messages: 680

Or maybe just a tool, what can disable Hyper-Jump.


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 4571
Location: The Real

As primarily an MKT, I have a few options at my disposal for those so inclined to spread their wings.

  • Neuro-dart
  • Sever Artery
  • Crippling Throw
  • Deadly Throw
  • Paralyzing Throw

However, I can certainly empathize with Martial Artists since all they really have is Hindering Shot.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Sep 4, 2005
Messages: 349
Location: Illinois, buckingham

The thing is, this isnt a "problem" that the devs would want to spend time to "fix".  The only 2 ways i could see them making hyperjump disabled would be to have it disabled if you are:

1.  flagged for pvp.  This wont happen though becuase vector itself would be disabled from using HJ.  Also, any constructs you enter would mean hj is disabled.

2.  "effects of combat"  This wont happen either.  How many times have you walked out of a hardline only to have a lvl 100 agent shoot you? Or how many times have you datamined and been hit by a spawn?  Both events put you in a "effect of combat" state, and yet both events need you to hyperjump away to avoid it.

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

Tygrius wrote:

2.  "effects of combat"  This wont happen either.  How many times have you walked out of a hardline only to have a lvl 100 agent shoot you? Or how many times have you datamined and been hit by a spawn?  Both events put you in a "effect of combat" state, and yet both events need you to hyperjump away to avoid it.

Like I said before, a percentage debuff would go some way as a compromise between the two but I very much doubt that the Dev's see the rolling and HJing as an issue to be fixed. Seeing as it's only MA that really get's the short end of the stick, perhaps the state of enraged could be attributed to another move in the MA's arsenal, one that doesn't cost 70 IS. Yes it means actually getting the jumper into IL but then... that's the challenge.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Jan 26, 2006
Messages: 1012

Garu wrote:

However, I can certainly empathize with Martial Artists since all they really have is Hindering Shot.

Hindering shot is worthless  Hits about a quarter of the time, prob would go up if we were wearing ball acc gear (think i'v been hitting more with ninja gloves and wireframes.)

Rolling doesn't bother me that much, we all do it. More makes me laugh when people do it, especially when they stand on the roof directly next to you lol but yeah bunny hopping between 2 buildings can get annoying. After a couple of mins i just get bored and go for someone else.

I think it would be a stupid idea to weaken hj, we all use it, and would bugger us up when its 8 v 2 and you're trying to split and pull.

So for MA's, change Ki Burst etc to make a root, oh and more bloody damage


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Location: The Real

Vinia wrote:

...would go some way as a compromise between the two but I very much doubt that the Dev's see the rolling and HJing as an issue to be fixed...

That's correct, imo.  Reallistically there is no problem.  It's not an exploit or a design flaw.  It's just a debate between two groups, "OMG PEEVEEPEE IS SERIUS BIZNISS!!" and "OMG PVP DEATH = DEATH IRL!!"

I point no fingers!!  



Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 10, 2005
Messages: 2461
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Garu wrote:

Vinia wrote:

...would go some way as a compromise between the two but I very much doubt that the Dev's see the rolling and HJing as an issue to be fixed...

That's correct, imo.  Reallistically there is no problem.  It's not an exploit or a design flaw.  It's just a debate between two groups, "OMG PEEVEEPEE IS SERIUS BIZNISS!!" and "OMG PVP DEATH = DEATH IRL!!"

I point no fingers!!  



Zion's dont HJ....


*sneaks out*


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Tygrius wrote:

1.  flagged for pvp.  This wont happen though becuase vector itself would be disabled from using HJ.  Also, any constructs you enter would mean hj is disabled.

On top of that, we'd be relegated to the ground in all of the Archives too, even Sati's Playground (Still flagged in a way, since you can't group with other orgs).

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