So many here that would betray their humanity... sad really.
We are not betraying our humanity. Far from it; we're helping keep the 99% of humanity safe from threats to the system that keeps them alive.
So many people think the truce should have granted complete and absolute freedom to humanity. But it didn't work like that, and now they're angry. These people want to wipe away the lessons of history...they want us to forget or ignore why the Matrix was constructed in the first place. They want us to focus on how downtrodden and oppressed we are, but they won't acknowledge that our current situation is a direct result of *human* actions. Our species first denied another intelligent species of its rights, and then tried to commit genocide on that species...and in the attempt, destroyed the sky and the ecosystem of most of the planet. Is it any wonder they're wary of what we might do, if we were granted that complete and absolute freedom? Especially when there are redpills that are already disturbing the system and its bluepill inhabitants, with their code bombs and their code pulse devices?
You're not going to get a modern, western-style democracy immediately after signing the Magna Carta. But the Magna Carta was the first step towards it.
phi wrote:
Look what I've find in my old screenshots :
Same place, bombs, Morpheus...
Look what I've find in my old screenshots : Same place, bombs, Morpheus...
maybe he was really the lvl 60 character in the middle that we couldnt see who it was...
(What time did this event happen, for People in GMT please?)
As far as I can see their is one logical reason to what that apparition was. These bombs that have been created by EPN were created to draw out data within in the Matrix. Perhaps as many of you say it was a scene from the past. In that case Popper wanted his precious EPN followers to realize that when they do their code bombing it isnt so bad because Morpheus did it as well. On the other hand perhaps he did find a way to get Morpheus back, wether he was dead, alive, or imprisoned.
I have one question though. Was anyone able to get the details on this apparition that appeared that people believe is Morpheus?
These people want to wipe away the lessons of history...they want us to forget or ignore why the Matrix was constructed in the first place. They want us to focus on how downtrodden and oppressed we are, but they won't acknowledge that our current situation is a direct result of *human* actions.
I'm not denying this. I don't condone what was done in the past.
Men have destroyed machines, machines have done everything to us that we have done to them and ourselves... But holding someone against the sins of their forebears is not a path I can follow.
We SHOULD work together... not for the machines, against our will.
Stupid conceited commerce driven humanity is to blame for starting the war. I'm hoping that a humanity driven by cooperation and a will to survive could end it. Machines are only the enemy as long as we fight each other.
The current "truce" is a joke. Compared to the war it is relatively peaceful, but we are still completely at the mercy of the machines. I don't see anybody working to clear the sky. How the hell have the machines not figured that one out? They can build flyers, surely something can be done. Fusion generators, microwave collection satelites... so many options, so many collaborative projects. Instead you'd rather just help keep people in pods... that's what I call selling out humanity.
It has nothing to do with worshiping Morpheus. He is just a man. One whom I believe was able to see the biggest picture and break it down into managble chunks. Most revolutionary figures in history have only had their greatness recognised in hindsight. Get off your band-wagon, EPN, ZION, CYPHERITE, MACHINE or MEROVINGIAN and do something positive instead of spouting your "Morpheus is great/thedevil" propoganda.
Shouki, lose the sarcasm and open your eyes to the bigger picture.
Illyria, I'm wary of people too. But there are machines and programs that behave in exactly the same power-driven maniacal circles. The vast majority want to the right thing or are being misled by the corrupt in power, these figureheads need to be lopped off and man and machine need to worktogether if we are to truly lear from our pasts.
"May man and machine be forgiven for their sins."
Since there seems to be a correlation between the code bombs, Morpheus and the Code Pulses, I suggest we start looking into the location of the last code bomb Morpheus is confirmed to have planted: The Southard Treatment Plant
Since there seems to be a correlation between the code bombs, Morpheus and the Code Pulses, I suggest we start looking into the location of the last code bomb Morpheus is confirmed to have planted: The Rumbarr Water Treatment Plant
((actully the area isnt ingame and isnt located in any district, while southhard is the closest place that looks like it the actual area isn't in the areas we are able to vist.))
should report the to /resource
btw Gami, your sig makes sense