CR1 knives had a normal range of 16m. Riflemen abilities were at 20m.
And no, 4m isn't going to win you this debate. So lets not exaggerate with "from much further", and other such phrases.
Doom wrote:
Just how are they killing people again?
Are you now trying to contend the effectiveness of MKT in CR1? Interesting.
You gave me a list of 2 offensive abilities, when I can simply contend with the fact that if Riflemen didn't hit Deadly Shot, Crippling Shot, and/or Sniper Shot, then just how were they killing?
On your side, there's a rather lengthy list of Out-of-Interlock moves to be used (Deadly Throw 300dmg, Crippling Throw 300dmg, Wounding Throw, Subduing throw 225dmg + stun, etc), and on my side... well, that's about it for the 'high' damage moves. Oh, and you may have forgotten to mention Punt and Bulldog - CR1 favourites. Just thought I'd mention them, too. Oh, and Neurodart - which was far more effective (and abused) than any root/movement debuff that a rifleman could dish out.
Anything you can do, I can do better...
Doom wrote:
no need to get close to a target, which in my eyes is the defining feature to a 'ranged attack class'.
Unfortunately for you, I do consider 16m to be a ranged attack.
Doom wrote:
MKTs were also useless in interlock, they had no abilities at all. And a rifleman while only having one ability worth noting, if loaded with 400 VD mind you, being rifle butt-smash a rifleman still had very contendable CT rolls.
Unless you're planning on pitting TRB/Rifle Butt Smash against Punt/Bulldog/etc, MKT still takes this round. While I never said that either side dominates IL, MKT clearly surpassed Rifleman by virtue of their incredibly high-damaging stealth IL attacks, and their many escape abilities.
Doom wrote:
an unknown anomaly? to me yes it is, when i snipe people i actually have an intention to kill them, not tickle them. what is the point of sniper shot without line up the shot? higher chance to miss, less dmg, and you're wasting all that time getting into sneak and sniping someone for a low damage hit of 600?
You may be a lone wolf. I'm not. My build is very team-oritentated: it can heal, and it can rez - for that, I sacrifice the higher-damaging rifleman abilities, and Line up the Shot.
If I'm fighting alone, I'll load up Pure Riflemen, and rack up the kills. Dragoons can attest to that one as of late.