I would like to express my sincerest thanks to all the players who logged into the Test World and participated in the CR 2.0 testing we were doing. With the /bugs everyone filed we covered a lot of ground. I would also like to thank everyone that took the time to send me in-game emails and forum PMs about issues they had discovered.
The efforts of the community are very apparent to us working on MxO which only goes to prove our players take pride in what they accomplish.
So while we like to see messages congratulating us on the CR 2.0 release, I think we should also give a big round of applause to the MxO community that came out and did their part to work out all of the kinks in the new system.
i plan on staying there a lot of my play time when nothing is going on in live. lets just either not do a character wipe or give out more free money. woooo
and thanks to everyone i saw there and everyone on when i wasnt
It was great to be able to help with that!
I return the Thank You to you and the rest of the Team, you guys have done a great Job on CR2 and also made being on QA worthwhile for everyone who was on there, so Thank You!
Heres to the future of MxO
krytical wrote:I have to admit that I was amazed by the constant interaction of the devs in the EP server.Good job.
Sykin wrote:It goes without saying, but I say it anyways:MxO Community and Developers,